"Hahahaha is that so! It's just a mere human, that's all!"

Suddenly, a burst of arrogant laughter felt a strong pressure from the three servants on the ground at the same time.

In addition to......, there is also a servant! With a wave of the robe, he pointed at a street lamp in the distance: "The heroic spirits participating in this Holy Grail battle are all famous heroes, hiding their heads and showing their tails. If you don't show your face, you will inevitably endure the humiliation of my 'Conqueror King' Iskandar!"

The full-strength ridicule quickly responded, and on the street lamp, dazzling golden rays of light appeared little by little, followed by a large number of golden halos hurriedly sprinkled! A local tyrant in golden armor stood abruptly. on the street lights.

Yes, I don't know what the reason is. Maybe the Heroic Spirit has no weight, or the street lights in Fuyuki City are all carbon fiber. He blinded the whole audience! That's right, he is... the world's most famous heroic spirit, the king of street lamps... No, the king of heroes - Jin Shuang! "Who are you!"

The glittering figure made it impossible to look directly. The equipment of the family was solid gold, and every inch of skin revealed corruption and wealth.

And the equipment...a turtleneck sweater, both sleeves were slaughtered, and the whole body exuded the smell of poverty.

Just from the momentum, you have already lost! "I ask you! Who the hell are you!"

Seeing that Jin Twinkle didn't answer, he asked again.

But the other party remained silent.

"Oh, you don't want to accept this king's ridicule and appear on the stage, but you don't want to reveal your identity?"

It's not a deliberate provocation, but to obtain some information. The other party seems to be a heroic spirit who can't be motivated.

But it's not the case in fact, Jin Twinkle is synonymous with arrogance, the questions he doesn't answer are because of his status, and he's not worthy of talking to him.

And it's different.

"The rat generation who calls himself the king dares to speak up in front of this king!"

Jin Twinkle's mouth is... full of contempt, and even if he answers, he is so arrogant and arrogant that he is speechless.

"These words are really heart-wrenching. This king, Iskandar, is a world-famous, unique conqueror, a heroic spirit on a street lamp, and I ask you to quickly report your name!"

Scratching his chin with a puzzled face, he didn't have much anger, but he pointed out the enemy's weakness - arrogance.

"It's ridiculous, the only hero who can truly be called a king is this king, and the others are nothing more than miscellaneous practices!"

After Jin Twinkle said this, don't say it, even her heart was annoyed.

"Since you have such a big tone, let's sign up first! If you are also a king, you shouldn't be afraid to show your name!"

shouted angrily.

"Haha, the mere chops dared to question my king"

Jin Jing raised his head and looked at him with his nostrils.

Spreading hands, not going to ask questions.

Because she found that the goods were completely unable to communicate.

Only asked Xiang Chutian: "Chutian, who is this golden guy?"

Chu Tian shrugged: "That's it, the son of Si Gong Hui Ye and Bai Yin Yu Xing."

As soon as these words came out, not only the three 3 Servants on the ground, but even the golden glitters on the street lamps were shocked, and the brain was stunned! "Who's son?"

"Why is it so good, suddenly talking about his life experience?"

"This guy is a heroic spirit, right? Who are Kaguya Shinomiya and Yuyuki Shirogane?"

The atmosphere changed in an instant. Just now, the arrows were raging, and the tension was so tense that people could not breathe. Now...it's a bit funny, and there are some gossip! Chu Tian: "Si Gong Hui Ye and Bai Yin Yu Xing... .blond hair, red eyes, rich, awkward personality... all passed down to the child, the biological one didn't run away."

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Chapter 406 Miss Hui Ye wants to be your mother

"What! You, you even know his parents"

The three 3 Servants and one Master were all shocked and dumbfounded.

If Chutian is only strong, they can still understand, after all, there will be one or two strong magicians in every era.

But he even knew Heroic Spirit's parents, which was a bit puzzling.

This person should be beyond the category of ordinary people! Could it be some kind of god: "Really, this sparkling guy, do you really know his parents?"

Chu Tian nodded solemnly: "I really know, Si Gong Hui Ye and Bai Yin Yu Xing are very familiar with me. They are... the parents of the guy on the electric light, I will bring them here."

When he heard that he was looking for someone, and he was still looking for his parents, the golden glitter on the electric light suddenly became anxious.

"Miscellaneous! What nonsense are you talking about! This king has the divinity of 'two-thirds are gods and one-third are people', and in this Holy Grail War, Gilga, the oldest hero king who descended with the rank of rank Mish! What Shinomiya Kaguya! What Shirogane Yuxing! This king doesn't know such parents!"

Glittering was furious.

For tonight's battle, he has already thought of [-] ways to pretend to appear.

Including the unbelievable appearance on the street lamp, which is also what he expected.

But who knows, his tyrannical style has no effect on the person below. As soon as he comes up, he will be suppressed by strange words! "Why don't you believe it? Do you know who your parents are?"

Jin Shun was stagnant for two seconds. He originally disdained to answer Chu Tian's question, but now, in order to clear his slander, he had to answer" "This king's mother, Rima Teningsun, is a goddess, father king Lugar is a human hero who has become a god! It's not what you said about Kaguya Shinomiya and Yuyin Shirogane!"

"Oh is that so"

Chutian Guigui smiled: "Then tell me, how did you get your divine nature of 'two-thirds as gods and one-third as human beings'? Does this conform to genetic logic?"

"What's the meaning"

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