
When Bianca, Chiyuan, Erica, and Lilinaya appeared in swimsuits.

The immunity is as strong as Yu Palace, and it is not lightly shaken.

Fortunately, he has gone through a long period of tempering and will not lose his temper.

Because of the style of Bianca's swimsuits, Hanamiya chose a place where no one was there.

It is something that Yu Gong cannot allow the fourth daughter to be seen by others.

The sea view of Venice is very beautiful.

The sea water is clean and clear, and the degree of pollution is almost negligible.

There are few clouds in the sky, and when I look up, it is a refreshing blue sky.


"Stop for me."

"Lily, how dare you..."


Erica and Lilinaya were having fun in the sea, and the two of them made sounds of joy or embarrassment from time to time.

Less than twenty meters away from Erica and Lilinaya, there was a large sun umbrella on the empty beach.

Under the big sun umbrella, Yu Gong, Bianca, and Chi Yuan sat side by side.

The three of them each took a glass of ice-cold drink and enjoyed the magnificent view of nature.

"Hamiya, can you please stop..."

Whenever Hagiya's fiery gaze fell on him, Bianca felt like he was about to be ignited by the flame in his eyes.

Bianca changed from her usual elegant and intellectual mature elder sister style to a shy little daughter.

The blush on her pretty face never subsided.

"Bianca, are you underestimating your own charm?"

"Unless it is a man who is not interested in the opposite sex, it is impossible to hold back."

What Yu Gong said was the truth, without any compliment.

It's not uncommon to see real people on the screen, but Bianca definitely doesn't belong in this category.

He's a normal man, and he's not ready to clean up, so it's hard not to be attracted.


Bianca sighed faintly.

What Yugiya said makes sense. At this moment, her attraction to men is fatal.

It is really difficult for a strong man to insist that Yu Gong not look at himself.

Moreover, Bianca is not disgusted by showing her femininity in front of Hanamiya.

Otherwise, she would have taken a firm stand when choosing a swimsuit earlier.

"Hamiya, that night..."

Bianca took the initiative to stir up the topic and distract her attention, so as not to always worry about the swimsuit.

She mentioned the battle between Hagiya and Artemis.

In that battle, Yumiya used the same abilities and moves as himself.

Bianca was a little concerned, and took advantage of the right time to ask.


While Bianca was speaking, Chi Yuan on the other side of Han Palace pricked up her ears.

Can Hamiya use Bianca's abilities and moves?

Then, can we also use her?

"If you want people from other worlds to come to this world, you can't do it out of thin air."

"The inner reason is related to my biggest secret."

Hanamiya told Bianca what he could say.

"Feel sorry."

Bianca apologized to Hanamiya in a low voice.

It is extremely impolite to snoop on other people's biggest secrets.

"It's ok."

Bianca didn't do it on purpose, so how could Yu Gonggong blame her.

"Can you also use my moves?"

Chiyuan interrupted the conversation at the right time.


Turning his gaze from Bianca to Chi Yuan, the surprise in Yu Gong's eyes did not diminish at all.

When it comes to femininity, Chiyuan does not lose to Bianca.

They are of different types, each with their own strengths and strengths.

"In the future, the number of your companions will increase, and everyone will be in the same situation as you."


Chi Yuan responded indifferently, and no longer delved into it.

The topic ended here, and the three of them tacitly led the conversation to another aspect.

"Lord Yumiya, Lord Chiyuan, Lord Bianca."

The three had just finished talking about a topic when Lilinaya and Bianca called them.

"It's boring to sit all the time, let's play together."

Chapter 202

"Lily and Erica are right."

Yumiya held Bianca's hand with one hand and reached out to Chiyuan with the other.

"Let's go, Chiyuan, Bianca."


After hesitating for a moment, Chiyuan put her hand in Yu Gong's palm.

"Ha ha."

Pulling the nervous and shy Bianca and the expressionless Chibi, Hagiya rushed to the sea.


Time, bit by bit, passed by.

The sun slanted westward, and the sky darkened.

When night fell, the five of Bianca returned to the hotel where they were staying after having spent most of the day playing in the palace.

The night is getting darker.

The noisy "water city" Venice has ushered in a short-lived calm.

Swish rustling.

When most of the people in Venice were asleep, a guest came to the beach.

White-clothed with pale blond hair, the beautiful hunting goddess - Artemis.

"In just one more day, my magic power will be completely restored."

Artemis crossed his knees and sat down dignifiedly.

At this moment, Artemis and the 287 bright moon in the sky seemed to have a connection.

The moonlight seemed to be a little brighter, and her body also shone with a white light similar to the color of the moon.

The influence of the battle with Yumiya that day still exists today.

Artemis must absorb the power of the moon to replenish the magic power he consumes.

She has been doing work like this every night since the day she separated from Yumiya.

"Oh it's you."

Only on the beach of Artemis, a male voice sounded.


Artemis, who was sitting upright, suddenly opened his closed eyes.

The light draped over her like a gauze of light dissipated and disappeared.

The spell that absorbed the power of the moon was interrupted.

"Disrespect, Lord Artemis."

The visitor is a beautiful young man.

The young man is handsome and has some feminine qualities.

After putting on makeup and dressing up, he mixed into the female group, so he would not be easily recognized.

"You are......"

The magic power of Artemis was showing signs of boiling.

Everywhere in her body, strength emerged.

Encountered a rival.

The change in the body is the instinct of the gods, and it is a warning to him.

"My name is Achilles, and Lord Artemis should have heard of my name."

The youth newspaper put his name on it.

"Hero God?"

Achilles, the leader of the second generation of heroes in ancient Greek mythology.

He is the son of the sea fairy Thetis and the mortal hero Peleus, a hero who shined in the Trojan War.

Achilles was supposed to have a brilliant life, but he was plotted on the battlefield and died young.

Legend has it that after the goddess of fate told Thetis that Achilles would die in battle, Thetis, who was unwilling, wanted to go against her fate.

Thetis concealed the truth from Peleus, and burned Achilles' body with heavenly fire every night to help him remove the mortal parts of his body.

In the daytime, use the magic medicine to heal Achilles' wounds.

As long as Achilles completes his transformation, he will be invulnerable.

Unfortunately, when the transformation ceremony was about to be completed, Peleus bumped into it.

Seeing his son shivering in the fire, Peleus cried out in fright.

The transformation ceremony was also hindered and had to be interrupted.

So, the invulnerable Achilles left an Achilles heel - his ankle.

This fatal weakness was exploited by Apollo, resulting in Achilles' tragic death on the battlefield.

Artemis, who figured out the reason, understood why she automatically entered the battle state.

(beff) She, met "Steel".

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