"To pretend in front of the group leader, he is still [-] years too early!" Lucy shook her head and sighed. .

Chapter 222 Serving at a speed of 700 kilometers per hour [5 more]

"That's right, it looks like I'm about to suffer from embarrassment. This guy named Jibu doesn't understand the skills of pretending to be coercive at all, and he can't compare with the group owner."

Nakiri Erina also shook her head and said no.

Tsunade: "Don't compare everything with the group leader, the group leader's way of pretending to be coercive is unique, like a clear stream in the pretending world, not something ordinary people can compare.

"But this guy named Jibu... Although the current stage of pretending is not mature enough, he is still a good seed in the pretending world. As long as he cultivates with care during the holidays, he will definitely be able to pretend to be a higher-level force! "

Echizen Ryoma: "Let me not be embarrassed first..."

Listening to the conversation of the Sand Sculpture members, Senior Zang was a little confused.

Wait a moment?Are you right?

I didn't make it clear about the strength of the Aegis just now?

Shouldn't you be worried about Chutian being hanged and beaten by the Ministry of History?

That's the Tezuka-level player "Four-One-Three"!The best in the country!

Obfuscation is useless!

Ajibe on the court had the same idea as Ah Zang.

Ajibu fiddled with his hair arrogantly, stared at Chu Tian's face and said:

"I'll make it clear to you first. In front of me, your tricks that make you insane are just juggling. Compared with my countless gorgeous skills, your methods are not worth mentioning."

Thinking of this, Ajibu glanced at Chutian's eyes with a look that he thought was very sharp, and a sentence with obvious overtones came out of his mouth: "No matter who you are, I will defeat you!"

As soon as this statement came out, Chu Tian instantly put on a look like "Nani! I was seen through by him in an instant".

"It's starting again, right?" Hai Yuan frowned, "Have you started pretending again?"

Natsu: "The group leader's coercion is very natural, and it has a completely different effect from the forcible coercion of Ajibe just now."

Nakiri Erina: "This is the strength... No, the gap in the face."

Lucy: "It's impossible for the group owner to be seen through. I've been here for so long, and I don't know what he's thinking."

Naruto: "Hey, I know it all, the group owner said that he's going to turn this game into a bomb show..."

Game start!

"In order to play this game, I specially prepared a new skill for you, you can thank me."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he turned around and picked up the tennis ball.

"One set to decide the outcome, Qingxue Chutian serves!"

Chu Tian waved his hand and threw the tennis ball high in the air.

Then behind the body, the Platinum Star stood up, and the whole arm rang with the lightning of the thunder fruit.

After an instant...

Chu Tian's clothes squeaked in the wind, and an extremely tyrannical aura moved suddenly, and then disappeared, and was pressed down by him.

Chu Tian stood there.

The paddle is on the ground. .

The ball is gone.

"Referee, won't you announce the score?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience suddenly shrank their pupils and was extremely shocked! ! !

"What, what!!"

"What is he saying!!"

"Announcing the score!? Has the ball been hit!"

No one heard anything.

No one even saw Chutian swing!

All they saw was that Chutian threw the ball up, and the next second, he stood there as if nothing had happened!

"W-what's the matter!?"

The referee is freaking out!

"Where's the ball! Where's the ball! Find it!"

The Kanto Contest is not a national contest, and there is no photography class or a series of electronic equipment such as the Hawkeye Challenge function.

Can rely on, only the eyes of the referee!

"found it!"

Following Akutagawa Jiro's loud cry, hundreds of eyes in the audience looked at him in unison!

I saw a tennis ball that was beaten into several petals, lying quietly under the seat of the coach's bench on the stand behind the track!

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