Chapter 9 The Twins

The little girl who spoke had short hair as blue as the sky, and her eyes were the same color as her hair, which was also blue.

The body is dressed in a white kimono with blue lines as the main body, and under the retro dress, the girl also wears knee-high white socks, which looks unexpectedly a combination of ancient and modern, and it looks extraordinarily when matched with her tender but delicate face. cute. With the timid expression like a frightened deer, it makes people feel like they want to bully.

And the person she spoke to was a little girl with exactly the same length as her, the only difference between the two was that her hair and eyes were pink.

The little girl with blue hair and blue eyes is called Rem, and the little girl with pink hair and pink is her sister, called Ram. From the appearance alone, you can tell that the two are twins.

“Sister? Your clothes.

Seeing that her sister didn’t respond, Rem felt a little strange, and passed the clothes in her hand a little more.


Ram looked at his younger sister, who was similar to himself except for the hair and eye color, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down, and then spoke softly.

Didn’t I say 21? You don’t have to do the laundry for me. ”

“But… Rem is not as strong and good as her sister, so she can only do this kind of thing.”

Hearing Ram’s words, Rem lowered her head, her blue hair hung down, covering her eyes, her voice was extremely low, but her words were full of longing and envy for her sister, and it was hard to detect. …envy.

Looking at his shy and inferior sister, Ram had a complicated mood.

The two are twins, but the ghosts are different from other races. Among the ghosts, the twins are “forbidden children”.

Oni are rare demi-humans that look exactly like humans, and the only difference between this race and humans is the “horns” on their heads.

The ghosts are born with two horns. Usually, the horns of the ghosts are hidden in the skull, but when the situation evolves into a situation that shakes the instinct of the ghosts, the horns will stick out of their heads and eat up the mana in the surrounding atmosphere- – That is, magic.

Forcibly obey the magic power in the atmosphere and greatly improve their combat effectiveness. The horn is the organ that exists for this purpose. For the ghost race, it is the root of the individual ghost. It is the pride of the race, and it is also the reason why they can be stronger than other races. .

But twins are a different story, as they were born sharing two horns.

In the oni, individuals who lose their horns are called “hornless” and lose their identity as oni.

Losing a horn is inevitable to be slandered and blamed, not to mention the twins who were born without an important horn, which can be said to be taboo.

Therefore, twins are regarded as taboos, and it has always been a custom to be punished immediately after birth.

The same goes for Ram and Rem, the twins were dying at the beginning of their birth.

But the accident happened–

As one of the twins, Ram showed astonishing power when he and his sister were about to be executed. Although he only had one horn, the magic power that Ram was able to manipulate was stronger than the strongest in the village. the village head.

Thanks to Ram’s power, the oni who were going to put the twins to death changed their minds and planned to raise Ram to adulthood, and Rem also survived.

Having said that, Ram and Rem’s life is definitely not smooth sailing. Although their lives were saved, the fact that the two were twins could not be erased.

The two, who were labeled “hornless” from the beginning, grew up in the neglect of their clan.

Even the parents who are related by blood have a very indifferent attitude, and the people of the same clan have not concealed their disgust and contempt for the two jealous sons. For them, there is arguably the worst growing environment.

However, such a harsh environment did not last long. After they are sensible – correctly speaking, after the self-awareness of the sister of the twins is established.

Because the sister of the twins has shown amazing talent, it can be called a “prodigy”.

Possessing intellect that is unmatched among the ghosts of all dynasties, although he is young, the amount of mana that Ram can use is beyond the group, and more importantly, the horns on his head are so beautiful that all ghosts are fascinated by it. .

Although he is young now, his strength has surpassed that of all the adult ghost clan, replacing the village chief to become the strongest in the village. All the ghosts believe that Ram is a treasure given to them by the gods, and it is “the return of ghosts and gods”, and the opportunity for the ghosts to flourish again lies in Ram.

However, compared to her older sister, her younger sister Rem’s performance was a little bit less than ghostly.

She doesn’t have the powerful talent like her elder sister, and her performance is no different from an ordinary ghost clan–no, even worse than an ordinary ghost clan. Because she only has one horn… so her abilities are below the average of the oni.

This disappointed the ghost clan who had expectations for Rem and hoped to be as good as her sister, and the low strength, coupled with the reason of being single, made Rem have no place in the ghost clan.

This is the ghost race, a race that eats the weak and eats the strong, and uses its strength to divide its status among the races.

Although it will not be abuse, there will be some things that should be there, but some cold words are indispensable.

“Ram is so strong with one horn, how strong would it be if he had two horns…”

Someone – a ghost regretted after seeing Ram’s performance.

“…that’s her, Ram would have grown stronger if she hadn’t taken one of Ram’s horns.

“She shouldn’t have been born at all,

Some of the ghost clan’s private discussions reached Rem’s ears, causing serious damage to Rem’s young mind. Under such circumstances, Rem became more and more inferior, cowardly, and unconfident.

And all this Ram saw in the eyes, but there was no way.

The environment of the ghost clan is like this, even she can’t change it, she can only watch her sister slowly become like this.

With a sigh in his heart, Ram took the clothes from his sister’s hands. The clothes were washed very cleanly, and it could be seen that they had been scrubbed very carefully.

Ram smiled at his sister.

“Who said, Rem’s clothes are very clean, and the food is delicious, these sisters can’t do well, they are always clumsy.”

Hearing her sister’s words, Rem shook her head.

No, “As long as my sister wants to do it, she will be able to do it well.”

Rem said very seriously, obviously having great confidence in her sister, because sister Ram is the target she has been chasing all the time, and she always hides behind her sister and shrinks, imitating like a shadow. Sister’s every move.

Even the personality and dress are as close as possible to sister Ram.

But although the height, appearance and appearance are the same, the qualifications of being a “ghost” are quite different.

Of course, Rem also tried to change this situation.

Although it was just a shallow, naive and clumsy attempt by a young child, Rem still tried all means, just to get one step closer to her sister, or to win her sister in everything.

However, the elder sister is above the younger sister in every way.

In the end, Rem had to admit the reality and give up.

He doesn’t try to compare himself with his sister, develops in other areas, and does what he can do with peace of mind, but the unwillingness in his heart and the trace of jealousy towards his sister have always been rooted in that little heart and have never disappeared.

In order to take care of his sister’s heart, Ram did not entangle too much with Rem on this topic, but put his clothes on the table beside him and stretched out his hand towards his sister.

“It’s getting late, let’s go to bed Rem.

Rem nodded obediently, then changed into pajamas with her sister and went to bed.

As twins, they have slept together since childhood and have never been apart. If nothing else happens, they will continue like this in the future.

The time is approaching late at night. At this time, the ghosts are basically asleep. Under the blood-colored waning moon, the village of the ghosts is unusually quiet.

However, under this circumstance, a group of people covered in black robes came out of the forest surrounding the ghost village, and looked at the village not far away without saying a word, the only thing that was exposed outside. Yes, only those maddened eyes.

If someone saw their outfits, they would be able to recognize their identities in an instant.

–Witch Cult. ,

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