
A helpless sigh spread.

At the same time, an ice mirror appeared above Yu Gong's head.

The ice mirror is not simply vertical or horizontal, but tilted at a small angle.

The sloping direction faces the woods where Mercator is hiding.


The ice mirror stopped the lightning, made it fold out horizontally, and ran into the woods.


There was a loud noise in the woods, followed by a raging fire.

"You're not a god-killer, are you?"

Step, step, step.

Under the shadow of the dense forest, a figure could be vaguely seen.

The figure strode out of the shadows, exposed in front of people.

It was a strong man with a height of over two meters and a well-proportioned and sturdy body.

Messy hair, wild appearance.

The muscles that bulge high are extremely oppressive.

Although the clothes on his body were tattered, it couldn't hide his kingly demeanor.

The Phoenician **** of the sky, the god-king Mercator.

"It's unbelievable that humans can block my attack so easily."

"Hide away, and be careful of being accidentally injured."

It's a pity not to be a oriole, but it doesn't matter.

It's just a little more effort, it's not worth keeping in mind.


Erica, Liliana, and Seiqiuyuan Ena turned around without hesitation and ran into the distance.

They know that they are too weak to help.

Staying here not only won't do anything, but it will also cause trouble for Yu Gong.

Mercato let the three of Liliana leave without stopping them.

His attention was all on Yu Gong.

Ordinary people can't get into his eyes.

Boom boom boom.

The thunder became more intense and louder.

In the clouds, the electric light is looming.

Shen Ning, the oppressive atmosphere descended in silence, covering the position of Yu Palace and Mercator.


A flash of lightning struck.

"Such an attack is useless to me 〃〃."

Yu Gong stood on the spot, motionless.

It was still a smooth ice mirror that blocked the thunder and lightning for Yugiya.


Lightning reflected, and the target of the attack was changed to Mercator.

"If you were born in ancient times, you must be a hero praised by countless compliments."

Artifacts - Chaser and Banisher, appear in Mercator's hands.

The Chaser and the Outcast were cut off by the golden sword of Urus Ragnar in the previous battle.

If it is an ordinary weapon, it can no longer be used.

However, pursuers and exiles are artifacts.

Immortality is the basic attribute of a divine tool. Even if it is damaged, it can be repaired with divine power.

Mercator swung his stick and smashed the lightning that came galloping.

"A compliment? A hero? What a seductive dream."

Seeing that Mercator took out his weapon, Yu Gong, not to be outdone, summoned Xuanyuan Sword.

The next second, Hagiya and Mercator disappeared at the same time.

When they reappeared, the two were already close at hand.

Mercator's weapon was crafted with painstaking effort by the **** of craftsmen, Kusava Hashes.

Echoing the divinity of his **** of storms, this pair of clubs also possess the attributes of wind and thunder.

The pursuer is the wind, and the exile is the thunder.

Mercator danced the divine weapon with great power and attacked Yumiya from the left and right sides.

Yu Gong quickly drew out his sword, holding on to the exile who was half a minute faster.

Then, he kept moving, leading the exile to draw a mysterious trajectory.

When the attack with the exiles formed a time difference, the pursuers arrived, and the exiles just stopped in front of it.


The collision of two sticks sparks Mars.

The exile who carries the power of thunder has the speed of lightning, while the pursuer has the agility of the wind.

Both have their pros and cons.

In terms of strength, the exile is undoubtedly stronger than the pursuer.

Under the impact of the powerful force, Mercator's pursuers almost escaped.


Mercato stomped on the ground heavily, and took advantage of his strength to fly back and distance himself from Yumiya.

"What an exquisite swordsmanship."

Rao was Mercator, and he had to praise Yumiya's swordsmanship.

The move just now looks simple, but swordsmanship cannot reach a certain level, it is impossible.

"It's an indisputable fact that the God of Disobedience is very strong in martial arts."

"However, it's not that there are people who can beat you in this world."

In the Shenzhou martial arts system, there is no shortage of skills to use strength and force to move thousands of pounds.

Chiyuan is well versed in the principles of yin and yang, and is an expert in this way.

".~The pursuer, the exile..."

Mercator chanted his words, throwing out pursuers and exiles at the same time.

The gods are arrogant and wise.

It was obvious that a close-quarters battle with Yumiya would not be worth it, so Mercato decisively changed his strategy.

In mid-air, pursuers and exiles rose against the storm.

In just one second, the stick changed from a size and size suitable for Mercator to a giant object with a length of more than ten meters.

The gigantic pursuers and exiles flew to the top of Yu Palace and slammed them down.

"Without the weapon, what will you do?"

The ground in front of Yugiya cracked.

From the deep crack, an ice snake with a "physique" larger than the pursuer and the exile sprang out.

The giant ice snake dashed straight up, ramming the pursuers and the exiles (Hao Hao Zhao).


The ice snake knocked out two sticks, making Yugong safe and sound.

Instead, its head was smashed to pieces.

Taking advantage of the opportunity created by the ice snake, Hagiya rushed straight to Mercator.

"Ha ha."

Facing the rapidly approaching Hagiya, Mercato not only was not nervous, but instead showed a smile.

His smile is like a hunter seeing his prey stepping into a trap he carefully prepared, unable to struggle and escape, and can only be slaughtered by others.

"Ha ha."

Hagiya also smiled, his smile was exactly the same as that of Mercator.


Both of them are secretly calculating.

However, this does not affect the progress of the battle.

It didn't take a moment for Hagiya to run to the plane in front of Mercator.

The blade of the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand was aimed at his chest. .

Chapter 276

In midair.

The pursuers and exiles who were previously hit by the ice snake spun a few times, and then turned back.

At the same time, silver-white light illuminates the sky.

Facing Hagiya's surprise attack, Mercator did not sit still.

He recalled his divine artifact, and manipulated the thundercloud to emit lightning, launching a double attack on Yu Gong.

If Yumiya insists on going his own way, then there will be no good results.

Yumiya may be able to hurt Mercator, but his fate must be worse than Mercator.

"You think I can't see through your little calculations?"

Under normal circumstances, it is the best policy to retreat temporarily, give up this attack, and look for another opportunity.

However, Yu Gong surprisingly chose the most "stupid" way.

Not only did he not give up, but his offensive became more and more severe.


A thick ice wall suddenly stood up, blocking the only way for pursuers and exiles.

To be precise, it was not an ice wall, but a giant ice snake.

This giant ice snake was the one whose head was smashed to pieces by the pursuers and exiles.

Because of its huge size, it gives people a thick feeling of the wall.

At this moment, a new head had grown from the location where the ice snake broke, returning to its original hideous and fierce appearance.

A smooth ice mirror appeared on top of Yu Gong's head.

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