Looking at each other, the two hurried out of the fast food restaurant and bumped into the perverted lily Kuroko Shirai.

"It hurts...what are you two doing!"

Kuroko, who fell, complained to his friends.

"It's Misaka-senpai! She was covered in injuries and was taken away by a strange guy."

Saten pointed to the alley at the end of the street and shouted, "There, Misaka-senpai hasn't gone far."

Sister Misaka turned her head cooperatively, her empty eyes looked at the three of them, and just as she was about to say something, Chu Tian pulled her into the alley.

Heizi jumped up from the ground and chased after him as fast as he could. After turning into the alley, he found that there was nothing in front of him except... a few trash cans.

The alley is less than five meters before and after, around: it is all closed walls, and it stands to reason that there is no place for Tibetans.

But the eyes don't lie, there is no Misaka Mikoto in the alley, and there is no strange researcher, the two of them seem to have evaporated out of thin air.

Kuroko didn't give up, Uiharu Shiri and Satian Leiko were with her, the three of them searched back and forth, felt the wall to find the hidden compartment, and even turned the trash can twice, and finally Kuroko found it sadly, Her elder sister really disappeared out of thin air.

Kuroko had a look of despair, and when he thought back to how his elder sister looked back, he felt like the sky was about to fall.

Those empty and numb eyes, as if there are no people or things to be nostalgic in life, all thoughts are lost, and the voice for help has never been issued.

Chapter 651 The Two Sisters

"It's over! My elder sister was taken away by a mysterious character.

I will definitely be locked in a dark room and tortured! First, then, and finally this way, that way..."

Kuroko knelt on the ground, thinking about the picture of Misaka Mikoto letting Chu Tian tease him, the more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

But.... Kuroko Shirai is not an ordinary person, she is the number one pervert in Academy City, so Misaka Mikoto was arrested, rectified, not only did not make her nervously call the police, but it also made her excited.

"I'm so envious, such a big sister is so cute, hehe!"

Heizi's face flushed red, and a happy nosebleed came out. After three seconds, she shook her head and shouted, "No, now is not the time to think wildly.

My elder sister is facing the biggest crisis in her life, and Kuroko will never allow it... My elder sister's integrity is guarded by me, Kuroko!"

Uiharu Shiri and Saten Leiko, who were originally worried, didn't react when they saw Kuroko's crazy appearance, because they were already numb.

Female pervert, what do you care about her?

"I said, what are you three doing here?"

The main body of Misaka Mikoto, who was wearing Tokiwa Taichung's school uniform, suddenly stood at the entrance of the alley and said dissatisfied: "I ran over rashly and called you to ignore me, especially you, Kuroko, you always think that you are thinking of something very rude. matter."

At this time, the genuine Misaka Mikoto came out from the corner, um, she was late for shopping today.

"Hey, Misaka-senpai!"

Uiharu Shiri and Saten Leiko were stunned.


Kuroko jumped towards Misaka Mikoto in surprise, but stopped suddenly in mid-air, and looked at Misaka Mikoto vigilantly.

"What's wrong"

Misaka Mikoto felt a little confused.

Kuroko asked: "You are the elder sister... that's not right! Kuroko saw clearly just now that the elder elder sister was covered in bandages and was taken away by strange people. You are not the elder elder sister, who you are...  ......Forgive me, you fake, you dare to pretend to be my elder sister in front of me, I really don't know whether to live or die."

"It's you who don't know whether to live or die!"

The blue veins on Misaka Mikoto's head bulged, black energy visible to the naked eye surged, and lightning circled around her body.

Bilibili! The alley lit up with silver light, accompanied by screams of pain and happiness. In the electric light, Kuroko danced and flickered, and the skeleton and skeleton flickered. I don't know when the early spring ornaments Li and Satian Leiko put them on. Sunglasses, quietly staring at the scene in front of him.

"This familiar feeling...and this unhesitating attitude...you can't be wrong, this is the real big sister, not a fake!"

Heizi fell to the ground, spit out a puff of black smoke, twitched his hands and feet twice, and said with white foam.

....five minutes later, in a fast food restaurant.

The four of them sat opposite each other, and Saten Leiko recounted the whole story verbatim.

"A person who looks exactly like me, still in a plaster cast, and taken away by a strange researcher..."

Misaka Mikoto shook her hair and said in disbelief, "How could there be such a thing? You must have read it wrong."

"No, not even Uiharu and Zuo, nor Kuroko, that poor size: Kuroko has already memorized it by heart, it is definitely my elder sister."

After Kuroko finished speaking, Saka Mikoto suddenly turned the topic away with the murderous intention: "Sister, do you still have a younger sister, twins or something?"

No waiting: Misaka Mikoto replied, Kuroko had boundless delusions, and showed a wretched smile like a moron: "When I think of having two elder sisters, Kuroko... Kuroko, just..."

Beep beep! Another burst of discharge.

"Shirai-san, I seem to have smelled the aroma of barbecue."

"Stay, stay glued... This is the love of my elder sister for Kuroko, no matter how many times, Kuroko can endure it."

Heizi collapsed on the table, foaming at the mouth.

Saten asked Misaka Mikoto cautiously: "Shirai-san is right, does Misaka-senpai have a twin sister who is too similar after all... Oh, I forgot to mention, she also wears Tokiwa Where's the school uniform!"

"I really don't have a sister..."

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