The storm swept through the entire street, as well as the height of dozens of meters on the street! I saw a mushroom cloud of smoke and dust that was bigger and thicker than before, and the sonic boom blasted the whole area of ​​Jinye District, even the hovering in the air. The helicopter was shaken back several meters! "So strong!"

"Is this the true strength of All Might! Too strong!"

The whole world is boiling, and every punch of All Might is more than [-]%%, or even [-]%! No matter how powerful the brainless body is, no matter how fast the regeneration speed is, it can't resist it! "Boom!"



The three Brains were blasted away like cannonballs, and crashed into the wall with a bang. In the ground, each of the Brains’ bodies was smashed to pieces, and their brains were scattered! Just like the border of a fighter jet, the streets became A piece of ruins! "The so-called hero is someone who can gradually shatter a desperate situation no matter what!"

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Chapter 359 The leader appears, All Might reaches the limit! 【3 more】

Naowu slept in the big pit, the solid muscles of his body were shattered into strips of cloth in the violent bombardment! The terrifying body with eversion of internal organs was exposed to the air, each with half-open eyes, stopped breathing, tattered body It is already powerless to fight! The killing weapons of the enemy alliance, the sandbag man transformed by All Might in a state of [-]% resistance, was beaten into meat scum in front of All Might, who surpassed his limit! Silence! The whole Jinye The area, the whole world, was silent, and needles could be heard falling! Everyone was sweating and horrified, looking at the hero in the... What a powerful force! Just leave the brain without a stir!"

"The ultimate brute force wins!"

"Outrageous power!"

"Is this the battle of the top heroes! All Might!"

Whoa, whoa! All Might lifted his cloak and stood up coughing up blood.

Scratches, bruises, and blood flowed on his body! Forced to use the power he didn't have to read, causing many muscles in his body to break, and his physical strength was almost exhausted! "Sure enough, he is weak... In the period of complete victory, only 5 punches are enough. Yes...but now....a full 1 punches!"

"'s almost time..."

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Just when All Might was distracted, a strange applause suddenly sounded from behind him... He turned around suddenly, and two strange figures stood abruptly behind! Finally appeared! The situation turned sharply! Everyone just gave All Might a sigh of relief, and the sinking heart raised their throats again!! "Tsk tsk tsk, what's the matter, All Might, yours ability has declined."

Standing ten meters away from All Might, he sneered.

In the next second, the figure suddenly appeared in front of All Might! Boom!! A muffled sound!! Hot blood spurted out of his mouth, All Might flew backwards like a cannonball that had just been bored! The hard ground was shattered like tofu, and he just plowed out a ditch on the ground, smashed through the wall on the side of the street, and smashed a big hole! "As expected..."

He shook his hand in disdain, "If it was you in the past, a fist of this level should have easily blocked it, right? Is the symbol of peace too old? Or.... already..."

All Might's expression became: serious and ferocious, his teeth clenched, and there was a trace of blood! "————!!"

.... The reporter in the sky, the audience all over the world, at this moment, seems to have stopped breathing! The photographer's hands can't stop shaking, and the huge fear makes him unable to keep calm, even if it is dozens of meters away from the ground high in the sky! "That! Is that the leader of the enemy alliance!"

"So strong! So terrifying! It even knocked All Might away with one punch!"

"All Might! Come on!"

"I can't lose! All Might!"

... "! Make a deal today! Give it all back!"

All Might endured the severe pain on his body and stood up! But facing All Might's mad rage, he was not moved at all.

In other words, even if he has a certain emotion in his heart, it cannot be expressed through facial expressions.

Because this guy's facial features have been beaten by All Might, he has no face, and his entire head is like a potato.

This is also a side-by-side proof of the horror, the average person would have died a long time ago at this point, but he can still face it swaggeringly.

A hero, even if he has no facial features, he can still make up for it with his ability! "Did you see it, the guy in front of you is... the one who took everything from you..."

The sickly body twitched, and his lips were involuntarily biting and blood oozing! "Of course I remember him, teacher, symbol of peace, All Might, this face is in my mind all the time. , I've lived until now just to kill him..."

"what are you saying!"

All Might suddenly felt a sudden shock in his heart. He has punished countless criminals in his career, and he has made countless enemies, but he doesn't remember such a kid on the criminal list! "Did I send your parents to...  "

The voice came to an abrupt end, and he rushed in front of All Might at his terrifying speed! Another iron fist came straight out, even though All Might crossed his arms to protect his face, he was still shot ten meters away!" Air + bone spring, smooth force 4.

Arm Strength Enhancement 3.... This combination is really interesting, let's add a little strengthening system next time..."

Raising his hand, he counted the abilities he used just now, as if jokingly.


All Might stood up from the ground with difficulty, and several wounds were added to his body! "What happened to that boy! I don't remember such a kid on the criminal list!"


A terrifying sneer came out of the throat again, "Once, you used your invincible fist to crush my companions one by one, and they were praised as a symbol of peace by people, and the view from standing on our corpses must be very beautiful. Bar!"

"Bastard! I don't want to hear your boring confession! Tell me! Who the hell is that boy!"

All Might's muscles soared and his fists were agitated! ""

An uppercut was thrown, and the fists collided! A huge force spewed out from where the two fists met, and a huge impact crater ten meters in diameter appeared on the ground, and the splashed gravel turned into a shock wave, like a spider web. The cracks covered the walls on all four sides, and the whole street was shaking! "Is Detroit smashed is really a nostalgic move..."

His abilities are all-round, and facing All Might, who is already weak, he doesn't even need to superimpose much... abilities, he can block it with 10 times of enhancement alone! "What's the matter, All Might, just relying on this This kind of fist can't make me speak..."

"you shut up!"

All Might's anger burns to the extreme! His body has also reached its limit! The steam leaks out from the pores, at most, if it lasts for another two or two minutes, the muscle shape will disappear! "Shut up!"

All Might looked savagely, "You always play like this, others! Destruction! Plunder! Take advantage of it! Dominate those who... live in peace! Laugh at them unreasonably! Take advantage of them! I just can't forgive that!"

Boom!!! The ground let out a whimper, and there was a crack! All Might's right arm muscles were tied, and the blue veins were exposed, and the fist was scorching and frantic, smashing it into the ground!

Chapter 360 I'm Just a Passing European Chef [4 More]

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