"You are right, there is a huge gap in the combat power of the two sides."

Behind Yu Gong, two faint shadows gradually stared at him.

These two shadows are not the bow-wielding Bianca Truth that Yumiya is well known to the world.

It is Yunmo Danxin, who has never been seen by outsiders, and the reverse Tobiichi Origami that the girls have also seen for the first time (later replaced by the Savior Demon King.)

"But it's not you who have the advantage, it's us."

"Oh? Show me your power."

Eswald showed an innocent and dangerous smile.

She slowly raised her hand to the top of her head.

Purely formed by the huge magic power, the scarlet blood mist that distorted the space shot straight into the sky.

The blood mist spread, and then turned into dozens of ferocious pterosaurs.


The pterosaurs made strange horn-like screams and swooped down in groups.

"Ha ha."

With the pterosaur as the prey target, Yu Gong was not at all flustered.


A pitch-black ray rose from bottom to top, facing the group of pterosaurs in mid-air.

Like a compressed darkness, the rays are filled with an ominous feeling.

Touching this dark torrent, the pterosaur was instantly annihilated.

The spectacular group of pterosaurs has been reduced in size by half, and the number has been reduced by about one-third.


Three more jet-black rays followed, and the remaining two-thirds of the pterosaurs were wiped out.

In a second, the battle between Hanamiya and Asward was decided.

The result of the confrontation is self-evident.


The eyes of everyone present were focused on the back of Yu Gong.

To be more precise, it was the Demon King of Salvation behind Hagiya.

She was the one who emitted jet-black rays and instantly wiped out the pterosaurs.

There are countless blue-black feathers of light floating around the Demon King of Salvation. Due to the occlusion of the feathers of light, everyone can only vaguely recognize that she is a beautiful girl.

However, the appearance is not the point, the point is the temperament of the Savior Demon King.

The loneliness of closing the mind and five senses, and rejecting contact with external things.

The heavy feeling of loneliness made their hearts tremble.

What kind of existence is this girl?

"Fighting alone, you have no hope of winning against me. Why don't the three go together."

Yugiya approached Qi, Eswald and the others, and stood about twenty meters away from them.

"A war in this place?"

Qi Yi couldn't refute Yu Gong's three-for-one proposal.

The two girls behind Yu Gong are obviously not weaker than the true ancestors, and together with Yu Gong himself, there is a possibility of winning in three fights and one.

Qi Yi is not a stubborn and pedantic person who wants to save face and suffer.

He doesn't care about bullying more, being disgraceful, etc.

What Qi Yi cared about was the location of the battle.

The current location of the ten people on both sides is too close to the multinational coalition fleet that is restricted by the ice surface.

Once the war begins, how many of them will survive?

"Are you worried that the multinational coalition fleet will be involved, causing heavy casualties?"

Yumiya thought it was a little funny.

When he decided to invade Itogami Island, did Qi Yi think about the life and death of the residents of Itogami Island?



A warship was penetrated by dark rays and exploded.

"Worry about their lives? You worry about yourself first."

"Standing in front of me as an enemy, are you ready to die?"


Qi Yi felt that he was domineering enough, that he could do his own thing, but he never imagined that Yu Gong was more than him.

Qi Yi couldn't stand Yu Gong's arrogant attitude.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting, the thrill of fighting against a powerful enemy, it's been a long time."

Before Qi Yi was ready to fight back, Asward took the lead.

Eswald once again released magical blood mist to create a group of pterosaurs.

This time, there were hundreds of pterosaurs, and their size was nearly doubled.

After testing out Yumiya's approximate strength, Eswald took it seriously.

The one in charge of the attacking pterosaurs was still the Demon King of Salvation. She moved towards the pterosaurs and shed a dark barrage.

Boom boom boom.

A roaring explosion, blood red and pitch-black light intertwined.

The confrontation between Eswald and the Savior Demon King opened the prelude to this battle.


Qi Yi clenched his fists and waved towards Yu Gong across the air.

The dense magic compresses to form invisible cannonballs.

The superficial and wasteful way of using magic power is definitely not an exaggeration to describe it as doing more with less.

Most people don't use this method at all, and they don't even think about it.

But Qi Yi has a huge amount of magic behind him, and this straightforward approach suits him very well.

Simple, yet powerful.


A chunk of ice floated off the ice.

In the process of rising, the ice cubes change shape, from irregular shape to smooth ice mirror.

Kacha Kacha.

The magic shell hit the ice mirror and returned along the original path.

"Leave it to me, King."

Zana Raschuka stepped forward and stood in front of Qiy. .

Chapter 162

As Qi's blood partner, now is the time for Zana Raschuka to appear.

The finger tiger on Zana Rashuka's hand lit up with a bluish-white divine brilliance.

This is the technology of the defunct "Tianbu", the Godhead vibration wave driving technique.

It drives the high-dimensional spiritual power, which can cut through all kinds of enchantments, making the magic power ineffective.

The True Ancestor's blow can also be blocked.

"Your opponent is me."

Boom, blah, blah.

A crisp golden iron sound rang out.

Just as Zana Raschuka was about to block the magic cannonball for Qiy, she squinted at the silver chain.

If Zana Rashuka doesn't care, forcibly resist the magic cannonball.

Then, she absolutely cannot escape the chains.


Zana Raschuka is caught in a dilemma.

Block magic cannonballs? Or hide from silver chains?

"Wake up, sloth."

When Zana Raschuka hesitated, someone helped him make a decision.

The saw-blade longsword, as soft as a whip, swept away all the silver chains.

The person who shot was Pericio Arador. Seeing that his companion was in trouble, he decisively shot to help relieve the siege.


Zana Raschuka breathed a sigh of relief.

She took back her mind and devoted herself to dealing with the magic cannonball.

Unsurprisingly, the Godhead vibration wave drive technique easily won.


Perishe Arador was about to speak.

A cold gaze fell on him.

Perishu Arador's voice stopped, he turned around stiffly, and looked at the source of his line of sight.

The sight came from a dreamy, beautiful blond fairy.


The heavy pressure, like a mountain, was pressing on the shoulders of Pericio Arador.

He cared so much about Yu Palace that he ignored others.

Qi Yi has helpers, as does Yu Gong.

And one of them is the Fourth Primogenitor who is known as the strongest vampire in the world.

"I won't bully you, the three of you can go on together."

Aurora pointed her finger at Peresio Aradore, Valtola, and Iblisber Agiz, and made a proud declaration.

"Oh? Let me be your opponent."

Nangong Nayue waved the lace fan leisurely.

Yumiya and Aurora took six people, and only Zana Raschuka was left.


far away.

On the edge of the battlefield, a group of beautiful figures were watching the battle.

Fei Tao, Yuba Yuri, Shio Hikawa, Yukina Himira, Sayaka Hwangsaka and other weak girls.

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