Nagataro's serve at this speed is undoubtedly world-class!

"Group leader, how do you explain it?"

Senior Gan ended, and the task of making up things fell on Chu Tian.

"Explain? How to explain?" Chu Tian pinched Hui Yuan's small face, "No need to explain when serving, the height advantage plus strength is enough."

"Cut, it's easy to say~~~"

Haiyuan pouted in dissatisfaction. As a scientist, she wanted to understand everything.

"If you just say it's super power, I'll accept it. If you're tall, the senior also has it. Can he hit it?"

"He can really hit it..."

The camera cuts to the arena.

As we all know, when others are explaining, the time on the field is still, and the players are not playing!

"Damn, it's a quick serve, it's troublesome..."

Senior Gan was in a panic, the last set of Bingdi took the loss of the serve that disappeared with Fuer, and it seemed that he was going to take revenge in this round!


Will be blocked!

"Luffy classmate! This game is thrown away, no more!"

Gan Xuechang decisively chose to give up strategically.

A serve at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour can only be received by professional players!

Luffy's expression remained unchanged, still with a calm smile: "What are you talking about, senior, how can you give up? I'll take it for you!"


As soon as Luffy finished speaking, he saw a golden light and shadow like lightning, coming in an instant!

The second heavy artillery serve fell! !


"Ha! Just because you guys want to receive Nagataro's heavy artillery serve!? Stop dreaming!"

Shido Ryo hooked the racket with his fingers, and kept spinning and spinning in his hands, showing a dizzying variety of fancy tricks!

This skillful skill made the entire Ice Emperor's cheerleading team boil!

"Come on! Senior Shindo! Senior Feng!"

"This game is stable! It's impossible for the opponent to receive Senior Feng's serve!"

"Serve saved!"

"Go on, Shindo-senpai! Give Qingxue some color!"

With just two serves, the entire Ice Emperor cheerleading team regained their confidence!

Singing, dancing, gongs and drums!

"The winner is the Ice Emperor! The loser is Qingxue!"

"The winner is the Ice Emperor! The loser is Qingxue!"

"The winner is the Ice Emperor! The loser is Qingxue!"

Soaring shouts came one after another!

In the blink of an eye, Qing Xue's sparse cheers were drowned out in the audience!

The atmosphere is very unfavorable!

"Luffy classmate! Don't fight with them! Let me observe three rounds to collect information first!"

The advice of the seniors is futile.

How could someone with Luffy's character follow what tactics?It's done!





soul! "


The tennis ball rubs against the air.

The third heavy artillery serve is coming one after another!


The ball hit the ground violently, smashed a half-centimeter deep pit and bounced out!

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