Tsunade flipped Tezuka's arm up and down, "Well, the disinfectant alcohol is spread evenly, like it's made by a girl."

Fuji Zhousuke was expressionless: "Can I take this sentence as a compliment?"

Tsunade ghostly smiled: "That's for sure, a boy as careful as you is really rare~~ If it were the guys in our group who did such meticulous work, it would be fine if they didn't scratch their skin." [-] "Alright..."

"Oh, that's really thankful for your praise, eldest sister~"

"Where, where, having a good helper like you is the good news for us healers, right Chopper?"


Chopper answered while grinding the medicine with a stone grinder.

Although it is a hospital in modern society, the two of them are still using things like graphite and herbal medicine. Senior Gan almost fainted when he saw it!

"It seems that Tezuka is going to explain it here today."

Senior Gan fought fiercely in his head for a long time. Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief and found a bench to sit down.

He has given up treatment, and these guys can do whatever they want.

"I'm going to have an operation next. It may take a long time. You have to be mentally prepared."

Before Tezuka could speak, Tsunade had already raised his sword and opened a hole in Tezuka's arm.


Senior Gan took a sharp breath, but it was Tezuka, whose expression was calm and motionless, as if nothing had happened.


Chopper's anesthetic effect is not covered, and Tezuka has no pain at all.

After seeing the cotton on Tsunade's tweezers beginning to be soaked with blood, he realized that his arm had been cut open.

"This injury... Tezuka, the doctors here are not good at medicine. It's not good at all!"

In a high-level world, because there are many dangers, people are injured in various ways, and death can be seen everywhere. Therefore, people in high-level worlds have quite good resilience, and their medical skills are often very clever. question.

For example, when playing football, if you fall to the ground and injure your knee one second, the wound will heal automatically when you stand up the next second.

No matter how fierce the fight was, no matter how many wounds were left on the body, within two days, it would definitely heal.

Even a vulnerable part like the face, no matter what kind of incision is made, will be cut horizontally, vertically, diagonally, fancy, carved with the face, and written with blessing characters, and it will still heal in a short time. , no trace of scratches could be found.

This is the physique and medical skills of people from another world.

As for Tsunade and Chopper, the medical skills of these two people can reach the point of being handicapped.

Compared with a doctor in charge with dozens of assistant doctors, in a shadowless lamp, a sterile room, with the help of various high-tech instruments, it takes several hours or even a dozen hours to complete an operation. went.

That's why Tsunade did not shy away from criticizing Tezuka's attending physician. In her eyes, Tezuka's injury was not even half healed. Instead, it was on the verge of collapse. What the doctor saw was only gold and jade. Knowing that it has already been ruined.

Tsunade can conclude that as long as Tezuka accumulates a little more injuries, the arm will be scrapped immediately!

"You should have been exercising a lot in the past two years, right? The old injury has not healed, and with the overloaded exercise, the bones have already developed barbs."

"You should have been exercising a lot in the past two years, right? The old injury has not healed, and with the overloaded exercise, the bones have already developed barbs."

Tsunade said with a click, and the forceps took off a bone spur.

Tezuka suddenly felt numb and his heart was flying!

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

Tsunade kept picking bone spurs for Tezuka, adjusted his blood vessels and nerve distribution by the way, and then condensed the chakra dumplings and began to give him dialysis.


From the wound on the arm, black blood and small condensed cells were separated and melted into the green chakra mass.

Those are bruised and damaged tissues, which remain in the tissue fluid. They are quite serious lesions. As long as Tezuka's injury recurs, these things will become poisonous needles that destroy his arm!

Tsunade melted the blood-stained chakra into the water, condensed a new chakra dumpling, and dialyzed again.

Seeing this level of medical skills, the three young masters in the room are now being selected. In addition to wanting to kneel, I still want to kneel!


This is not medicine, it is magic at all!

"This, this is really amazing..." Fuer opened his eyes in surprise, "To be able to treat like this, this is completely different from the surgery I imagined!"

Senior Gan: "So much blood was separated out, how did this happen!"

"Is it because I can do it that I came to treat Tezuka?" Tsunade smiled proudly, "With the medical skills you have here, it is impossible to pull out these bloody and necrotic cells. can't find where they are..."

Gradually, Tezuka felt that his arm was gradually becoming lighter, and the heaviness of the past was getting lower and lower. The whole arm seemed to grow again, and it was extremely light!

After going back and forth for seven or eight times, there was no more congestion in the wound, but bright red blood instead.

"You can really bear it, Tezuka-san. It's very fatal to have such an old injury."

Tsunade is carrying out the final finishing work. The warm and healing chakra light is wrapped around Tezuka's arm. Cells continue to die and regenerate. The necrotic nerves and muscles begin to sprout and spread, and the skin on the surface is also visible to the naked eye. speed of healing.

After just a few minutes, the entire cut wound was restored to its original state, and no scars were visible!


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