"With all due respect, Director, isn't our top priority right now to arrest the thief?"

Agent Hill is very puzzled. Their S.H.I.E.L.D. itself is a secret organization that guards against major threats to the earth. Its power is above the CIA and the FBI. What are the incidents it usually handles?Nuclear warheads, dirty bombs, biochemical viruses, world-class terrorist organizations, and even all kinds of supernatural events, superhumans, UFOs...

Today, a little alien forced the Chief Cyclops to call the Avengers?

Does this mean it's a bit like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife?

Nick Fury smiled slightly and did not immediately answer the subordinate's question.

He's a smart guy who knows what's serious and what's not.

The reason why Chief One-Eyed Dragon did not move and convened the crowd was because he knew that the visitor was not good, and that guy named Loki was not easy to mess with, and his motives were not pure.

First of all, Loki's identity is a person from the Asgardian domain.

Although ordinary earth people don't know what Asgard is at all, but the senior management of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very clear.

Six months ago, in the wilderness of New Mexico, a hammer fell from the sky and smashed into a crater.

Residents living in nearby towns discovered this heavenly thing, and all the good people who were idle, tried to pick up the hammer one after another, but none of them succeeded.

Even the crane was used, and it couldn't shake it.

According to word of mouth, more and more people gathered here, and then....and then there was.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who came to hear the news used the bureau of authority in their hands to clear the scene, drove everyone away, and banned the media from continuing to report.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who came to hear the news used the bureau of authority in their hands to clear the scene, drove everyone away, and banned the media from continuing to report.

That's how it all started - Thor was banished by Odin and fell to Earth.

Thor's appearance was like a warning bell, ringing in the heart of Chief Cyclops.

From that time, the director knew that there are other civilizations in the universe besides the earth.

And stronger and more advanced than humans.

After learning this, can the director, who is deeply persecuted and delusional, sleep soundly?

The guy who made trouble this time, like Thor, is a resident from Asgard, the gods.

What is Asgard?

In Norse mythology, the realm of the Asa gods, which can also be called the Asa region, where all the gods who worship Odin as the main god live here.

Asgard, Thor, and Odin were originally things that existed in legends and myths, but because of the appearance of Thor, the god of thunder, all these legends came true, and the dimensional wall was broken!

You must know that such things as fairy tales are not just made up by the creator at home. Art comes from life, and the birth of fairy tales also comes from life.

Many years ago, Earth, and even other planets in the universe, even galaxies, were colonies of Asgard.

The proof is that no matter which planet the aliens are, they speak English.

Just like the earth now, there are a total of 224 countries and regions, of which 171 are English-speaking countries and regions. …

The reason is that the Ying Kingdom was the most powerful empire in the world two or three hundred years ago, with colonies all over the world. Most of these English-speaking countries are the former colonies of the Ying Kingdom. The United States is, Canada is, Australia is, and New Zealand is .....

Ying Kingdom is known as the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, which means that even the sun cannot escape his sphere of influence.

So does Asgard.

The human ancestors on earth, in order to praise the gods, rewrote the culture of Asgard into a myth, which was passed down from generation to generation. English has also been preserved as the common language of the whole universe.

Therefore, the unidentified senior officials of SHIELD only thought that Loki was an alien thief, but the Chief Cyclops knew that there must be some kind of huge force behind Loki to support him.

The probability that that force is Asgard is very small, because with Asgard’s status and compulsiveness, they will not do such dirty things as stealing. They want something on the earth, and they can make the earth sound great. People pay tribute or plunder directly, so...there must be a huge conspiracy behind this matter!

That's why Chief Cyclops decided to change it.

Because of the opponent's purpose, the strength is still unknown, and the thugs will rashly attack without finding all the fighters, or they will be wiped out.

If there is really any secret, it will not be too late for the director to gather the most capable people on this planet!

"I have my own way." 4.6 One-eyed Dragon Director Zhizhu was in his hand, "Let's put Loki's pursuit aside first, and the most important thing at the moment is to convene the Avengers first."

Agent Hill raised his eyebrows and said dissatisfiedly: "Director, I can still understand the other members of the alliance, but I don't know why Playboy is on your list.

Is it because of his steel suit?Or his arms and capital?It's not easy to win him over. What he makes is war money, chaos is his ideal world, and the sacred word of justice cannot impress Tony Stark. "

Agent Hill resents Stark for no reason. Stark's reputation outside is not good. It is said that he slept in the cover girl of "Playboy" for twelve months, and the girl at the head of the bed every day. The partner will be replaced, and this guy has always been a loner. If he insists on his own way, letting him join the team will probably be counterproductive. .

Chapter 244 The prototype of the Avengers [2 more]

In case Tony Stark has a bad mind and comes in to harm the female agent, wouldn't S.H.I.E.L.D. be destroyed from the inside and hollowed out by his own people?

"Please keep calm, Agent Hill. Among the Avengers team I am preparing at present, the only one who has the ability to fly is Tony Stark. Although Playboy is usually unreliable, he never shirks the blame at critical moments. In other words, he is a qualified hero."

Nick Fury swears to everyone with his shiny bald head that what the world sees is only the absurd side of Iron Man. The real Tony Stark is a very kind person with a typical knife-mouthed tofu heart.

Otherwise, he would not be able to put on that iron suit.

What's not good about being an ordinary local tyrant who spends his days and nights drinking wine?

Have to become Iron Man and run into the hail of bullets?

Mark's jersey has been built for 7 generations. This is not a responsibility but a responsibility.

"Well, you always have a way."

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