The red light and shadow shrouded Yu Gong's head.

In the light and shadow, a large number of red spears appeared.

The shape of these red spears is the same as the weapons in Yu Gong's hands, and they are probably replicas.

Hagiya manipulated the red spear in the light and shadow to shoot at Shinji Erlang in the distance.


Zhenjun Erlang turned into a streamer and left like lightning.

The next moment, the red spear swept past his previous location.

"Isn't it fast enough?"

Jiro Shin-kun's speed is too fast.

Throwing long-range attacks, he has plenty of time to react and dodge.

Yu Gong reappeared and summoned a group of red spears.

It's not that there is no solution to this problem.

This time, instead of firing all the spears at once, Yumiya divided them into two halves.

Swish swish.

Half of the spears were fired at Erlang God.

As Yugiya expected, Jiro Shin-kun easily escaped.

However, at the same time that Jiro Shin-kun moved, the other half of the red spears moved.

The position where the red spear was aimed, happened to be the direction that Jiro Shin-kun was dodging.

At first glance, it seemed that Mr. Erlang took the initiative to bump into it.

It's too late to change direction temporarily, so Mr. Erlang can only resort to a stupid way - block.

One after another, blood-red spears flew out randomly.

With his superb martial arts, Jiro Shin-kun resisted Yu Gong's offensive.

However, his crisis did not end.

When Jiro Shin-kun shot down all the red spears, it was Hagiya who greeted him.


A red streamer swept past Zhenjun Erlang.

With the sound of objects shattering, the fragments of the armor fell downward.

Behind Jiro Zhenjun, the red streamer that stopped, turned into the figure of Hagiya.

Yugiya tilted his head slightly, and squinted at Shinji Erlang who was behind him.

True Monarch Erlang's spiritual body is much more illusory to the naked eye.

The armor on his right abdomen was completely shattered, revealing the flesh that was protected inside.

Just now, at the critical moment, Zhenjun Erlang responded in a timely manner.

But this time, he wasn't so lucky.

Although he avoided being hit by Yumiya, he did not retreat completely.


Zhenjun Erlang spat out words of unknown meaning, as if he was chanting a spell.

Finding that ordinary means could not fight against Yumiya, he used power.


A large black shadow appeared at the feet of Zhenjun Erlang.

The next moment, a huge black dog sprang out from the shadow.

The giant dog is more than 20 meters long, with a burly appearance and a fierce aura.

Howling dog.

He is often accompanied by Maharaja Erlang, his most trusted partner.


The roaring dog let out a low growl.

The beast's pupil, which is bigger than the lantern, firmly locks on the Yu Palace, and its vicious gaze is extremely oppressive.

"A dog, how dare you bark?"

The ancient rune appeared around Yu Palace.


A fiery fireball flew out and hit the roaring dog.


The roaring dog screamed loudly.

The ferocious aura no longer exists, and it is dying with white smoke all over its body.

The roaring dog is a mythical beast.

For ordinary people, divine beasts are invincible beings.

For Yu Gong, the divine beast is pitifully weak, and he can solve it with a wave of his hand.

"Oh, aren't you dead?"

The miserable-looking roaring dog still had a breath left.

This made Yu Gong a little surprised.

It should be said that it is indeed a dog carefully raised by Zhenjun Erlang, and its vitality is really unusual?

"Wang Wang."

The roaring dog resisted the severe pain and raised his head, screaming up to the sky.

The world suddenly changed drastically.

In the clear sky, the sun seemed to be blacked out with a pen, and the edges were missing parts.

The missing part expands rapidly, cannibalizing the normal part.

After a few seconds, the sun turned black.

Only on the outermost periphery, there is a bright and beautiful halo left.

The sky turned completely dark, like night.

".~Woo, woo."

The fur that was scorched by the fireball on the Howling Dog was restored.

The fierce momentum picked up little by little, and soon surpassed the time when it came out.

The pair of beast pupils shone with scarlet blood, which could not be concealed from the brutality and madness.

The roaring dog's injury has fully recovered.

Not only that, but its strength is far beyond the previous one.

"Tengu eating the sun?"

Yu Gong's expression became a little more serious.

If we talk about the previous Howling Dogs, their strength is only at the level of divine beasts.

So now, its strength has reached the level of a **** of disobedience.

No, there is still a gap between the **** of disobedience.

Perhaps, it is equivalent to the subordinate **** of Jiro Shin-kun.



(Good) "This is?"

Luo Hao and the Great Sage Monkey King, who were fighting, stopped at the same time.

The two distanced themselves and stared at the black sun.

"Great Sage?"

Luo Hao's tone revealed an inquiry.

How could the vision of a solar eclipse occur? Could it be that something unexpected happened?

Unsure of the situation, she chose to ask Sun Wukong.

"So that's the case, your companions are going to deal with the real emperor Erlang...Young"

Sun Wukong was happy to explain the situation to Luo Hao.

"In such a short period of time, Zhenjun Erlang was forced to use his power."

"Your companion, your strength doesn't seem to be simple."

In the end, Sun Wukong's tone was quite meaningful.

"It's not him that you should care about."

The magic power Luo Hao released gradually increased.

PS: Chapter 6.

Chapter 232

Your opponent is me.

Luo Hao's attitude indicated this.

"Hahahaha, that's right."

Sun Wukong laughed.

His aura continued to rise, and he competed with Luo Hao.

"Let's be serious, I'm tired of playing family battles."

"It suits me exactly."


Another battlefield.

Step, step, step.

The roaring dog ran in the air, and his footsteps were steady as if they were on the ground.

Its speed is completely inconsistent with its huge and bulky body, and it is not slower than Erlang Zhenjun.

The two sides were not very close to each other, but the Howling Dog closed the distance in the blink of an eye.

The huge body blocked the dim light and shrouded Yugong in the shadows, which was very deterrent.


The roaring dog opened its mouth, revealing sharp canine teeth.

Yu Gong easily avoided the bite of the roaring dog, and while it passed by, the red spear in his right hand was raised diagonally upwards.


The point of the spear swept across the Bridge Roaring Dog, leaving a long scratch on the 310's fur.

Being attacked, the fierceness of the roaring dog is stimulated.

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