Oishi had accompanied Tezuka to the hospital before the meeting, and his injuries were close to recovery. As long as he didn't overuse the zero-ball or play for a long time, there would be no problem.

Dashi's expression became tense and serious, and the mother of Qingxue was naturally more worried than everyone else.

"Tezuka's injury... Hasn't his injury already healed? Why do you still need treatment?"

Chutian: "The embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the ant's nest. Every flu patient in the emergency department is tragic because he doesn't pay attention to the first one or two sneezes. As long as Tezuka's injury is not completely healed, Healed, even if it is 99.99% better, the final 0.01% will be the straw that crushes him.”



Dashi was speechless.

"In that case, I want to see it too! I want to witness Tezuka's surgery with my own eyes!"

"I want to see it too!"

"Is there a wheelchair? Crutches will do!"


Takahashi Hospital is a hospital opened by Takahashi Ryosuke's family.

Just like other private hospitals in the island (afdb) country, they mainly rely on small departments such as internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and preventive health care.

Judging from the judging criteria of the Celestial Dynasty, Gaoqiao Hospital is probably at the first-class level.

The hospital has been in operation for more than ten years, and it has not encountered any major accidents, nor has there been any vicious incidents such as medical disturbances.

But today, a rather strange thing happened.

At about 4:[-] in the afternoon, a group of teenagers in sportswear, carried by a group of eccentric people, suddenly walked down from the roof of the hospital.

No one saw how they got up, and there was no sound of the helicopter at the time of the incident, as if it appeared out of thin air and moved in an instant.

And what happened next was unbelievable. The odd man spent 1 million at the front desk without saying a word, and then drove out all the anxious doctors, leaving only a few lovely-looking nurses. Sister, inject amino acids into those athletes in uniform.

On the third floor of the hospital, in the senior ward, Tezuka, Fuji, Tsunade, and Chopper were in the same room.

Next to them, there are vicious people who have been treated and are eating to replenish their stamina.

I have to say, heartless people get better soon.

The first batch of people who were poisoned have all recovered, and now they are waiting for the group owner to take them to be cool at night.

"This thing is really fierce, I lost my intuition in an instant..."

"Yeah, the smell of this stuff... it's the worst drink I've ever had!"

"Other drinks cost money, this thing is deadly!"

"What's in it? Could it be a new type of biological weapon?"

"Hey Miss, don't you have the tongue of God? Come and taste it, what exactly is in this vegetable juice?"

Everyone looked at the dried juice samples brought into the hospital and involuntarily took a few steps back.

Just drink it once and you can carve a lifetime of fear into your bones!Just like Jericho missiles!Nakiri Erina came over and glanced at the dried juice with disdain: "What a joke, this lady's head is very precious, how can you taste this kind of thing?"

"Hey! Miss, isn't it? Just taste it, and it won't kill anyone!"

"Yes! Very stingy!"

Facing everyone's complaints, Nakiri Erina didn't respond, but her arms tightened.

"No, even if such a stimulating drink doesn't burn her head, it will definitely damage the taste to a certain extent. I won't taste it, please forgive me!"

As soon as the words fell, Chu Tian pushed open the door and entered.

Erina turned her head and blushed inexplicably.

Chutian at night seems to be a little more handsome than during the day...

"Have you all recovered?"

"The group owner has been restored!"

"Sorry group leader, we misunderstood you!"

"I didn't expect the group owner to think about us too, I was moved!"

With a face of contempt, Chu Tian put his arms around him and said, "That's what makes the group leader suffer in front of you... Then what, Erina, give me a taste of what's in this dry juice? ? I want to see if A-Gan is putting rat poison in it."

"As ordered!".

Chapter 201 The Wife Is Not Second [3 More]

Nakiri Erina's changing face instantly made everyone dumbfounded!

It is said that a woman turns a face faster than a book, but....not so fast!

"Is this the power of the group master? Sure enough, it can't be compared with us mortals~ on a par!"

"Nonsense, this is obviously the power of a boyfriend, and a blind man can see that this eldest lady is interesting to the group owner!"

"The group leader of Dog Day, you have accidentally abducted another one!"

"Paralysis, in front of boyfriend power, what kind of arrogant daughter, black belly loli, strong royal sister... is not worth mentioning at all!"

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