"How to do......"

Shirley lowered her head, her hands were constantly pulling on the black gothic death dress she was wearing, and her sharp nails even tore small gaps in the fabric.

"You are under arrest."

A voice came from behind Shirley to her ears, and the woman was shocked. She didn't expect that her mental trauma could reach this level, and she didn't even realize that the man behind her was suitable to appear behind her.

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Chapter 684 The Trick of the Hanged Man

A voice came from behind Shirley to her ears, and the woman was shocked. She didn't expect that her mental trauma could reach this level, and she didn't even realize that the man behind her was suitable to appear behind her.

Through the corner of her eyes, she could notice that behind her was a man whose face could not be seen clearly. The mud has been dried and fell down with the man's movements.

Without the slightest pity, Chu Tian grabbed Xue Li at the same time, grabbed her wrist with a quick grab, twisted it in the opposite direction, and a silver handcuff was placed on her chocolate-colored wrist.

Then there was a body search. Chu Tian put his hands up and down on the black-skinned woman, touched the location of the magic tool, and easily found eight holy oil crayons and more than ten scroll fragments from Xue Li's sleeves and upper body pocket.

Without the magical props, this woman can't do anything wrong now.

Surprisingly, Xue Li didn't struggle to resist, instead she tightly closed her eyes, looking like she was about to be killed, she felt a little embarrassed looking at Chu Tian.

He patted off the hard mud that stuck to his body. Chu Tian's picture was a little handsome. Since the culprit has been captured, there is no need for everyone to continue to be frightened. Misaka Mikoto and Index walked over.

The riot caused by the magician Shirley Cromwell ended with the arrest of the magician, minor injuries to three guards, and zero casualties among the masses.

Three ambulances flashed emergency lights and whizzed past the roadside and stopped at the blocked underground street exit:.

Chu Tian took the handcuffed magician Shirley over, and after a brief negotiation with the guards, handed the person to the other party.

Academy City, District [-].

Or the center of the building with no doors, no windows, not even corridors, stairs, elevators, or even vents for ventilation.

At this moment, two men are standing in the same place, facing each other.

"By treating people as chess pieces, you can master the keys to the imaginary math area and the five-element mechanism. In this way, your plan completion rate has increased by [-]%. To be honest, in my opinion, you are a real monster. !"

"Other people may not know about it, but the so-called 'imaginary math area, the five elements organization' is... the diffusion position itself, the power that naturally radiates from the 230 million students in Academy City, is... The truth of the imaginary math district!"

Aleister just smiled, not interrupting Tsuchimikado Motoharu.

For Aleister, who has transcended the essence of human beings and has stepped into the 'realm of gods' with half a foot, in the current Academy City, even if there is an accident in his own plan, with his own strength, he can also He has the confidence to flip the table, and if he is completely out of control, he also has the strength to restart the game.

A magician who can reach the pinnacle state is not easy to mess with, the only uncertain factor is... that... Chutian, this unique superpower, no, perhaps it should be said, it is precisely because of the difference, so Aleister will find ways to experiment with him.

"I was right, didn't I!"

"You treat everyone as chess!"

Tuyumen Yuanchun pushed the sunglasses on his face, but Tuyumen obviously didn't want to get Aleister's answer, but showed a smile on his face: "Someone is coming."


Tsuchimikado Yuanchun noticed the magic wave beside him, took a step back, and looked at the faint golden light that appeared in front of him.

"The Hanged Man...hey, there are beach pants too"

With the experience of being brought for the first time, the teleportation has clearly grasped the coordinates, and Chutian has no need to use the space ability person to see Aleister.

However, Chu Tian did not expect that the blond bad boy in front of him, who is Kamijou Touma's good friend, Tsuchimikado Yuanchun, was actually present at the scene.

"Hey, Hanged Man, where did you hide Feng Zhanbinghua?"

The reason why Chu Tian would ask this is because they were already at the battle scene, and they searched for it again, but they didn't find Feng Zhan Binghua's shadow.

Now that Index is crying in the park, just to be conservative..., he still came to ask.

Tuyumen Yuanchun's eyes flickered for a while, but he did not speak to Chu Tian, ​​instead he stared at the human beings in the glass cylinder and said solemnly.

"You took that thing back too"

"Hey, pay attention to your wording, it's an artificial angel, you can't call it 'thing'."

Tuyumen Yuanchun looked at Chu Tian with a look of contempt, and said to himself: "In the area of ​​imaginary mathematics, artificially implant self-consciousness to help it materialize, and the incarnation is... Feng Zhanbinghua, she Not really a 'person' at all."

"In my eyes, a person who has a face and can talk is a person with a chest and can penetrate, and that is a woman."

Chu Tian looked at the Tuyumen Yuanchun in dissatisfaction, thinking that this kind of thing still needs you, I am someone who has watched your animations, Feng Zhanbinghua is a 'combination of positions', when he runs wild Also sticks out his tongue.

What Tuyumen Yuanchun said in this commentary tone was complete nonsense.

"Ask you about Hanged Man, where did you go, give me a place so that I can go back and do business."

"Feng Zhan Binghua has returned to the 'imaginary math area'."

Aleister shook her head gently, said very indifferently, and returned to her calm appearance.

"There is one more thing I want to ask you. It is also your ghost idea to arrange for Feng Zhanbinghua and Kamijou Touma to meet."

Aleister's eyes flickered and said: "You guessed it, I actually wanted to use the power of the forbidden book catalog to mix up the force field, so that Feng Zhanbinghua could appear, and let Kamijou Touma's ability, endow it with true human emotion."

Aleister paused for a while and continued: "The original Feng Zhan Binghua is like an ignorant chaos, those desires that are life, appetite, sleepiness, and so on... all the desires that come from life itself. It does not exist, there is no life and no death, and there is no so-called real sense of existence. From a certain level, she is still the representative of the 'imaginary mathematics area' and is highly intelligent."

"So you want Kamijou Touma to teach him and use his charisma to make Feng Zhanbinghua understand what emotion is."

"That's right, if Feng Zhanbinghua is placed next to Kamijou Touma, who can be eliminated at any time with Fantasy Killer, the artificial angel who originally had no ego can feel the fear that only humans have, and let her understand the concept of 'death' ."

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