One minute later, with the sound of a pig's cry resounding in the sky, a dozen or so corpses instantly lay flat on the entire tennis court.

Dumb King, Nami, Lucy, Kagura, Aida Reiko, Elsa, Sakata Gintoki, Natsu.... Suddenly!

847 With just one mouthful of dry juice, everyone fell to the ground at the speed of light!Foaming at the mouth, twitching, gibberish, unconscious!

Drink train, set!body!flutter!street!

"My grass!"

Franky Sanji and the others, who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe, burst out on the spot!

"What, what's the situation!"

"Collective death!"

"Ship doctor! Call the ship doctor!"

"Where is Chopper! Go and save people!"

"Damn it! Luffy's face is green!"

"Save the captain first! Save Luffy first!"

The entire Qingxue tourist group instantly turned into a pot of porridge!

I thought Chu Tian was bluffing, but it turned out to be true!

This is called dry juice, and it really kills you if you drink it!

"Alright, fortunately I didn't go..."

The little angel Huiyuan was so frightened that his pupils changed color!

Holding on to Chu Tian's hand!

"This, this is too scary... What kind of taste is this to defeat all such strong guys?"

Nakiri Erina was also panicked, she suddenly realized that she was blaming Chu Tian!

It turns out that the group owner also has a time to tell the truth!


"Heartbeat 65, blood pressure 70, respiration 17... The patient's pupils can't be focused, prepare a simple respirator, 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005... The pulse still drops, immediately give chest compressions, there is no foreign body in the mouth, and there are dentures , ready to insert the braces...".

Chapter 199 Qingxue All Members - Throwing on the Street! 【1 more】

As soon as Franky moved people out of the playground, the two emergency doctors, Tsunade and Chopper, immediately began to rescue them!

The situation is very serious.

This version of the dry juice is more lethal than everyone expected, and it also exceeded the expectations of Agan himself!

Among the few people who drank it, some people even had symptoms of organ failure!

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Sanji rode on Luffy and slapped Luffy in the face, but it was all swollen and swollen into a bun!Luffy didn't even wake up!

"Chopper! Come and save Luffy! If the captain dies, we have to break up!"

"Rescue the women first! Luffy and Natsu have superhuman physiques, girls are the most dangerous!"

"Franky, bring a basin of clean water, I'm going to do dialysis for them!"

"Sanji! Mute me in the group and ask her to send me some medicines!"


A mess on the spot!

The senior students of the youth school on the playground also stopped running and stopped to watch!

Echizen: "What happened to these guys? Why are they all down?"

Kikumaru: "Could it be that he drank Agan's vegetable juice,'s really scary, really scary..."

Taocheng: "Echizen, didn't you say that these guys are very good? How can you fall down after drinking a small cup of dry juice?"

Echizen: "How do I know that?"

Several people exchanged for a while, and they all turned their attention to Senior Gan.

But the other party's expression was condensed, like a mummy.

It seems to be poisoning people, and it has nothing to do with him!

Choosing to pretend to be stupid is a great skill of Kan Sadaji!

"What's the matter with Agana! Why are you still so calm!"

"He made people dizzy, didn't he!"

Facing Qingxue's main election, who was standing still, Agan turned his head dully, and then pointed to his watch.


Tezuka reacted immediately!

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