In a hurry, Ninja waved the racket, ready to go all over the net!

But just as he was about to hit those few tennis balls, the tennis balls suddenly disappeared.

In the next second, a golden rainbow suddenly appeared behind Ninzu, serving and scoring!

"What, what's going on!"

"It really disappeared!"

The Ice Emperor's faces were extremely horrified, as if they had seen something extremely unbelievable!

However, in fact, it is not only them, all the spectators on the court saw this incredible goal!

Fantasy Tennis is here!


Tsunade rubbed his eyes, "I read that right! The ball just disappeared!"

"It really disappeared! I didn't see anything!"

Haibara Ai also rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dazzled!

The whole stadium was dead silent, as if at this moment, time had stopped!

Even the referee opened his mouth wide, because he did clearly see the ball just now. The tennis ball disappeared in front of Hyuga-san, and then appeared behind Yuuji Ninja.

As if teleported!


Before everyone could discuss further, Fu Er Zhou helped the second goal fly out!

This time, the members of the group are all clever, and all those who have a writing wheel open the writing wheel to watch the trajectory of the ball!


Another golden flash suddenly appeared from behind Yuushi Ninja, and Hyuga Yueren's swing failed!

"This! What the hell is going on here!"

The entire Ice Emperor was terrified.

No one can hold the serve that disappears twice in a row.

Even the always calm King of Monkey Mountain and Uncle Akebe panicked!

The genius of Qingxue, Zhou Zhuo, is really difficult to deal with!

"Senior Gan, why did the ball played by Senior Fuji disappear?"

On Qingxue's side, the three-man group of poisonous milk - Horio, Katsuro, and Katsuo, turned to the almighty senior senior for help.

Senior Gan held his chin and didn't speak. It wasn't until Fuer hit another goal that he figured out a little bit of the way.

"That should be a cut serve..." Senior Gan pushed his glasses, looking mysterious.

"What is a cut serve?"

"Senior Gan, can you elaborate?"

Not only the poisonous milk group, but also the people from the wicked group gathered around.

Seeing that he was receiving so much attention, Senior Gan was secretly happy and pushed his glasses again involuntarily.

"Cut the serve, which is to throw the serve in the way of cutting the ball. Isn't the general serving first throwing the ball over the head and then hitting it out? But Fuer just threw the ball very low, and then cut it out."

Everyone nodded, feeling that it made sense.

"Then why did the ball disappear?"

Senior Gan: "It's because the way he slices the ball is different."

"Why is it different?"

Senior Gan: "Fuer is not just about cutting the ball. Before serving, he makes the ball turn, so the ball will jump out from the opponent's hand rapidly, and it will look like the ball has disappeared."

Although the three groups of poisonous milk didn't understand the principle, they still nodded if there was a reason: "Oh... so that's the case..."

But the villain group is not so easy to fool.

Hai Yuanai rolled her eyes: "You are forcing an explanation."

Nakiri Erina: "That's it, serious nonsense."

Natsu: "It's obviously a superpower, what are you talking about?"

Tsunade: "Forcibly bullshit."

Nami: "You have to give a reasonable explanation for such an unreasonable ball, God..."

Nami: "You have to give a reasonable explanation for such an unreasonable ball, God..."

Hei Zizhe: "I'm afraid it's not a zone..."

Happy: "It's so easy to say, so why don't you fight one?"


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