"Waltz Towards Destruction!"

As soon as this move came out, the entire Ice Emperor Stadium instantly boiled!

Towards the waltz of destruction, this is another trick of Keigo Atobe!

When the opponent hits a high ball, take off for the first time, knock down the opponent's racket with a smash, and when the ball falls back to your own court, take off and smash for the second time, all in one go, get the score!

It's a pretty outrageous way to knock out the opponent's beat, and the effect is the same as playing a basketball block!

For Ajibu, this is an excellent trick to make people surrender!


Jibu's smash was like a huge boulder, smashing heavily on Chutian's beat, but it didn't fall!

Chu Tian's wrist is as solid as a rock, as if the gap between the beat and the hand was solidified by pouring molten iron!


Seeing this scene, Akibu's heart was still a little flustered.

In the ball just now, he didn't release water!

Use [-]% of your strength to deduct it!

For the sake of knocking off his beat!


Chu Tian took advantage of the opportunity to draw, and the ball flew into the field of Ajibu!

"It's still early!"

With 373 quick steps, the footprints appeared behind the tennis ball in less than 1 second!

"The world of ice!"


Countless icicles emerged from Chutian, 10, 20, 30!

Too much!

The whole stadium is full of dead ends!

Swing is a score!


Atobe's shot was a violent flat attack, and it slammed into the dead corner of the front court!


Everyone's eyes are focused on the ball, as long as the icicles are concentrated, another point will be scored!


Something weird happened!

Just when the ball was about to land in the dead corner, suddenly, as if there was an invisible traction force emanating from Chu Tian, ​​the ball that was about to land was pulled up and pulled to Chu Tian's side!

"Vientiane Tianyin!"


A yellow shadow disappeared in a flash, and an afterimage was drawn in everyone's retinas.

Then there was a loud explosion, resounding on the spot.

Everyone's face changed completely.

In this return, the force and speed of the ball crushed the track by more than 5 times!

Smashed a deep hole directly on the ground!


When the referee read out the score, the whole stadium was in an uproar!

"What's the matter! How did you get the ball just now (aibg)!"

"The ball was pulled over, it's Tezuka Ward!"

"Yes! That's Tezuka Ward! This guy actually knows Tezuka Ward!"

Tezuka Ward is no stranger to these people because they met once not long ago!

But at this moment, Tezuka Kunimitsu, the owner of Tezuka District, doesn't think so.

"That's not Tezuka District." Tezuka's face was a little nervous.

"What's the matter?" Fuji asked.

"I don't know what the trick is, but it's not Tezuka. He doesn't use his racket to control the rotation at all. All his balls are straight!"

Fuji's lips trembled slightly.

"Straight Ball..."

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