Gufa Meiwei said alertly, and after quickly operating on the keyboard with both hands, he recalled Chutian's data.

"That dress seems to be the research assistant of Harusheng Mushan... Are they here to help her?"

"It's... him, the weirdo who took away the elder sister last time was... him.

But what's the matter with this guy's information is blank, will there be people with blank identities in Academy City?"

Everyone felt a little nervous.

Academy City has a strict real-name authentication system, and even pets have strict identities, which is easy to monitor and control. Chutian is the first to expose his face on the Discipline Commissioner's computer but the message bar doesn't pop up, "Forget it. ,in spite of....

That guy is..."

Heozi ignored Chutian and looked at Sister Misaka obsessively: "Two elder sisters, why is God suddenly being so kind to Heozi? Today must be Heozi's lucky day!"

After all, the perverted Heizi left his job directly, ignored Gufa Meiwei's obstruction, teleported away, and went to the scene of the incident.

"All put on live ammunition!"

At the scene of the exchange of fire,,, facing the sudden appearance of Mushan's assistant, Huang Quanchuan Aisui calmly ordered: swipe - kaka - load the metal projectile, Huang Quanchuan Aisui stood outside the encirclement with an explosion-proof shield and scolded: "Mushan Two researchers from the research institute, I have arrested you in the name of the head of the seventh branch of the Academy City Security.

Don't try to challenge my patience, your accomplice Mu Shan Chunsheng is wanted, if you don't want to follow in the footsteps, just stay where you are and don't resist."

Huang Quanchuan Aisui said, and hesitantly glanced at Miss Misaka, who was blindsided. Although her identity was unknown, her face was exactly the same as that of the Railgun. It could be inferred that this girl was the elder sister or sister of the Railgun! In the current situation, Sister Misaka is likely to be a hostage taken by Chutian, in order to make the railgun under the bridge who is fighting against Kiyama Chunsheng worry about her, so as to threaten her.

"Please don't get me wrong, I have no ill intentions, I came here to stop Professor Mushan."

Chu Tian raised his hands very cooperatively: "Also, please don't point the gun at me, or you will be injured."

It's a pity that Chu Tian's good words and persuasion did not bring any change. A group of guards held their breath and waited for the order from above to shoot.

At this moment, after several consecutive high-speed teleportation, the perverted sunspot, who was almost exhausted into a dog, finally arrived.

She stood beside Huang Quanchuan Aisui, pulled the corner of the latter's clothes, and fell into a negative state of pain all over her body.

"Mr. Huang Quanchuan, Heizi is not too late!"

"You came at the right time, and the girl suspected of being the Railgun sisters was kidnapped by the other party! It's up to you!"

The Disciplinary Committee and the Guard belonged to the security organization of the Academy City. The difference was that the former was an organization that maintained public order within the school, while the latter had more power, similar to the outside world's special forces, and faced more dangerous enemies.

The two of them were in the seventh school district, and they looked down and saw that Huang Quanchuan Aisui was no stranger to Kuroko, and knew that she was one of the 4 other great abilities, and she was also a very rare space-type ability person.

"Sister elder sister is in danger, of course Kuroko is righteous."

Heizi opened her nostrils and gasped for two thick breaths, and Lily's power made her instantly revived as if she had been beaten with blood.

Swipe! Kuroko's ability to use space to move disappeared in place, and reappeared and came to behind Misaka sister, just as Kuroko put her palm on Misaka sister's back, an electric current poured into her body.

Bilibili————A violent electric light flashed, Heizi was covered in smoke, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, happily exhaling a black smoke: "Well, the love of my elder sister... oh, oh, please be more rude. Destroy Kuroko!"

Huang Quanchuan Aisui: "..."

Guards: "..."

Misaka [-]: "..."

Chu Tian: "What are you here for?"

Chu Tian looked at Sister Misaka speechlessly, and complained: "Why do you have to put on a puzzled expression, it's you who is calling her?"

"Misaka didn't know, when she met Misaka, Misaka used her ability subconsciously.

Researcher, is Misaka's ability running wild? Misaka asked worriedly."

Misaka Jiu sister blinked in confusion, her face innocent.

Lying on the ground, Kuroko twitched from time to time: "The elder sister who has a strange oral fetish is so cute..."

The corner of Chu Tian's eyes: With a shudder, he continued to raise his hand and nud his mouth at Heizi, indicating that the attack just now had nothing to do with him, but in the eyes of Huang Quanchuan Aisui, his actions became a provocation by the criminals.

"Damn, isn't the Discipline Commissioner here to help? Why did he fall so quickly?"

"Bastard, the number of hostages has increased!"

"Don't shoot yet!"

......Under the viaduct, the battle between Misaka Mikoto and Kiyama Haruno is in full swing.

But this battle, in Chutian's view, is like a rookie pecking at each other, and there is really nothing to watch.

Mushan Chunsheng is a research house that never leaves the door, and his battle experience is equivalent to zero.

Misaka Mikoto didn't do much better, after all, she spent the past two days tracking down the whereabouts of the replicants, and she was exhausted both physically and mentally.

But after getting tired, Misaka Mikoto is still a 5 anyway, and her actual combat experience is stronger than Kiyama. I don't know where it went, so after a fight, she still subdued the opponent on the ground.

"Let go!"

Mu Shan Chunsheng roared in pain, "I'm sorry, I can't do this, if I knew at first, I wouldn't stop you..."

Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth, insisted on the justice in her heart and said, "But even if you have such a past, you shouldn't hurt more people!"

"As long as I can rescue those children, I can do anything, even if I am an enemy of everyone in this city, I will not stop!"

Speaking of this, Mushan Harusheng suddenly closed his eyes in pain, and his whole body kept shaking.


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