Yumiya did not answer Touma Amakasu's question, but said something inexplicable.

"Good luck."

Sayaka Miyako and Touma Amakasu didn't understand what Yumiya meant.

"Even if you delay one more day, something will happen again."

Hanamiya pointed in the direction of the Pacific Ocean.

"I can feel that there is a divine aura approaching Junbin in the south."

"In a few minutes, it will almost be on the coast of King's Beach."


Sayaka Miyako and Amakusa Touma looked at each other.

Could it be that the God of Disobedience wants to attack another place in Neon today?

"What should I do, Yu Gong-sama?"

Sayaka Miyako asked for Yu Gong's opinion.

The breath of divinity is likely to be a **** of disobedience, not a **** of disobedience, but also a divine beast.

Among the people present, only Hamiya was able to deal with it.

"That divine aura will be discussed later."

Yu Gong withdrew his hand and turned to face the iron longbow.

When the three of them turned their attention to the sea, the location of the bow changed.

At 327 behind the five-meter longbow, a dark blue shadow with a vague outline appeared.

The shadow is also five meters tall, and he is not inferior to the iron longbow.

The tall figure grabbed the special longbow in his left hand, and transformed into an arrow of about two meters in his right hand, like a spear.

Sombra put the arrow on the bowstring, then aimed the arrow at the three of Yumiya, and pulled the bowstring.


Sayaka Miyako and Amakusa Touma swallowed hard.

Cold sweat oozes from their foreheads and backs.

The arrow that destroyed the upper part of the Tokyo Tower is now stored in a shrine in Musashino under the jurisdiction of the Historiography Committee.

That arrow, Sayaka Miyako, and Amakusa Touma have both seen it, and it is exactly the same as the one in the figure's hand.

Obviously, the shadow is the culprit behind the scenes.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides is only ten meters.

This distance is not an exaggeration for a sharpshooter who can accurately snipe the Tokyo Tower from a distance of 100 kilometers.

Sayaka Miyako and Touma Amakasu silently approached Yu Gong and stood behind Yu Gong.

Under the current circumstances, if you want to survive, you can only rely on him.


The sound of the bowstring vibrating sounded.

At the same time, an ice shield as smooth as a mirror blocked the gap between Somiya and Yumiya.


The iron bow fell to the ground.

The shadow that previously held it was torn apart and disappeared.

"what happened?"

Sayaka Miyako and Touma Amakasu are full of doubts in their hearts.

It was the shadow who launched the attack, but Yugiya was safe and sound, but he was wiped out.

"Lord Yumiya?"

Sayaka Miyako and Amakusa Touma looked at the ice shield suspended in mid-air.

They don't know what happened, but most of the mystery lies in the ice shield.

"I rebounded his attack and let him die under the arrow I shot."

Yumiya explained briefly.


Sayaka Miyako and Amakusa Touma didn't see the arrow shot by the shadow.

However, this did not prevent them from understanding the situation.

It is not surprising that he is not strong enough to see the arrows shot by the God of Disobedience.

"That dark shadow is the afterimage of God."

Yu Gong raised his head and looked at the distant sky.

"The real man behind the scenes is the **** of disobedience who manipulated him."

A strange phenomenon suddenly occurred.

The clouds are sparse, and the clear blue sky is obscured by endless dark clouds.

In the dark clouds, flickering thunder could be faintly seen.

In the direction of Yu Gongwang, there was a shadow on the sea that was similar to the shadow that attacked him with a bow and arrow earlier.

(beff) Said similar, but only roughly described.

The shadow floating on the sea is graceful and graceful, obviously a woman.

The black shadow has long hair like a waterfall, and his head is hidden in the clouds.

The size of the two is not the same order of magnitude.

The shadow just now was five meters high, which was definitely not small, but compared to the female shadow, it was nothing.

"Great, a new warrior."

The voice of a woman came from the sky.

"Your divine beasts are here, let them come out."

The female voice is pitiful, delicate and charming.

There is the nobility of a princess, and the gracefulness of a woman's body.

Just based on her voice, you can tell that she is definitely a beauty.

This is indeed the case.

Female, no, it is more appropriate to describe it as a goddess.

The goddess is indeed a great beauty, with no flaws in her appearance, figure, and temperament.

However, Yu Gong had no interest in her at all.

The identity of the goddess is the "lover" of the hero Odysseus in ancient Greek mythology and legend, and Circe, the goddess of witches who seduces heroes.

Circe is the **** of disobedience who has been dormant for hundreds of years. Alexandre Gasco awakened her because of his search for the secret of the "King of the Last".

In this regard, Alexander Gascoigne and Circe had a "bad relationship".

After being awakened, Circe fell in love with Alexander Gascoigne at first sight and hoped to become a partner with him.

Unfortunately, Alexander Gascoigne is not a woman.

In addition, Circe's methods are too scary and unacceptable.

The result is self-evident that Alexander Gascoigne could not accept Circe.

After a few days of entanglement between the two, Alexander Gascoigne couldn't stand Circe.

So he injured her and trapped her on the labyrinth island in Southeast Asia.

So, Circe dispatched his men to find a new "lover".

In the original book, Circe was looking at Godou Kusaki.

How could Yu Gong like this kind of woman who loves one, and always talks about the teaching of hacking.

"It's not bad for a warrior, have you discovered my servant?"

The emotion in Circe's voice changed from surprise to excitement.

"Very good, Lord Warrior."

"It's worth noting that I specially sent the Yuling of the Bow, and I came here in person. It's worth it."


The expressions of Sayaka Miyako and Amakusa Touma became a little subtle. .

Chapter 257

This lady in the form of an adult, doesn't think she has a crush on Yugong.

No wonder Saya Gongxin and Touma Amakasu think wrongly, but Circe's words are too easy to be misunderstood.

"I have prepared a little bit of caution, just to commemorate our encounter."

The voice fell, and the huge black shadow on the sea disappeared~ disappeared.

"Lord Yumiya."

Sayaka Miyako and Touma Amakasu asked Yu-miya with their eyes.

Goddess, are you gone?

"She didn't leave."

Yu Gong raised his hand to indicate the dark clouds in the sky.

"I will take care of the **** of disobedience. Think about it carefully, how to explain it to the people of Neon."


Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, Sayaka Gongxin and Amaka Touma felt a splitting headache.

Taking a line as a boundary, half sunny and half cloudy, what kind of reason can be perfectly explained?

Fortunately, no unrelated people witnessed this scene, otherwise the difficulty of explanation would have increased many times.


There was a sound of breaking water in the direction of the sea.


Sayaka Miyako and Amakusa Touma put away their miscellaneous thoughts and turned their eyes to the sea.

The most urgent task is the **** of disobedience, and other things will be discussed later.

"That is?"

With their excellent eyesight, Sayaka Miyako and Amakusa Touma saw a foreign object.

In the sea, there is an unknown object in the shape of a coral reef, which is rapidly approaching the coast.


Sayaka Miyako and Amakusa Touma subconsciously wanted to ask what a "coral reef" is.

As a result, they found that Yumiya didn't pay attention to the "coral reef" at all, but looked at the sky.


Hagiya didn't notice the approach of the "coral reef"?

Impossible, as ordinary people, they all noticed it, and Yu Gong would never fail to notice.

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