Chapter 686 It Is Really A Dog Man

Chutian didn't want to be a fool, so after receiving the vacation notice, he immediately asked for leave from Miss Mushan, and followed him to Hawaii, the United States on the other side of the ocean.

This is the world's most secure country recognized by the world police, a free America, and gun battles are taking place every day, so Chutian doesn't worry about any emergencies when they go on vacation.

But... there is a very serious problem. Misaka Mikoto and the others... junior high school students, if they want to ask for leave from school directly and tell the teacher that they are going out to play, it is definitely not possible. of.

Instead of... saying that they came out to play, the teacher also asked them to conduct investigation activities by the way, anyway... no matter what, they must submit a report to the class teacher when they go home.

Of course, although the academic work is relatively heavy, it is still the first day of the good luck. Even an office worker with a tedious business does not stretch his hips on the first day when he is resting. When he sees a group of girls going to sea, Chutian leaves. With some ulterior motives, he also came to the beach.

Suddenly, Chu Tian's head was patted, and when he looked back, it turned out to be a familiar girl.

"Why are you here?"

Shokuhou Caoqi smiled and said: "Haha, don't think I don't know you are here, don't underestimate Queen Tokiwa's intelligence ability."

"I've only had a day off, I really don't want to meet you."

"Humph! It's hard for people to find you, but you're so ruthless, are you interested in having a drink with me?"

Shokuhou Cao Qi didn't want to be as reserved as other people, she was so enthusiastic, she kept throwing a wink at Chu Tian, ​​and pointed to a coffee shop with a classic shape not far away.

"Okay, but I don't know if there will be any entertainment after drinking."

"What activity do you want"

"Didn't you ask this knowingly?"

At this moment...crack! A sound of electric explosion suddenly exploded from behind, Chu Tian felt a sudden chill on the back of his neck, and the fine hairs stood upright, this familiar voice was.

......The sea in California, the hot and humid sea breeze blows Misaka Mikoto's white and delicate skin, warm and very comfortable.

After a whole night of rest, the fatigue caused by changing planes and maglev trains has almost disappeared. Since I came to the beach, it is impossible not to swim. The seaside swimming suggested by Kuroko Shirai was unanimously approved by Saten and Uiharu. options.

It was obvious that the 'wide-area social investigation activity' was to go out for fun and write a few investigation reports, but what Misaka Mikoto didn't expect was that, besides... that... shameless, there was also bee-eating Pray for this mortal enemy.

"Why, why did that guy come along with him!"

Misaka Mikoto seriously suspected that Chu Tian was playing tricks, saying that she came to accompany these girls, but she came to show her affection.

That guy, he obviously had Dr. Kiyama as his girlfriend, but he ended up hanging out with a group of junior high school students, it's really bad.

"Don't worry about them, elder sister, let's go do a hundred... Let's go swimming."

Kuroko pulled the fabric of the swimsuit.

It was a black-based swimsuit with white stripes in the middle that looked like killer whale skin.

Heizi's back was open, and he used a thin strap: it was fixed, and the front was flat, and he couldn't see the slightest undulation.

This kind of swimsuit is... Tokiwadai girls, the designated swimsuit for the middle school ability test, which contains all kinds of high-tech, if you are an Olympian, you will be crazy to get this kind of swimsuit, but Mikoto is not interested in this kind of swimsuit. I don't like swimming suits very much.

It's not a good thing that the performance is too high, and it is precisely because the performance of this swimsuit is too high that every time Mikoto wears it, she always has a feeling that she has nothing on and is naked.

"Well... that bastard didn't even notice us, really, did he deliberately not want to see us in bikinis..."

Heizi looked at Chu Tian, ​​who was chatting with the blonde girl while basking in the sun on the beach, secretly laughed twice, and retracted the hand that was stretched out behind his back.

This is not the first time, she has done to Mikoto many times to pull out the fabric of her chest and body, to comfort herself that this is not an act like body painting, this kind of naked feeling is really very insecure feel.

However, Misaka Mikoto was also very angry. Sure enough, all the dog men in the world are the same. It just depends on whether they have... goods. The supply of blond girls is... more than her, much bigger than her.

No wonder Chu Tian was fascinated by it.


Chuchun played the voice of a delicate girl, Mikoto took her eyes away from Xue Chutian and looked back.

Early Spring Shiri is wearing a one-piece swimsuit in light peach color and embroidered with cute patterns, um, how can I put it, I always feel a little young, it's just like... a little girl's dress.

Of course, even if she went out for a swim, the girl who was a garland was still wearing a beautiful pattern on her head. She looked embarrassed, her pretty face was flushed, and her hands were tightly protecting her upper body... .Although there is nothing there.

"chuchun, what's wrong with you"

The early spring ornament with a wreath on her head bowed her head like a small animal, carefully looked at the tourists around, and said in a low voice.

"Misaka-senpai's swimsuit is so trendy, I'm envious, my swimsuit is so tasteless, shouldn't people be considered a child!"

"Nothing like that."

Misaka Mikoto waved her hand, dispelling Uiharu Shiri's concerns.

It's really nothing like that.

"I didn't expect that I would be called together, so I didn't have time to choose a swimsuit, and I didn't have much money, so I could only choose a cheap disposal item..."

Chapter 687 Still have a little sense of participation

"Misaka-senpai, ah, Uiharu is also wearing a swimsuit!"

Lei Ye ran over from a distance, her figure was taller than her peers, her long black hair fell to her shoulders, and a small flower was pinned to her head, she looked very lively.

"Ah, Leizi, your too bold!"

Uiharu Shiri and Misaka Mikoto looked at Saten Leiko, who was smiling all over her face. The girl who only wore red ribbons and triangular fabrics looked as if she was not wearing anything.

Saten Leiko dressed up like this made Mikoto and Uiharu blushed.

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