That's why Wally was very curious.

And following his inquiry, Asachel, who had long been curious about it, also looked over.On the contrary, Lavinia has been staring at Li Wei, as if she is thinking about something, and doesn't particularly care about it.

"I was really weak before - but after you left because of some things, I gradually discovered that I was not without talent, but because I had excessive talent, so I was affected by a certain ability of my own. Most The strength of the team can't be exerted, so it will appear weak."

Having said that, Li Wei also glanced at Vali helplessly.

"But to be honest, although I was always called a waste when I was a child, but seeing the way you were beaten, I really never expected that one day I would suddenly have talent..."

Hearing what Li Wei said, Valli also looked at Li Wei with a smile.

"Big brother, if you want to say that, I am too. Although I was often beaten when I was young, I never resented my talent when I saw you, big brother, being ignored by the whole family!"

Although Asachel was a little curious about Li Wei's ability, he couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Li Wei and Vali bickering.

——Surely he's a real brother...

This sarcasm is too skilled.

Asachel was sighing about this, while Minagawa Xiamei was covering her head with her hands at the moment.

"Just now, it seems that Li Wei and Xiao Wa have spoken out all about the darkness of the Lucifer family!"


Vali remembered Li Zevim again, and his face was a little gloomy.

However, Li Wei still had the same smile.


At this moment, Lavinia seemed to finally solve the problem she had been thinking about just now. She was staring at Li Wei and suddenly said such a title.


   Although Li Wei also knew that Lavinia likes to call others nicknames, she didn't expect that one day she would also use it on her own.

"Xiaowei ... can I call you that?"

Hearing Lavinia's question, Li Wei also nodded.

"If you think it's easy to call it that, you can call it whatever you want."

Seeing Li Wei say this, Lavinia also nodded.

On the other hand, Tsunashima Shashima made do with Vali and poked Vali in the shoulder with his elbow.

"Mr. Lucy Long, although your brother is sitting across from you, he is completely different from you. Isn't this super aristocratic etiquette? Why are you so rude."

"Ha!? Don't say anything else, don't call me Lucy!"

Seeing how Vali and Tsunashima Shashima were fighting, Azazel also sighed.

"It's still the same..."

He said so, and then set his eyes on Li Wei.

"Li Wei... You came to the Fallen and brought him... You shouldn't say that you came to see Vali."

Hearing Asachel said this, Tsunashima and Vali stopped fighting, and all eyes were on Li Wei and Toio Ikase, who hadn't spoken much since the beginning.

"There are also factors for watching Valli, but if I just came to see him, then I might take a more surprising method - and the reason why I came here in a hurry this time, the core reason is because there are serious things to say. "

Sure enough...

After Asachel knew that it was not Li Zevim but Li Wei who came, his eyes more or less always fell on Iketo Tobio.

He had met Tobio Ikise when he was a child.

At that time, he knew that Tobio Ikise's artifact was not an ordinary artifact.

So he thought that it might not be an accident that Li Wei brought Tobio Ikase...

And in fact it is...

"This time I came to the Fallen for three things - first, Lavinia, right, when the other things are finished, I have something to talk to you about, about the witch of Oz The problem with you, and your master... Although I don't like to do this kind of thing, I'm afraid that if you don't talk about it now, you won't know until you really get into a fight with the other party, and there will be a big problem."

Hearing Li Wei talking about his master, Lavinia, who always felt that her master was missing, became serious.

But before she opened her mouth to ask, Li Wei's eyes fell on Minagawa Natsume and Shashima Tsunao.

"The second thing is about the Xuchan organization - I promised Tobixiong to help him rescue all your classmates, so I came here mainly to understand the situation and progress here."

In the end, Li Wei's eyes fell on Asachel.

But unlike before, this time his expression was very serious.

"Finally, there is one very, very important thing I need to talk to you about privately - no, or it's just that I don't know anything about it, so there are a few things I need to ask you."

