"This should be the most tragic game of the year!"

"It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most mysterious game!"

On the ice emperor's seat, when he heard the news that Gintoki Sakata had abstained from voting, Akutagawa Jiro happily threw away the racket and stood on the stand!

"Hahaha! Atobe Abe! I won! Hahahaha! Really lucky!"

Winning without a fight is not a glorious thing for the players, but the Ice Emperor at the moment really wants to have this result!

Because they are going to fight now, that is the emperor of the Ice Emperor, and the strength is at the top of the two hundred members!

A player of the same level as Tezuka Kunimitsu!

"Good job Jiro!"

Ryo Shido reached out and gave Jiro a happy high five.

"As long as Atobe is on the field, there's nothing to worry about!"

"Yes! Atobe will not lose!"

"Go on, Captain! Kill Qingxue!"

"Captain Trace! Come on!"

The 20-minute preparation time passed quickly, and in the high-pitched cheers of the audience, Ajibu walked slowly into the stadium with the beat between his fingers.

As soon as the emperor appeared, the atmosphere of the entire stadium instantly reached its maximum value!

"The Department of Traces!"

"The Department of Traces!"

"The Department of Traces!"

"The Department of Traces!"

Cheers and screams came from all corners of the stadium, cheerleading teams jumped with all their strength, suona sang, gongs and drums, and the explosive atmosphere even made the entire Forest Park tremble!

Compared with the first court, the other venues are bleak!

Those other school teams even wondered if they had played a match-fix!

In the stands, the inspection team of Lihai University could not help but stunned.

Even if they were national champions and had more player reserves than Bingdi Academy, they couldn't create such a coquettish atmosphere.

5 cheerleading troupes, 3 musical troupes, all professionals, the personal property of the Ajibe, brought from home!

Kirihara also stuck out his tongue: "Vice Captain Sanada, what's going on with this cheering atmosphere? So hi!"

Liu Lianji: "Can middle school students have this kind of atmosphere when they play football! This is the atmosphere of a national competition!"

Sanada's expression is stern, his character is relatively old-fashioned, and he has never liked to engage in these fancy things.

"This is the routine of the Ajibe before each game, just get used to it..."

Kirihara: "Oh, this guy really loves to show up. If he loses later, it will be ugly..."

Sanada: "No, Atobe Keigo will not lose.".

Chapter 221 Pretending to be in front of the group leader? 【4 more】

Kirihara: "Impossible, right? Qingxue's appearance today is more fierce than each other, that guy who can stretch his hands, who can clone... It shouldn't be the same when encountering these Atobes, right?"

Sanada still shook his head: "Kihara, you are still too young to be confused by these superficial things."

It can be seen that Sanada has high expectations for the Aki~ Department.

Anyone who can sit as the head of the Ice Emperor's tennis department is not - any simple person.

What's more, just like their Li Haida and Qing Xue, this year's Ice Emperor has a lot of talents, and it is definitely not a simple thing to be able to command so many monsters.

Qingxue stand.

Seeing Chu Tian appear on stage, all the group members gathered around Senior Chen.

The purpose is naturally to let him introduce the strength of Ajibe.

Other crowd members are not interested, but they are very interested in fighting against the group owner!

Senior Zang pushed his glasses, but did not take out his notebook.

For a player like Atobe who is on an equal footing with Tezuka, Senior Sang has already taken their information in his heart.

Not to mention introducing the strength of Ajibu, Ajibu can recite it from elementary school to the present seniors!

"Atobe Keigo, the head of the Tennis Department of Ice Emperor Academy and the president of the student council, studied in Yingguo in elementary school, and his family is a three-generation consortium - the family of the Atobe Foundation. He is very fat. On the day he entered the Ice Emperor Academy, Just donated a library, two western restaurants, two gymnasiums, and 22 multi-functional classrooms..."

"He wears HEAD sneakers and rackets, enjoys bait fishing and reading in addition to tennis, and is strong in fencing and social dancing.

"He likes gold and black, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, and often goes to the student council room and the chairman's room at school, where there are sofas dedicated to the Ministry of History. Pocket money is usually used to do errands for the members, and the motto is [Noble does not exist in the blood, but originates from the heart]  …

"He likes watching European movies and Shakespeare plays, he likes listening to Wagner and Latin music. He likes to be competitive, he wants to go on a date on an ocean cruise to the South Pacific islands, and the most wanted thing is a new tennis court....

"Good at all subjects, especially German and Greek. The hardest thing is arthropods. Every day I have to drink a glass of non-alcoholic champagne in the bath. I usually take a luxury car to and from school, and carry three with me Cell phones, lip balms, perfumes, foreign books and small mirrors..."

Senior Xie talked about it, and the familiarity made everyone's scalp numb, and even pointed!

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