But this Sakata Gintoki, who just started a hand before the tee shot, actually grabbed another hand in the official game!

The audience has never seen such a brazen person!

Yin Shi yelled at the audience: "You bastards! Do you know that I can do anything to win... slap!"

Besides Ben, he wanted to scold him, but who would have known that Sakata Ginshi would come to scold him!

Another shot!


Shirou was still waiting for him to say that he was unscrupulous, and he didn't react at all!

"Fuck! You are too shameless!"

"Shameless! Shameless! You are so shameless!"

"You bastard! Didn't 260 see that Shiro-senpai wasn't ready! How shameless!"

Hearing the scolding from the audience of Bingdi, Sakata Yinshi didn't take it seriously, pulled out a big lump of booger and bounced into the auditorium. Suddenly, more than ten seats were frightened out of the crowded auditorium!

"You rookies! This uncle will teach you today, what is tennis for adults!"

Yin Shi put one hand on his hips and pointed his knife at the auditorium to scold him!Arrogant attitude, extremely arrogant!

"You bastards! You don't even have the courage to give up your face to say that you want to enter the national competition? I bah! A real player, even if he gets his hands dirty, even if he abandons his self-esteem as a tennis player, he is spurned by others, Abuse, be puzzled, but also bite the bullet and send the team to the country!"

Hearing this, the audience was silent, and the needles could be heard!

Yin Shi's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth showed a strange arc, strike while the iron is hot, and continue to spray!

"I, although I don't have any skills and my physical strength is average, but the idea of ​​sending Qingxue to the national competition is stronger than anyone here!"

"Even if you scold me for playing dirty and shameless, even if I throw away my dignity as a tennis player, I will do my best to make Qingxue qualify!"

"So! I won't give up unless I lose the game outright!"

The impassioned speech made the entire Ice Emperor audience and Ice Emperor players speechless!

Everyone in Qingxue felt their eyes warm, as if something was about to come out.

Shirou couldn't help standing up straight, all ears!

He suddenly felt that Sakata Gintoki was right! .

Chapter 219 3 kills for seniors [2 more]

I would rather get dirty and collect it myself to win!

Compared with Sakata Gintoki's obsession, his obsession with victory is nothing but paper!

But at this moment, Sakata Yinshi's eyes narrowed, and a yellow light flew into the arena!


"Qingxue won this game! The score is 3-2! Change the field!"

Waiting for this moment!What I've been waiting for is the moment when Jiro's guard is relaxed!

Jirou: "..."

Trace Department: "..."

Tezuka: "..."


What the fuck?

Friend, you just.... were you acting?

Just as Jirou was about to ask this question, he saw Sakata Gintoki's schadenfreude face.

It's completely different from the serious and serious look just now!

Cunning, treacherous, and brows all reveal a bit of cheapness, making people want to hit him when they see it!

"It's true! This guy is acting!"


"It sounds so nice, it turned out to be just for sneaking a ball!"

"Shameless! Too shameless!"

For this sudden serve, all the spectators were stunned!

They felt that at this moment, their lower limit was refreshed again!

But no matter how much you complain, the referee has already announced a field change, and the sneaking away just now has become a thing of the past!

The score has been rewritten, there is no turning back!

Jibu's face was ashen, but there was deep horror in his eyes.

But several others couldn't sit still.

All want to rush to the field to hit people!

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