Hearing Li Wei say this, Asachel chuckled lightly.

"It's rare that the devil will come to ask me for advice..."

Seeing Asachel like this, Li Wei was still very serious.

"Yes - if you can't do anything about it, I'll go even if you ask me to find an angel."


"This is about the Beast King."


Chapter 121

The reason why Li Wei never went to trouble with Li Zevim was not because of Li Zevim's so-called identity of the strongest transcender.

With the current strength of Li Wei's team, it is completely possible to hunt the Transcendent.

So the core reason is not in Lizevim, but in the Beast King .

Li Wei, who has seen the original work, is still quite afraid that after Li Zeweim dies, they will be forced to face the situation of the Beast King~.

After all, judging from the strength of the beast emperor, this guy is the weakest and a transcendent, and the strongest is probably the Dragon God level.

So Li Wei didn't want to face the Beast King 66-6 until he was fully prepared.


"This is probably the case. Li Zevim's plan at this stage, or the next plan, is aimed at demons, evil dragons, and beast emperors - it is easy to deal with demons, and Sazex has some precautions, although it is relatively easy to deal with evil dragons. It's hard to deal with, but if you're serious, it's not completely impossible to deal with..."

Having said that, Li Wei stopped.

And Asachel also knew that what Li Wei didn't say was definitely the Beast King.


"I didn't expect that madman to want to release the beast emperor..."

Azazel doesn't quite believe what other people say.

But as the Governor of the Fallen Angels, he knows all kinds of information.So combined with what Li Wei said, he checked Li Zeweim's intelligence in his mind...

Then he discovered that if Li Zevim's core purpose is to release the Beast King, then this guy who seems to have run away from the mental hospital in the underworld, all his actions so far have become traceable!

- It's hard for him to believe it.

"Wait for me to take time out about the Beast Emperor... No, I'll go to each god system to ask after the matter of the Xuchan organization is over..."

The expression on Azazel's face didn't change as he said that, he just looked at Li Wei with a bit of a smile.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to the matter about the Beast King - even if the matter really develops to the worst stage and is really released, it is not impossible."

When he said this, Azazel was completely confident, but Li Wei actually knew that the solution in Azazel's mouth was both Ken and the leaders of the major forces to take turns with the Beast King. Start the eternal battle, and then spend [*] years to completely solve the related problems.

——This is not even a way to do it.

"Better not to go to the worst."

I told Azazel what I had to say, and Li Wei also stood up.

"After all, this kind of thing is not something I can manage now, so I will leave it to you as much as possible in the future—my words are to deal with the other two things."

Asachel nodded to Li Wei and watched him leave, and then the smile on his face gradually lost his strength.

Since the end of the Tri-Clan War, Asachel didn't want to have anything to do with the war at all - he was fed up with the war and didn't want to fight at all.


"If that madman plans to release the beast emperor, then some wars are absolutely unavoidable."

and so.

——We must find a way to stop him before that!


Unlike Asachel, Li Wei was blocked by Lavinia after he came out of his side.

The information on Minagawa Natsume and Shashima Tsunao still needs to be prepared, and although the matter here is right now, it is not so urgent in terms of urgency.

Instead, it was Lavinia.

- She couldn't wait any longer.

She originally ran out to investigate because of her master's sudden disappearance, so now that she can get information about her master, this makes Lavinia very happy.

And Li Wei looked at Lavinia, who even had a chuckle, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly.

So that she doesn't have any problems in the future battle, then let me do the bad things.

Li Wei thought like this, then he and Lavinia looked at each other and spoke directly.

"Lavinia, isn't your master Southern Witch Glinda missing..."

"Did she get attacked by a magician from Oz?"

"Do not……"

Li Wei let out a long breath.

"She was not attacked by the magician from Oz, but she was helping the magician from Oz to do things...or the magician of Oz, in essence, there is no such thing as The good witch and the bad witch."

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

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