
His stunt was easily defeated, which made King Arthur very surprised.

He recited the Word Spirit to increase the output of divine power.

A more dazzling golden sword energy shot out from the golden sword, facing the ink-colored sword energy.

The result was exactly the same, the ink-colored sword qi surpassed the golden sword qi.

After canceling out two golden sword qi in succession, most of the power of the ink-colored sword qi was consumed.

Its size, momentum, etc., have become much weaker visible to the naked eye.


With his three rounds of sword qi, he was tied with Yu Gong's sword qi battle.

If it wasn't for personal experience, King Arthur would never believe it.

"This move is your last trump card?"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

King Arthur's sword energy is not weak.

Changed to another godslayer, without using his powers, he was determined not to be able to stop him.

Two years ago, it was not unreasonable that Alexander Gascoigne teamed up to only seal, not kill.

King Arthur's strength is unquestionably powerful.

However, the opponent King Arthur faced today was Hanamiya.

Just like divine beasts, there is a clear classification between those who are subordinate to God and those who are not.

Even though King Arthur is among the gods of disobedience, he can still be ranked as the strongest one at the top.

However, he is still not on the same level as Hanamiya.


King Arthur didn't say a word, and responded to Yu Gong with golden sword energy.



It is an unwise choice not to change the strategy knowing that we are not the enemy.

King Arthur is not a stubborn idiot. He must have some considerations in doing so.

"Since you want to, then I'll play with you to the end."

The one who has the upper hand is himself.

King Arthur remains the same, and Yumiya doesn't think he needs to change.

Boom, boom.

There was an explosion on the battlefield.

The explosions sounded like firecrackers in the Chinese New Year.

The green field has become bumpy, and the beautiful natural scenery is gone, replaced by misery and chaos.

Two minutes later.

When the golden sword energy and the ink-colored sword energy canceled out, Yu Gong and King Arthur stopped.

The explosion stopped, and the tyrannical energy gradually subsided.

"Is he really human?"

The reason why King Arthur chose the "stupid" tactic was to use the power of the **** of disobedience to consume Yu Palace.

After all, the ability of human beings to continue fighting can't be compared to the **** of disobedience.

As a result, King Arthur was disappointed.

After fighting against each other for a few minutes, Yu Gong was still leisurely and at ease, without showing any signs of fatigue.

Obviously, Yu Gong's magic power reserve is directly proportional to his strength.

Even King Arthur was suspicious, but Hagiya didn't do his best.

"It seems that we can only use the trump card."

Under the helmet, King Arthur's face was unprecedentedly solemn. Death.

Chapter 249

"Glory" is not King Arthur's strongest move.

His trump card is far more powerful than "Glory".

But powerful moves are not easy to use.

The biggest problem is consumption.

King Arthur's trump card consumes an unimaginable amount of divine power.

Even if he is the **** of disobedience, he can only use it once in a certain period of time.

Therefore, King Arthur did not want to use that trick until it was a last resort.

And now, the situation clearly does not allow him to hesitate.

"What is a king..."

King Arthur raised his golden sword high and began to sing a new spirit of words.

His divine power increased rapidly, and in less than a second, it exceeded the strength of using "Glory".

After surpassing, it is still improving. three two three

After a few seconds, the strength of King Arthur's divine power stabilized.

An illusory figure appeared, forming a circle, surrounding King Arthur in the middle.

The figure gradually solidified, revealing the appearance.

There are twelve people in total, each of them a knight in mighty armor.

"The Knights of the Round Table?"

The majestic knight, the surging magic power that permeated his body, refreshed Yu Gong's understanding of King Arthur.

In the original book, the "steel" **** of war, known as the closest to the "Last King", is Guinevere's guardian knight - Lancelot.

Hagiya doubted whether Lancelot without the "Sword of Salvation" was King Arthur's opponent.

"My identity is a knight and a king."

Looking at the twelve knights beside him, King Arthur's eyes showed nostalgia.

"It is only when subordinates who will not betray them to the death that they are worthy of the title of 'king'."

"The Knights of the Round Table are my last resort. If you can defeat them, I will admit defeat willingly."

"Ha ha."

A subordinate who never betrays his death? Not so.

Hagiya does not know much about the legend of King Arthur, but it is not ignorant.

In history, there were subordinates who did not betray their lord until death, and the Knights of the Round Table should not be counted.

Of course, Yumiya was not bored enough to refute King Arthur's remarks.

At least the Knights of the Round Table who were not summoned by the **** King Arthur would never betray him.

"The Knights of the Round Table seem to be quite proud of you."

Hagiya waved his hands and drew a mysterious trajectory in front of him.

King Arthur's strength is much stronger than expected, and he must be more serious.

"Then I will bury you and them together."


The ink-colored sword energy swept across.

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were all within the attack range.


Following King Arthur's order, the Knights of the Round Table dispatched.

The twelve Knights of the Round Table drew their swords at the same time and pointed their swords at the ink-colored sword energy.

The golden energy poured out from their weapons and gathered on the only path of the ink-colored sword energy, forming a shield.

The moment the golden shield was formed, the ink-colored sword energy arrived.


The two are evenly matched.

After hitting the shield, the ink-colored sword energy dissipated and turned into pure energy.

Although the shield resisted the sword energy, the dense cracks on it looked like spider webs, obviously reaching the edge of shattering.

Not to mention the previous ink-colored sword energy, even a slightly stronger attack, it would not be able to resist.

The shattered shield turned into golden light, which merged with the air.

The shield's mission has been completed, and it's time to exit.


The Knights of the Round Table once again released golden energy through their weapons.

This time, the golden energy did not form a shield, but a great sword.

The great sword first rose upwards, and then chopped down heavily.

Yu Gong instantly moved nearly 20 meters horizontally and left his original position.


A dark crack appeared in the field.

The crack more than ten meters wide started from the place where the sword fell and extended to the distance.

According to rough calculations, the length of the crack is at least a few hundred meters.

As Hamiya dodged, the slash of the great sword was unsuccessful.

The Knights of the Round Table raised their swords one after another, and their movements were uniform, as if they had undergone strict training.

Being manipulated, the golden sword raised its head...

The direction of the sword's edge changed, and it was aimed at Yu Palace again.

"As expected of King Arthur."

Such destructive power is worthy of the name of the **** of disobedience "the trump card".

You must know that the golden sword is not a one-time item.

"If I was also a belligerent, I would definitely fight with you until I was happy."

The destructive power of the Knights of the Round Table is so powerful that it can be imagined how much divine power it consumes.

Delaying time, waiting for King Arthur's divine power to be insufficient to support the Knights of the Round Table, and to make them retreat on their own, is the best policy.

However, Hanamiya did not want to use this method.

How long can King Arthur summon the Knights of the Round Table?

Minutes, dozens of minutes? How many hours? No one knows except King Arthur himself.

Pinning your hopes on others is not Yumiya's style.

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