Chu Tian sat in the back seat, looking at the curly blond woman who was placed beside him, playing with a small notebook that looked like a post-it note that was passed through five thin metal rings, which was Orianna's original shorthand for spiritual outfits. , and now it is Chutian's trophy.

The original shorthand is a kind of magic book that can be specialized for various purposes, but the spells recorded on it are all made by magicians with scribbles. Although it has the effect of the original when it is activated, it has been used. It will disappear soon after.

Although this kind of thing has the same effect as a magic scroll to a certain extent, it is a pity that it looks powerful, but it is useless in your own hands, it may only be used as fireworks, two or three times, Burn out.

"Is there another nun named Lidovia Laurentje?"

Chu Tian rubbed his swollen temples, what the hell did Academy City do? There are really too many magicians here to die.

That... the nun named Lidovia Lauren Jieti, her strength is not as high as the next one, compared to fighting, Chutian's most important task is to find her from Academy City immediately, otherwise Misaka Mikoto's competition will be banned. destroyed.

College City, a dedicated prison for the eleventh school district.

Chutian sent Orianna Townsend, who was knocked out, to the security guard's facility, with Letili, who had just been detained, as a neighbor.

But presumably this is also temporary, after all, Lai Dili is strictly a terrorist who wants to destroy the entire northern hemisphere, although it may not be like Index... Remember all the horrors of the original magic book, but her terrifying astrology magic , It is true that Chu Tian is very eye-catching.

After setting up Orianna, Chu Tian borrowed the computer in the security guard's facility, and obtained the distinctive features of the target person from the satellite and surveillance images.

It was a stone sculpture that looked like a giant sword and a cross, and the Roman Orthodox nun Lidovia Lorenzeti was trying to use it.

This kind of spiritual item cannot be placed in the storage device, so if you try to use the Apostolic Cross: Lidovia, who rules Academy City, will definitely carry this thing with you.

And according to the information provided by Aleister, the Apostle Cross: It is a large-scale spiritual item that borrows the power of the constellation.

Through the power of the Apostolic Cross: the entire Academy City can be brought under the rule of the Cross.

"Constellation magic is not like this."

Letili looked at the magic information that Chu Tian had collected. As an excellent astrologer, she naturally wanted to laugh at the simple use of the Apostle Cross: the simple use of constellations.

Compared with the Greek astrology that directly evokes the stars of the constellations, the Apostolic Cross: This kind of constellation presents the appearance of the constellation through the night sky and is freely issued around the world based on the power of the constellation "Although you and I have different positions, if you have any special words, I am still willing to listen. ."

"If you believe me, take a look.

There, there is a relatively spacious and comfortable lawn, which is also the best place to observe the stars."

"Yes, wait a minute: apply for a sentence."

Academy City, outside, on a hill thirteen kilometers from Tokyo.

It is hard to imagine that in a country as small as Japan, such a large piece of land can be left unused.

The Roman Orthodox nun Lidovia Laurentiette is now on this hill that is not too high. It seems to be a cross carved entirely from marble 'Apostle Cross:', which is slightly inclined at an angle, facing the The location of the morning star that has not yet appeared in the sky.

"It's been seventy-two minutes, and she hasn't been contacted for so long. She should have been caught."

"Hopefully she can live up to...the title of her own delivery person...who"

Lidovia was keenly aware of the magic wave coming from behind her, and she immediately.

He pressed the spiritually equipped apostolic cross beside his hand: Then, this seemingly ordinary and impermanent marble carving exuded an imperceptible wave.

When the wave swept across Lidovia's left front three meters away, a human-shaped existence was revealed.

Chu Tian also felt very helpless. He obviously didn't want to cause trouble, but he always wanted to provoke Mingming, so he was so innocent! He was knocked out and brought back, anyway... the academy city will also serve these magicians with delicious food and drink. , it would be nice to let them out after the Daba Star Festival is over.

Why are these people... I don't understand Chu Tian's painstaking efforts, and they have to be beaten to be reconciled? Chu Tian looked at the person in front of him, who was about twenty-seven or eight-year-old: a tall and thin woman, directly from the iron next to him. I broke a steel pipe off the fence and walked over.

"You are Lidovia Laurence Di, to tell you the truth, give up your boring ideas, you will not succeed."

Chu Tian looked at Lidoviya in front of him and said.

Lidovia, who was standing on the grass, pressed the spiritual outfit of the Apostle Cross beside her, wearing the worn and faded white monastic uniform, she looked a little out of place against the green field.

Not only the clothes, but in Chu Tian's eyes, even her hair and skin had lost their luster like the monastic clothes on her body, making her look very dull.

If the green space and the facade of the academy city as the background were taken by a color digital camera, Lidoviya, she is as awkward as an old black and white photo collaged into a landscape art photo.

"You are the magician who made a fuss in Academy City recently."

"I think it should be."

Chu Tian looked at the apostolic cross at Lidoviya's feet with a bit of regret: "This kind of dangerous spiritual outfit that is enough to change people's subjective feelings, it is better to get it in his hands as soon as possible.

"Then you are here to stop me"

Lidovia had long anticipated that she would be obstructed. After all, Academy City was also the leader of the science side that opposed the magic side. Lidovia would not believe it if there were no precautions.

"Sorry, my wife is still here: there is a sports meeting."

Chutian's current position is from the perspective of the academy and the city, and from the perspective of science.

According to Chutian's own words, in fact, he has no ill feelings towards the Crusaders.

To be precise, he actually doesn't have any bad feelings towards... all religions in the world... Of course he doesn't have any good feelings towards them either.

But if he disturbed his wife's sports meeting, it would be hard to say.

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Chapter 692 Call the police!

"Stop looking down on people!"

Lidovia pressed the spiritual outfit of the apostle's cross beside her, her expression was extremely ferocious.

"Don't underestimate this... Apostle Cross:! This is a large-scale spiritual equipment and magic used by borrowing the power of constellations, the highest spiritual equipment of the Roman Orthodox Church "Spiritual Ten Forms"

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