Kamijou Touma's own sense of crisis had almost reached its limit after Jishen Qiusha said these words. He knew that, according to his 'broom star' fate, he and this man known as 'Feng Zhanbinghua' girl, something must have happened.

"But these... are only superficial and deep conclusions. If you want to investigate the 'Five Elements of the Imaginary Math Zone', this Feng Zhan Binghua is said to be the key person."

Akisha, the goddess of the goddess, spoke calmly, and a very important news reached Kamijou's ears.

"Five Elements Organization!"

"Shouldn't this kind of thing be an 'urban legend'? Does it really exist?"

Perhaps he noticed Kamijou Touma's gaze, and the two women and one cat standing under the wall showed a smile at the same time.

"That's right, this mysterious organization that is said to be secretly controlling the operation of Academy City, there seems to be a special research institute in 'Misty Hill' dedicated to researching her existence. The true face of the Five Elements Organization in the Math District."

"Misty Hill is a school in the eighteenth school district, so why did Kazana come to the fourth school district?"

"Well, she said she was a transfer student!"

Kamijou Touma scratched the back of his head and said to the Himejin Aisa in front of him.

"No, I should be the only transfer student, um...you have to be careful..."

Jishen's face suddenly fluctuated, seeing Kamijou Touma's heart trembling, before he could speak, a fragrant wind spread, and Jishen's figure was already running towards the door of the supermarket, looking in a hurry.

"Anyone who doesn't exist..."

"Is it the same as what I thought?"

Kamijou Touma murmured as he skillfully operated the ATM in the convenience store.

As long as students are studying in Academy City, there will be scholarships to receive, and the scholarships will be automatically remitted to the account every month, just like salary.

It's just that ordinary students with grade zero like Kamijou can receive quite limited scholarships.

If those... 'superpowers' receive a gold brick every month, and a poor student like Kamijou, it is the level of a brick.

Chapter 675 Black Skin Magician

Kamijou Touma skillfully put the banknotes spit out from the cash machine into his wallet, and then he turned around while holding the wallet. After such a long time, Index and Kazusa may have been waiting.

Across the main road, there is a station, at this moment, the station is crowded with junior high school and high school students.

Not long after the new semester started, students who hadn't seen each other during the summer vacation went to the streets in pairs, especially the stations and gates of large department stores.

Academy City, the time is approaching noon, the sun is like a god high above, wantonly swaying its heat towards the earth.

In such weather, the pedestrians on the street are wearing short-sleeved shorts as cool as possible, and the beautiful girls are wearing beautiful short skirts, which can be said to be the most beautiful scenery in the city.

However, among the coolly dressed women on the street, there is also such an unusual 'she'.

A woman who doesn't look Japanese. She has long curly blond hair and slightly rough brown skin. Logically speaking, it should be taboo to wear black in summer, but her body is covered in black with lacy edges. Gothic death style dress.

Obviously, this kind of dress still gets a lot of attention among the pedestrians on the roadside, but the focus of attention is not the gothic loli, but why the clothes are so thick in such weather..." I go, what a spectacle"

"Wearing so thick and black on a hot day, is this girl stupid?"

The woman's name is Shirley Cromwell. She is a member of the "Church of Necessary Evil", an English Puritan Magical Confrontation Force. She did not pay attention to the discussions of the students on the roadside, smiling, and the woman walked into the crowd. .

As she walked, her lips trembled slightly, and a vague, ethereal singing from afar reached everyone's ears.

One of her hands stretched out from the torn sleeve, and the tips of her fingers were tightly pinching something like white chalk, yes, she was... the magician who invaded Academy City, this kind of Crayons are made from selected blue salt and holy oil after consecration. In the church, they are also specially used to draw simple magic circles.

The singing is ethereal, this kind of song with a mysterious will is not difficult to hear, but it sounds surprisingly pleasant to those passing students, Shirley's singing is getting farther and farther, and the holy oil crayon she is holding is on the street. Runes and lines were constantly drawn on the walls, and in a flash, even the vending machines on the street were densely filled with such characters.

The singing gradually disappeared, but all the boys and girls who had heard the 'song' gradually came to their senses and looked at each other, feeling a little lost for a while.

They suddenly discovered that not only the walls and vending machines, but even the guardrails on both sides of the road, street trees, cleaning robots, the props of wind turbine blades... Shirley's holy oil crayons were full of everything she could reach on the road. All objects... After writing the last character on the cylindrical cleaning robot, Shirley turned to start writing in the air, a blue, hexagram-shaped summoning circle.

"Come out, Ellis, and serve me to the death."

The woman took away the holy oil crayon in her hand and patted her palm crisply.

Kacha... squeak, squeak, squeak... Continuous noises came from all sides of the woman, including vending machines, guardrails, cleaning robots, etc... As long as the symbol was drawn by Shirley There was a strange clicking sound, and then, balls about the size of ping-pong balls floated on the surface of the objects.

Shirley's magic is different from that of Steele. She is not a rune mage in the full sense. Her magic practice contains part of the mystery of alchemy.

Then, on the surface of the 'ping-pong ball', a crack gradually increased from small to large, and finally a horizontal crack appeared... From the crack, a cloudy white eyeball emerged.

Everyone around was terrified.

Even if he lives in a superhuman society, he is only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old junior high school student.

It's a terrible thing to call out a monster like a horror movie out of thin air! In an instant, the street is plunged into a huge chaos, all kinds of noises are heard, and the people fleeing are like bees whose nests have been burned.

"The target is her... that special being named Feng Zhan Binghua."

Xue Li took out a piece of black cardboard, which was a photo, and then quickly waved the white holy oil crayon. Although Xue Li didn't understand Chinese characters, she could still write it by copying it according to the information. of.

After writing the text, Xue Li shook her hand, and the black paper fell out of her hand. Suddenly, dozens of terrifying eyeballs came over like sharks smelling fishy, ​​and took the small piece of paper. The slices gnawed into pieces and swallowed them all.

"It's up to you, Ellis."

Shirley smiled slightly, and her figure disappeared into the crowd again.

... Today's Academy City seems to have suddenly come to life. People come and go on the streets, men and women walking on the road, like layers of waves.

Shirai Kuroko was walking in such a crowded crowd.

Kuroko Shirai is a first-year student of Tokiwadai Middle School, and she is also Misaka Mikoto's schoolmate and roommate. She has two beautiful ponytails tied around her head when she is away from home. Although she is a little short, she is quite cute. Tokiwadai's summer uniform wears a green shield-shaped armband on the sleeve.

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