Chapter 680 The density of events here is really high

This is a song that contains the singer's feelings. Unlike those...ingenious pop music, this is what can truly move people's hearts....The embrace is more and more... .. Excited, Kamijou Toumara walked along a gap to the front of the crowd, and only then did he see the true face of this singer who moved his soul.

This is a very simple booth, so simple that there is only one electronic organ, one table, and no sound.

As for the one sitting at the table, it was a girl who looked like the girl next door, the girl was as old as Kamijou.

Index blinked her big blue eyes, no matter...

She is so sloppy around Kamijou, she is also a nun, she can keenly feel that the singing of this girl playing the piano contains a kind of connotation similar to the singing of 'holy songs' in the church. It can no longer be regarded as an ordinary singing, or it should be the carrier of miracles... The bitterness of Kamijou Touma's face gradually opened into a smile in such a singing, and Index's pretty face was also affected by this. , The heavenly singing caused a burst of blush, and even the hunger in the stomach was wiped out a lot, not only them, but everyone who heard this song was infected by the miracle contained in this song.

The corners of each of their mouths, slowly, burst into a smile from the heart.

"Clap clap, clap clap!"

After this song was played, the girl sitting next to the electronic keyboard looked at everyone who came to cheer, her pretty face showed a happy look, she stood up, bowed politely to everyone, and said: One sentence: "Thank you!"

Even if it is an ordinary speech, the girl's voice is full of a peculiar charm, which makes people very fond of it.

After all, it's almost noon now, you must know that the 'Daba Star Festival' is approaching, no matter...

The students and the parents who came here are very busy, it is not easy for them to take some time to listen to this perfect song, so after the performance, the onlookers gradually dispersed. It seems that her song can be liked by so many people, she seems to be in a good mood, this girl with pale pink hair relaxes her mood, and then she notices that there are still sparse applause: continue, The girl raised her head and saw a girl in a monastic uniform who looked out of place in the city, jumping and applauding for herself, and even the colored kitten that was put in her arms by the white teacup-like nun, also stunned. He opened his eyes and erected his triangular ears, as if he was still looking forward to something.

"Thank you!"

The girl thanked the little white nun again, and only then did she notice the spiky-haired boy standing beside the nun.

"Thank you for liking my songs, I'm Naruto Alyssa."

The girl with a voice like the sound of nature straightened her hair that was a little messy because of her singing, and came out from the keyboard.

"You're that...a very popular singer who is active on the roadside and on the Internet"

Kamijou Touma has heard this name, roadside singer Naruto Alyssa, her singing purpose is to make everyone feel happy through singing.

The dream is: "One day, I can leave the street and go to a wide place, so that my singing voice can be conveyed to many people"

, and she has been chosen to be in the cosmic elevator "Endymion"

Open, the singer of the ceremonial concert, is now a mess in Academy City.

......In the end, he was the leader of Academy City, the person with the halo, the two of them chatted with the street singer in two or two, and quickly became friends.

After Kamijou and Index packed up their music equipment, they invited Eliza, who was alone, to play together.

This should be regarded as a boosting job before the singer takes the stage. It seems that Kamijou Touma also felt that it was not appropriate to go out with a girl, so he brought in another Alisha. After all, this girl who sings well, gets along well. ............Very comfortable.

"Hey, Touma, Alyssa's songs are so good, isn't it Touma!"

"Well, I've downloaded all your songs on my phone, Miss Alicia."

Kamijou Touma waved his cell phone towards the girl, indicating that he had already shown everything with his actions.

"Thank you...Thank you, I'm glad you like my song!"

The blush on Alyssa's little face never dissipated, she seemed to bow her head shyly, and replied in a low voice.

"Hum, I'm actually quite particular about songs!"

Index raised her little nose proudly. She was not wrong when she said that. When the oldest song was born, it was purely to link the relationship between man and God, and to convey the wishes of man to the gods through singing. , so as to obtain the miracle of changing reality.

Those... people who used to sing songs can be said to be... the ancestors of modern magicians, the so-called magic spells, a large part of which is obtained by simplifying or complicating such songs. .

Hymns, bronze prayers, and even Kagura dances... Religious art and culture are all accompanied by symbols of the ancients' longing for miracles. In Index's view, in Eliza's singing , also accompanied by that miracle..."Alyssa's song is a real song, and there is no spell hidden in the lyrics, but it can be as fascinating as a hymn... "


Alicia looked at Index curiously.

"Sorry, this guy's 'Mobile Girl Kanami' has watched too much, and he always fantasizes about being a magical girl..."

Kamijou Touma grabbed Index who was still struggling, covered the guy's mouth, and said to Naruto Eliza who was beside him with a smile.

"But your singing is really beautiful...well, it feels like a dream!"

"Haha, dreaming, I don't have that ability!"

Alicia was amused by the interaction between Kamijou Touma and Index, the girl shook her head gently, stretched out her slender fingers, the middle finger and thumb were serialized together, forming a round shape.

"After all, I am incompetent!"

A few people walked forward talking and laughing, and when they were looking for a restaurant, they suddenly met Chutian who came back to buy food with the knot sign Danxi.

"So, how many... events are going to happen in this place in a day?"

Chu Tian sighed helplessly, the density of events in the world of the Magical Forbidden Book Catalog is too high, and there are also many organizations with unknown origins. It is possible that during a summer vacation, the sum of events from other worlds for several years will occur.

"Hey, Mr. Chu Tian"

Just when Chu Tian was hesitating whether to withdraw or not, an unpleasant voice came from behind.

Coincidentally, Misaka Mikoto also came.

Chapter 681 You Can Sing

In the fourth school district, a Chinese restaurant with high-end decoration.


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