"Lord Yumiya?"

Odysseus lowered his head and looked down at Yu Palace not far away.

There were only three people present, and it was self-evident who Circe was referring to.

"It's him, Lord Odysseus."

If he had the ability, Circe would not hesitate to deprive Odysseus of his sanity.

Let him become a puppet who only knows how to fight and kill.

What she needs is not the wisdom and eloquence of Odysseus, but his force and valor.

Unfortunately, Circe still consumed all of his divine power in order to summon Odysseus, and he did not have the energy to restrain him.

She could only count on Odysseus to be obedient and act on her own terms.

"It's a word."

Odysseus bows and shoots arrows.

The huge iron bow was raised, and the arrow pointed to the sky.


The tremolo of the bowstring is resonant.

The iron arrow sank into the clouds in the sky, causing a surging rain of arrows.

Blue and white light arrows covered the sky, and there were only tens of thousands of them.

Almost the entire island was shrouded in a rain of arrows.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong did not take Jian Yu in his eyes at all.

This kind of large-scale, low-power trick is the least likely to threaten him.


The ice elements converged on Yugong's head, forming a cross star that was about three meters long and three meters wide.

The doji expanded tenfold in an instant and turned into a large shield with a sense of security.


The dense arrows of light landed on the cross star shield, causing a series of crisp sounds.

After being violently attacked, the cross star shield didn't even shake.

On the contrary, all the light arrows collapsed and dissipated into energy.

Yu Gong didn't need to move, and easily defused Odysseus' attack.

".~I don't have time to continue playing with you guys."

Hagiya flew into the sky and stopped right above Circe and Odysseus.

The muzzle of the crown-type floating gun once again lit up with a black light.


Desperate black light reappears.

"Master Odysseus."

Circe's nervous heart rose to his throat, and he hurriedly reminded Odysseus.

Now Circe is powerless to defend against Yugiya's attack, and can only place all his hopes on him.

"I see."

Odysseus is a hero, a warrior.

Having been on the battlefield for a long time, he could feel the horror of the dark light better than Circe.

Swish swish.

Odysseus's hand was like a (good) machine gun, repeatedly drawing the bow.

The continuous arrows he shot turned into a long dragon.

It must be said that Odysseus worked very hard.

However, some results cannot be changed with effort.

Without holding on for a second, the arrow dragon was annihilated by the dark light.

"It's over."

Even though Circe's fighting spirit would not be overwhelmed by Yumiya's overwhelming strength.

However, despair inevitably rose in her heart.

The arrow dragon was mercilessly destroyed, and there was no longer any obstacle between the dark light and himself and Odysseus.

The next one to turn into fly ash is undoubtedly them.

Circe never thought that someone's strength could be so terrifying.

A **** who is as strong as a disobedient one has little room for resistance.

PS; Watching the game took a little time, but there will be some ears in Chapter 4.

Chapter 266

"It's very powerful."

Odysseus was also shocked by the strength of Yu Palace.

However, he has not given up hope.

Repeating the previous action, Odysseus bent his bow to shoot arrows.

This time, what Odysseus shot was not a rain of swords, but a blue-white light.

Odysseus' bow seemed to become a sight, guiding the direction of the light.

He aimed his bow at the pitch-black light, and the blue-white light greeted him.

Compared to the previous Sword Rain, the blue-white light lasted longer.

However, it was only a little bit better.

After a stalemate for a while, Odysseus still lost to Yu Palace.

The blue-white light was strongly overwhelmed by the dark light, and it was completely wiped out.


A mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

By the time the smoke dissipated, the uninhabited island could no longer be seen.

Circe and Odysseus on the uninhabited island also disappeared.

Yu Gong turned around and flew towards the vast sea.


Kota Kinabalu, a seaside hotel.

"Lord Yugiya, how's the goddess Kaer 330?"

After Yu Gong returned to the hotel, Saya Gongxin, who was waiting here for the result, took the initiative to find him.


The last cannon crown, the target of the attack is Circe and Odysseus.

The uninhabited island was just unlucky to be buried with them.

The entire uninhabited island was bombed and ceased to exist. How could Circe and Odysseus survive?

"Next, shall we go back to Neon?"

Sayaka Gongxin is not surprised.

This result was as early as she expected.

"Well, I'll leave tomorrow."

Yu Gong gave Saya Gongxin a positive answer.

After a few days, the "Circe Incident" has ended, and they have no reason to stay in Southeast Asia.


Yu Gong's proposal coincides with Sayaka Gongxin.


the next day.

Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, the residence of Sayaka Miyako.

"Lord Yu Gong, Miss Xin, you are too bad."

Qing Qiuyuan Ena Xiao expressed her dissatisfaction.

She was very interested in the battle between Yu Gong and the God of Disobedience and wanted to see it with her own eyes.

However, Saya Gongxin and Yu Gong did not agree to take her.

"It's what Yugiya-sama meant to go without you, and it has nothing to do with me."

Sayaka Gongxin smiled wryly and comforted Qingqiuyuan Ena, who was playing with her childish temper, and put the pot on Yu Gong's head by the way.

Originally, Qingqiuyuan Ena's reaction was not great.

"Lord Yumiya."

Yumiya seems to love herself very much.

If you ask Yu Gong, he will definitely agree.

Qingqiuyuan Ena put on a docile and well-behaved gesture, and her eyes were full of desire.

"Okay, next time I meet the **** of disobedience, I'll take you with me."

Originally, Qingqiuyuan Ena's reaction was not great.

After listening to Saye Gongxin telling the ins and outs of the "Circe Incident", she suddenly turned into a cat with fried fur.

Since Qingqiuyuan Ena was not afraid, Yugiya simply let her be.

For the members of his Crystal Palace, he has always been very tolerant.

"Okay, Yugiya-sama is the best."

Qingqiuyuan Ena cheered happily.


Yu Gong and Sayaka Gong Xin all laughed.

Such an active Seiqiuyuan Ena, it is hard to imagine that she is a standard Yamato Nadeshiko-type neon woman who has received a good education since childhood.

This is the character of Qingqiuyuan Ena, and it is also her attraction.

Qingqiuyuan Ena has been practicing in the mountains all year round, and has not been in contact with the outside world for a long time.

She lacks the necessary knowledge (beff) to get along with people, and she always shows her truest side.


It's essential to have a relaxing chat, but you can't forget the business because of it.

"What's their attitude towards Huina?"

"The Qingqiu Yuan family raised their hands in approval, and the old gentleman has no opinion."

Soon after returning to the mansion, Touma Amakasu will report the result to Sayaka Miyagi.

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