Naturally, the Ministry of History would not easily believe Chu Tianzhang's information.

It is still the beginning of the Kanto Conference, and there is still a small year before the national competition.

No matter how accurate his gossip is, it is impossible for him to know the information half a year in advance.

However, it is a fact that the host place can recommend a school to directly play the national competition. Every year, schools pick up this leak.

"Believe it or not, I've already told you anyway, just sauce."

After all, Chu Tian didn't look back and walked straight towards the coach's bench.

Ajibu didn't dare to stop him any more, so he could only focus on other people.


Atobe wanted to stop Qingxue and the two to ask about the situation, but the people walking in front of him made him a little afraid to stop...

Hubby, Chopper, Brooke, Franky.... none of them are human!

"W-what's the matter? I'm blinded?"

Atobe rubbed his eyes vigorously and glanced at the group members again.

"Hey! Did you see it? It was a skeleton, a elk, and a cat flying in the sky just now!"

The track department is scrambling to plan the team members, but unfortunately, the Ice Emperor team members have been disturbed by Chu Tian's words, and they are now having a heated discussion!

"Hey, you guys..."

The trace department was a little confused.

He is not a family member of the group and has not been given multidimensional knowledge, so the few group members just now really scared him to the urine!

"Hey, you two..."

Atobe reached out to stop Tsunade and Nakiri Erina from questioning, but was slapped away by the latter.

These two are big sisters, so they don't give face to the young master.

"Hey, hello!"

The personnel once walked past Akibu, completely ignoring him.

Atobe has never felt so embarrassed!

What's up with these guys?Did they all mix with Chu Tian?So arrogant!

When you usually talk to people, which one is not groveling and listening attentively?

Now this group of people is good, all choose to ignore it!

Too arrogant!

In the end, the group members were almost gone, and only the kinder Hui Yuanai remained in place, ready to give pointers to the trace department.

In the end, the group members were almost gone, and only the kinder Hui Yuanai remained in place, ready to give pointers to the trace department.

"What the coach said is true."

Little Angel Haiyuan put his hands behind his back and stared at Atobe with sincerity.

It's just that the trace department knew that Haiyuan was also a black-and-white person, cute on the outside, and if he really wanted to move ruthlessly, he could kill people.

"Really? Do you have any evidence?"

The Ministry wanted to ask this.

"In terms of evidence... just because everything he said came true."

"This can't be used as evidence..."

Haiyuan frowned, stretched out his right hand and touched his chin: "The coach said that you like watching European movies and Shakespeare plays, listening to Wagner and Latin music, and wanting to go on an ocean cruise to the South Pacific islands, you must drink it every day when you are in the bath. A glass of non-alcoholic champagne . . . saying that . . . as evidence?"

Haibara cut out some fragments of Senior Gan's information and repeated it.

Aji's pupils were so frightened that they changed color!

"What, what!"

Ajibe's hobby is the film and television literature of the medieval Ying Kingdom. Many people know this, because he lived in the Ying Kingdom before junior high school, and he brought back the stinky problem of being a nobleman from that time.

But, 'drink a glass of non-alcoholic champagne in the bath', no one knows that!

Because in the island country, you can't drink before the age of 18!

Tobacco and alcohol ban is very strict!

Selling tobacco and alcohol to minors is a criminal offense, and in the eyes of adults, the behavior of minors drinking alcohol is as serious as underage sex.

Even if the champagne he was drinking was alcohol-free, he only dared to sneak a glass while he was sleeping.

If it spreads out, it will not only ruin his reputation as the Ice Emperor, but the housekeeper will not allow it.

"Okay, okay...I'll just take his word for it..."

At this time, there was no reason to believe Chutian's ability to predict.

Even the secret thing of drinking alcohol by himself is known, either he has the ability to predict, or he is a stalker.

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