More than a dozen people in the gang of wicked chopping electric wires with kitchen knives, sparks and lightning all the way!

The students of the Ice Emperor who dominate the throne are like confetti encountered a storm, and they are directly blown up!

In just five seconds, the entire Qingxue auditorium was vacated, and a large portion was vacated!

A full half of the field!

"Captain Trace! We were beaten!"

A small team member ran over to look for Uncle Ajibu to support him, but Ajibu had a flat expression and stern eyes, and gave this guy a hard look.

"Idiot! It's all because you're asking for trouble. You've lost all of the Ice Emperor's face!"

Although Mr. Atobe is arrogant, he still knows the big picture.

If the other party made a mistake first, he would definitely rush to judge without saying a word.

But if you are the one who provokes the other side first and ends up being beaten, then that's another matter.

The Atobe family has been a gentleman from generation to generation!

Qing and the other rookies took their seats one after the other.

The cheerleaders of the villain group took out their binoculars and fought against the ice emperor.

Tsunade: "Mom, I thought it was exaggerated enough to be a Qingxue, but I didn't expect the Ice Emperor to exaggerate a little more? What is that? Cowherd?"

Nami: "Fuck, there are so many handsome guys in the Ice Emperor! The blue-haired one looks abstinence at first glance!"

Erina: "What's going on with that Monkey Mountain King? He looks arrogant, more stinky than the group leader!"

Haibara Ai: "The group leader, Captain Tezuka and Senior Fuji, are they a pair?"


Chutian spit out 970 with a mouthful of juice, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Haibara Ai stared at Tezuka and Fuji on the field, showing a faint little look: "It's these two people, they look very good at first glance, I'm asking you if they are a couple. ."

Tsunade: "Yes, the group leader, these two people should be boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, right? That little boy named Fuji is so gentle and caring, who can stand it!"

Lucy: "Smack, smack, I'm sure about CP!"

Nakiri Erina: "Wait a minute, everyone, isn't that Monkey Mountain King on the opposite side more compatible with Tezuka? I just watched a domineering CEO article recently. That Monkey Mountain King is the president's character!"

Haibara Ai: "Is it the one who roughly ripped off the opponent's tie, then pressed him against the wall and kissed him?"

Erina Nakiri: "Yes! The King of Monkey Mountain rudely knocked out Captain Tezuka's racket and pressed him on the court..."

Lucy: "At this time, I happened to be seen by Senior Fuji who was passing by..."

Aida Reiko: "The three of them have another intricate love affair..."

Nami: "The last fourth person - Echizen Ryoma joins."

Haibara Ai: "The three of them gave up their struggles and surrounded Echizen to dote on one..."

Chutian: "My day..."


I have to say that the concerns of female (afdc) high school students are different from those of other normal boys.

Next to Sakata Gintoki and Luffy, they are already betting on the outcome of the game.

The girls here are still knocking CP!

Just after a few glances at Ajibu and Tezuka, I made up the 10-word President Uncle Wen!

high!It is indeed high!

Echizen frowned unconsciously, took small steps with one foot, and stayed away from the group of girls.

In his heart, the noble and powerful captain Tezuka, the terrifying senior senior, was being rubbed on the ground by a group of girls, and he was a little embarrassed as a junior.

And while talking, he brought himself!

Who can stand this!

We are serious teammates, okay?

"Hey hey, what's the matter, little one, did you hear that too? ( ̄▽ ̄)~~" Kikumaru covered her mouth and snickered, staring at Echizen with a wicked expression.

"Senior Yingji... Can you be a substitute? I want to go home..."

"Oh, how about that, it's up to you to send us to the national competition (^ω^)~~"



Echizen looked at Tezuka Kazuji, who was walking away, and suddenly couldn't bear to look directly!

What an overbearing president, a small attack and a small victim, it is too difficult for a single-celled creature like Echizen!

The character of Captain Tezuka is about to collapse in his heart!

"Damn, I wouldn't be sitting there if I knew..."

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