"Go! Whirlwind Charge!"

"Go! Demon Commander!"

In an instant, the silver and blue flashes drove the large army, and both the Devil Commander and the Whirlwind Charge showed their full combat strength!

It's just that Commander Devil lost his balance because his gun was pulled out. When he sprinted for nearly a kilometer, the car shook, hit the guardrail, and was smashed and scrapped!

"Homework Order!"

Sakata Yinshi screamed, heartbroken!

He really hoped that the local order would win the championship!

"Silver time! You don't even support group members!"

"Hey 457! Stop talking! I'm going to cross the line!!"

Less than 100 meters, 70 meters, 50 meters from the finish line!

Everyone's mood was extremely nervous at this moment!

Even if it is a small game, at the moment of crossing the line, it is still exciting!

What's more, this game is not small at all!

"Go! Whirlwind Charge!"

"Go! Hurricane Sonic!"

"Hold on to the new three-legged arrow!"

"Come on, fast cobra!"

"50 meters left!"

"30 meters left!"

"20 meters!"

"10 meters!"

"Come on, whirlwind charge!"

With the last scream, Xiaohao's whirlwind charge squeezed out the last bit of horsepower!

Over 3 cars in a row, the first to hit the line!

With a lap behind, Xing Ma Hao miraculously pulled back the battle and won the championship!

Applause, cheers, and screams followed, and the whole scene fell into a boiling ocean!

This is the first national race in the new era of mini racing!

Mini racing beats battle racing!

Dr. Great God's ambition was shattered!

Seeing Xiaohao, everyone in the group was too excited!

Sure enough, everyone in the group is a monster!

Pull any one in and you can win the championship!

Natsu: "I'm going! What's going on with this atmosphere? I'm so excited for no reason!"

Conan: "This, how does this feel so hilarious! Is this the Olympics!"

Haiyuan Ai: "Doesn't anyone care how Xiaohao won just now?"

Nakiri Erina: "Why don't you ask, it must be because he shouted the loudest!"

Chopper: "Hmm~ It's well-founded. As we all know, four-wheel drive vehicles are controlled by voice..."

Luffy: "Then if Daddy Whitebeard plays, he will definitely win the championship!"

Luffy: "Then if Daddy Whitebeard plays, he will definitely win the championship!"

Chu Tian: "Cough, now that Xiao Hao has finished the game, we have also introduced a few new members, so everyone get ready and dive into the fusion world!"

Haiyuan Ai: "What? Are you going to do something again?"

Natsu: "Make trouble, make trouble! What's our slogan? Make trouble!"

Luffy: "Make trouble, make trouble! Our slogan is make trouble, make trouble!"

Sakata Gintoki: "My slogan is to take the blame and take the blame!"

Tsunade: "No, your slogan is Naiko, P shares, big JJ!"

Chutian: ......

Conan: ......

Nami: ......

Nakiri Erina: "I think.... I should not go... It feels so dangerous..."

Dumb Mao Wang: "No no no! How can I do it! I didn't speak for a day, I just waited for you, Miss!"

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