She followed the little girl's instinctive resistance, powerless and weak.

"I, uu~."

Before he could finish speaking, Hanamiya blocked Eswald's lips.


The sea in Isward was blank.


Jiada watched the play with great interest.

As expected of Yumiya, it is indeed amazing.


A few minutes later, Hagiya and Eswald separated.

"Perfect, but unfortunately my figure is a little off."

Yu Gong gave a light comment.

"Huh, bastard, bastard."

While wheezing, Asward cursed impolitely.

When she was doing things, she was very happy, but after she was done, she complained about her poor figure?

Emotional intelligence that is too low to be low.

How could this guy actually deceive Jia Da?

Eswald couldn't help but speculate maliciously, whether Jiada had some unfamiliar hobbies because she lived too long.

Besides, it's not his fault that he is in poor shape.

If she used too many ribs to make a vampire, would her figure not be good?

"You just asked me, how can I let you go, right?"

Hagiya let go of Ashward.

Too much is too much, just take advantage of it.

To provoke Asward is another big trouble.

"I remember that you have two bodies of the Fourth Primogenitor in your hand. You promised to give me the bodies, and I'll let you go."

"So simple?"

Yumiya didn't mention what happened just now, and Eswald couldn't ask for it, so he didn't feel embarrassed.

"Oh? Do you want to pay extra? I don't mind."

Yumiya teased.

"The body of the Fourth Primogenitor, right? I promise you."

Eswald's heart has been disturbed by Hagiya.

She couldn't even hear the sarcasm in Yu Gong's words, and thought Yu Gong really wanted to go back on it.

"The two bodies in my hands, one is in the 'Extinction Dynasty', and the other is kept outside by me."

"You come with me to the 'Extinction Dynasty', and I will give them to you."

"it is good."

Yu Gong took Jiada's hand and walked towards the door of the room.

"When I'm done with the trivial matters of Itogami Island, we'll set off."

"Stay in the room obediently and don't run."


The door closing sounded.

In the room, Asward was the only one left.


Eswald misted and floated from the sofa to the bed.

Some time ago, Vattola went to the 'Extinction Dynasty' and asked her for the body of the Fourth Primogenitor...

With the thought of not caring, Asward was ready to agree.

As a result, halfway through the story of the "blame God" legacy.

Asward was glad he didn't have time to agree.

If there is a lack of things that interest Yumiya, she may not be able to escape.


outside the room.

"It's not like your style, Yu Gong."

Yugiya has always been very gentle towards girls, not aggressive at all.

However, when it comes to Eswald, he turned to the extreme and behaved quite domineeringly.

Jia Da couldn't figure out the internal reason.

"For a woman with a proud personality, ordinary methods do not apply."

Taking Huairou's offensive doesn't mean it doesn't work, but because the speed is too slow and the efficiency is too low.

Once Elswald discovered that Yumiya was a gentle, easy-going person.

Her fear of Yu Gong's strength will quickly disappear, replaced by high above.

With that kind of mentality, it's hard for the favorability to grow rapidly.

It takes a lot of time to completely attack Isswold.

Rather than taking it slow, Yu Gong would rather take a strong medicine.

Although there are risks, he is confident that he can control the scale.

"you really......"

Jia Da was a little envious of King Tong.

It was Asward's luck to meet Hagiya.

The ups and downs that do not affect the overall situation of 5.5 will eventually become sweet and unforgettable memories.

When the two came together after that day, Eswald would not be repelled or resentful, but felt that the twists and turns were a blessing.


Nangong Nayue's apartment may be the only peaceful paradise in the world.

Outside, the war between Itogami Island and the "Sanctuary Treaty Body" is being discussed all over the world.

Because of the result of the battle, it was shocking.

The "Sanctuary Treaty Body" favored by the vast majority of people failed miserably and fled in despair.

Everyone thinks Itogamijima, which cannot escape the end of its destruction, is the victorious one.

There are even rumors that the three True Ancestors who served as commanders of the multinational coalition fleet were defeated and captured, and they were detained by Yu Palace along with the vampires who traveled with them. .

Chapter 169

The three empires of the night were in a panic.

Losing the True Ancestor will greatly reduce the deterrent power and international status of the Empire of the Night, far less than before.

On the other hand, those who hated Demons and True Ancestors clapped their hands happily.

The absence of the True Ancestors is an excellent opportunity.

Many things that were impossible and dared not to be done in the past can now be done.

The careerists are ready to make trouble.

In just half a day, the situation in the world has undergone subtle changes.

Beneath the surface calm, there are countless undercurrents surging.

There is a similarity, these undercurrents have avoided the center of the whirlpool - Itogami Island, intentionally or unintentionally.

The world-famous war ended, and everyone reached a consensus.

Itogami Island is the most inviolable forbidden place in the world.


The next morning.

"Lord Yumiya, this is what you want."

Yu Boweili handed over the "pillar" that Fei Tao gave her to Yu Gong.

"Thank you for your hard work, Yuri, Shio."

Yu Gong used the stunt of touching his head to kill.

"Take a rest, chat with Sayaka, Yukina and the others, let's go. 14"

"Me and Weili won't go back to Neon for the time being."

Surprisingly, Shio Feikawa didn't resist Hamiya's big hand that made trouble on his head.

"Master Xian let us stay on Itogami Island and help Master Yumiya with trivial matters."

"Yu, Yu Gong-sama, can we stay?"

Shio Hikawa was barely able to keep calm, but Yuba Yuri couldn't calm down at all.

The temperature from Yu Gong's hand seemed to melt her at any time.

"Of course, this apartment is the property of Nayuki-chan, you can choose any place to live."

The cute Yuba Yuri and Shio Hikawa teased their faces to red, and Hagiya retracted his hand in satisfaction.

"I have something to go out, see you later."


They went to the next door to call Eswald, and the two went straight to the secret prison where Qiy and others were imprisoned.

A dilapidated, cold, damp, darkened cell.

In the middle of the cell, five ice cubes were placed in a mess.

In each of the five ice cubes, there is a figure.

Zei, Zana Raschuka, Vattola, Perishu Arador, Iblisber Yagis.

"Are you a devil?"

Seeing the tragic state of Qi Yi and others, Asward was shocked.

For people who don't know each other, they will never be associated with the real ancestor of vampires and the blood family of the noble real ancestor.

"If they are ordinary people, I don't have to waste extra effort."

A chain of sharp-edged ice appeared out of thin air and shot towards the ice block that wrapped Qi Yi.


The ice chain shattered the ice cubes, then circled in the air for half a circle, tightly wrapping around Qi Yi's body.


Unsealed from the ice cube, Qi Yi's silent consciousness recovered.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the person he least wanted to see.

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