This time is no exception! "You bug, you bastard, you bastard, you think you are worthy of Miss Ben and I come to your house, but you dare to touch me"

Fujiang kept yelling at Brother Cheng, but Brother Cheng didn't expect that this woman would play cards so out of the way.

I brought it home and didn't go to bed, do you really think that she is really stupid or pretending to be stupid! Brother Cheng: "Miss Fujiang, although I don't know what the misunderstanding between us is, I'm definitely not the one you think. people..."

"Ah la la not that kind of person"

Fu Jiang smiled contemptuously, and continued to ridicule him: "You dead otaku, you think I don't know what you have in your heart. You must be the kind of scumbag you are usually... Take a secret photo of the girl you like, in Ivy Star's show. Luo body is a self-defense person, right I saw a lot of toilet paper in your trash bin from the moment I entered the door, and there are also a lot of curly hair on this bed, hey, let me guess where the hair is.. .."

Fu Jiang's almost toying attitude not only made Brother Cheng angry, but even the group members in front of the screen felt a little angry.

"Fujiang's words are too irritating..."

"I'm going, she was the one who followed people into the house, why did she say she was deceived..."

"Mom, this kind of direct life attack, this brother Cheng is miserable enough..."

"I'm going, Brother Cheng is going to explode!"

"It's going to explode!"

Brother Cheng really broke out, and he didn't know why, it was obvious that he would be ridiculed with a smile at ordinary times, but now, at this moment, when this woman named Fu Jiang was insulted, he was extremely angry, like There is a kind of magic power that seduces all the murderous desires in his whole mind, and if he doesn't stop... inspiring, stimulating, and finally letting him put it into action! Shah! The white knife goes in and the red knife goes out.

By the time Brother Cheng reacted, Fu Jiang had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Chapter 373 Xiyuan Temple, Dividing the Corpse [2 More]

"Kill, kill"

"OMG! Really, really kill what's going on"

Not only Brother Cheng, but also the members of the group watching the play outside were frightened enough.

A few minutes ago, they were still there: discuss and wait: watching the large-scale drama, who knows that once they get back to their senses, everyone is gone! "Calm down, this is Fujiang's normal operation."

Chu Tian calmly let everyone sit down: "Fujiang will seduce men, and then induce them to kill themselves. Don't think that this is murder, just think that a group of slimes have been stabbed..."

After the accidental murder, Brother Cheng first ran to the toilet and vomited, and then quickly called someone to help dispose of the body.

At this time, there is only one person he can trust - the world of Xiyuan Temple.

Seeing Xiyuan Temple appearing at Brother Cheng's house, everyone started to gossip again.

Sakata Gintoki: "What's the situation? This brother Cheng is plain looking, and he can still call such a beautiful beauty"

Saitama: "Why is this called to throw the corpse or.... divide the corpse"

Hai Yuanai: "I guess she will call the police."

Conan: "Unlikely, generally speaking, the person who dares to come to Brother Cheng's house alone in the middle of the night is definitely not a normal relationship between men and women. This woman should help him deal with Fujiang's body, and this woman's mind should be stronger than Cheng's. Brilliant..."

Deadpool: "You can see that"

Conan: "If you kill someone, will you find someone stupider than you to help?"

Genos: "That's right. If you call someone stupider than yourself, then you'll probably be fully explained by the police if you ask him casually."

...and Conan guessed right, in the world of Saiyuan Temple, this woman is a very powerful bitch.

On the one hand, she matched Brother Cheng and Yan Yegui to communicate, and on the other hand, she deliberately put on the attitude of an outsider.

When Brother Cheng was chasing Yan Ye Gui, Xiyuan Temple taught him by hand, from how to talk to a girl, to how to pick up, and finally how to have sex.

Moreover, Xiyuan Temple also took the initiative to distance herself from the relationship, saying that she was only for training Brother Cheng, she only took the kidneys, not the heart, only the body, not emotional, they were still good friends, even if they were at home, on the rooftop, and fighting in the woods After that, they are still the purest best friends, so what should they do?

I have to say that a good friend like Xiyuan Temple is very green tea,'s really enviable! Good friends don't need to be responsible for free fuck, just this, Brother Cheng is enough to kill him Eight times out of ten! Xiyuan Temple quickly calmed down. Brother Cheng killed someone, of course she wanted to hug him.

Make a quick decision and shred the corpse! "There are countless cameras around your house, large and small, even if we let her pretend to be drunk, we won't be able to walk very far, the nearest canal from here is at least... ......and 2 kilometers, there's no other way than...cut her into pieces and take her out."

Hearing this, Brother Cheng immediately urinated in fright.

Killing, breaking up, throwing corpses.... what a horrible thing this is! However, the big mistake has been made, and the only thing I can do is wait. Now I can only listen to Xiyuan Temple, divide the corpse, and give it a try! With panic In the mood, Brother Cheng and Xiyuan Temple, the dog man and woman, took the bathroom, closed all the windows, sealed it with tape, opened the shower, rubbed the body lotion, and tasted to dilute the bloody smell.

Next, a knife is cut from the artery and the bleeding begins.

Xiyuan Temple is very good at using knives. It is obviously the first time to kill people, but they are inexplicably familiar with the road. In less than an hour, the two cut the entire Fujiang into more than ten pieces.

"I grass..."

In front of the screen, everyone looked at Fu Jiang, who had been dismembered.

There were even a few who were so weak in their hearts that they almost vomited.

Sakata Gintoki: "Are all female high school students so scary these days? I... vomit..."

Genos: "This one is called Xiyuanji, she is a horror novel lover! Look how skilled she is!"

Saitama: "Who's in the toilet! Come out! I'm going to throw up!"

Tsunade: "There are 5 people in the toilet!"

It has to be said that although [-]% of the members of the Sand Sculpture Group have killed people, it is still a bit unbearable to see two ordinary high school students shredding their corpses.

Chu Tian calmly patted Saitama on the back: "All calm, don't treat Fujiang as a human being, just assume this is killing a slime, it won't be so uncomfortable."

Deadpool: "That's right, just imagine they're cutting my dick, it's a lot easier!"

Not to mention, the suggestions of Chutian and Dead Servant really worked wonders! After not treating Fujiang as a human being, the burden on everyone's heart was reduced by [-]% at once! The toilet door opened immediately! Tornado : "Yeah, what am I disgusting about, isn't Fujiang already this kind of physique..."

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