Up to now, Kanzaki Kaori can only rely on speculation on super powers.

Because she didn't feel that she could make such a fast movement just by her physical ability.

Even saints, when using the power of gods, will collapse because their muscles can't bear it. Superhumans who have not undergone years of polishing or baptism of magic power use their physical abilities to achieve high-speed movement, and the final result will only tear their bodies apart. crack.

Clang...! The blades collided, making a crisp metallic sound.

After maintaining the God Splitter for a long time, every muscle in her body was whimpering, and it had reached the brink of collapse.

"I won't play with you anymore."

Chu Tian was a little tired of playing the house in such a one-sided manner, he waved his hand lightly, and then several surrounding houses collapsed in an instant, Kanzaki Kaori was smashed into the building together with a knife, and a terrifying sound wave swept out everything around him.

After a while, the scene fell silent.

The dead street is like an earthquake of magnitude [-] and a typhoon at the same time, leaving a ravine [-] meters long and [-] meters wide.

Kanzaki Kaori's appearance was quite miserable, her body was stiff, the sequelae of borrowing divine power for a long time broke out, and her limbs were paralyzed and unable to move.

"Hey, you're not dead yet, I just exerted my strength."

Chu Tian flew into the building where Shenzha Huozhi had smashed into. The Shenzha Huozhi in front of him was covered in blood, with tiny bloodstains all over his body, his white shirt was dyed red, and that slender beauty was also drenched in blood.

It looked miserable, but Kanzaki Kaori felt extremely lucky. If she hadn't maintained her saintly body just now, it would be hard to say whether she was alive or dead now.

"Hey, Kanzaki! You're all right!"

At this time, Stiyl also ran over with Kamijou Touma's support.

They were all stunned by Chutian's blow just now. Just a wave of his hand caused such a terrifying explosion. This is no longer the category of superpower or magic. This guy is a monster! Motivating the only remaining magic, Stiyl Flying to Kanzaki Kaori and seeing his boss lying dying in a pool of blood, Stier's face changed drastically. The trip to Academy City was originally only to erase the memory of the forbidden magic book catalogue. If he lost a saint, he could Not worth the loss.

"It's okay, just a little out of strength!"

Kanzaki Kaori's chest heaved violently, panting for breath, the ability of the saint's body restored her fatal injury in a short period of time, and now there is no serious problem.

"I didn't expect such monsters to exist in Academy City!"

Still: In the aftermath of shock, he looked at the devastated streets and blurted out: "You guy, shouldn't you be a saint too!"


A frivolous voice came from Chu Tian's mouth.

"Then...don't...you're a demon"

Steele's pupils shrank sharply.

Demon gods are a special kind of magician who have completely stepped into the realm of gods. They have mastered all the knowledge on the magic side, and have elevated themselves to the realm of gods under the action of special rituals.

Complete demons have infinite power, can subvert all laws, and the world is shattered by a touch to them.

In this world, there is no other species with such powerful destructive power except... the devil.

"So that's the case. Your Excellency turned out to be the legendary Demon God...that is a field that mortals such as me must never interfere with. I am convinced that I lost! But can you please raise your hand and let my companions go?"

Kanzaki Kaori sighed softly and closed his eyes quietly, as if waiting for the next fate.

"Hey Kanzaki, are you looking down on me?"

Stier blushed and scolded behind him, "Kill if you want to, don't even think about humiliating us."

"Shut up, Steele!"

Kanzaki Kaori suddenly opened his eyes: "You have a mission that must be completed, Index is still waiting for you, even if you endure the shame, you have to live."

Steele's shoulders trembled and he stopped talking.


Seeing that the atmosphere is getting more and more anxious, Kamijou Touma hesitated for a while..., and interjected: "Although I don't know what kind of hatred you have, but fighting and killing is always bad, why don't you sit down and talk."

Steele: "..."

Kanzaki Kaori: "..."

Chutian: "..."

I have to say, Hedgehog is really a peacemaker.

It's already been made like this, and there is still a sentence to say, let's sit down and talk, this...heart is higher than the sky.

"I don't have to kill you, but I have one condition."

"What conditions"

A look of anticipation suddenly appeared on Stiyl's face.

"This woman, you're going to serve me in a maid outfit, that's all."

"So simple"

Kanzaki Kaori scolded Stiyl as soon as he said something softly.

"Simple ass! This, this is a shame!"

"Do you want to choose death more than maid outfit?"

Chu Tian said that he was about to stab him.

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