"A Yin, don't worry! If the referee dares to blow the black whistle, I recommend that he cannot see the sun tomorrow!"

While Kagura cheered, he squeezed the tennis ball he was grabbing at will!

When the referee saw this scene, the pair of golden jade between the legs trembled and retracted directly into the abdomen!

be nice?

Tennis is so resistant to pressure that you can crush it?

You're not a hand, it's a hydraulic press!

Dare not to neglect, the referee immediately announced the start of the game.

Singles No. [-], Ice Emperor's end point.

If Jiro loses, then they lose 1-3 and go home.

Atobe: "Jiro! Use all your strength! We have no way out!"

Although Shirou was a big man, he knew the current situation.

If the Ice Emperor misses the national competition due to his negligence, then he is the sinner of the Ice Emperor!

He can't bear this sin!

Cilang: "Leave it to me, Captain! I will send the Ice Emperor to the whole country!"

Sakata Ginshi shook his head: "Tsk tsk tsk tsk, bean sprouts are so arrogant! Captain Tezuka! I will win the game and send Qinggaku to the whole country!"

This is the game, realistic and brutal.

Everyone wants to win the game and go further, but the reality is that if someone advances, someone will be eliminated.

"One set to decide the outcome! Ice Emperor Akutagawa, serve!"

Two dead fish eyes are fighting against each other and neither will let anyone else.

Akutagawa Jiro took the lead and scored a goal, then stepped forward in an instant!

Serve the net!


The tennis was hit back by Sakata Gintoki, but the sideline was drawn diagonally.


Ice Emperor scored the first point, but the team members did not dare to cheer.

The first two who were fired by the Ice Emperor had already transformed.

The only thing I can do now is to watch the game quietly. Maybe the rubber hand and shadow clone just now exploded after being stimulated by the audience's shouts.

Yes, watch the game quietly, what do you have to say in your heart!



"Game Ice Emperor! 1-0!"


The 20-minute game ended quickly, and Cilang attacked all the way, fully showing the singles level of Bingdi, scoring 3 points in a row, Bingdi 3-0 Qingxue!

Let alone winning the next game, Yinshi is basically scoring a serve, returning the ball out of bounds, and not scoring a single point!

"Damn, is the tennis racket still uncomfortable? Even if I force it to be a knife, the feel and weight are much worse..."

Sakata Yinshi turned to look at the coach's seat, ready to ask Chu Tian for some tactics.

But he found that the coach ignored him at all now!

Concentrate on holding Huiyuan Ai and dig his ears!

Not only that, now the people of Qingxue are basically doing their own things, dozing off, dozing off, chatting and chatting, it seems that they have given up on this game!Concentrate on waiting for the silver hour to step down and Chu Tian to play!

"How can it be repaired! A group of white-eyed wolves! They treat them differently!"

Yin Shi scolded angrily, cursing Qing Xue's group of children without assholes!

The dishes are dishes, but the basic refueling still needs to be done!

"Hey!! What are you doing! Don't you watch the game?"

"What! Is the game over?" Kagura looked back at the score, "A pair of kings!"

"What! Is the game over?" Kagura looked back at the score, "A pair of kings!"

Shinpachi: "Yes A!"

Tsunade: "I can't afford it!"

Kagura: "Let me think about it..."

Tsunade: "Fry, Kagura! The three 3s and Xiao Wang have all appeared, and when they don't bomb, when will they bomb!"

Kagura: "Four 4s! Bombs!"

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