"As long as there are women in the audience, everyone thinks they are James, and the height of 1 meters is used as 7 meters. After three steps, they think they can dunk.

"Those who can give up pretending and play support silently, in the whole basketball world, can't find a second person.

"For this guy, other than saying he really loves basketball, maybe he's the only one who really loves those teammates."

Hai Yuanai: "Well, that should be true love, I mean his teammates..."

Nami: "He should love his teammates very much, so he gave up on himself and gave silently..."

Dudu: "It's really true love. I can understand this kind of feeling, just like the young master and Fei."

Chu Tian: "I smell a rotten girl..."

Tony Stark: "Playing basketball is not for pretending, it's a talent!"

Conan: "This is God's teammate! It's not like the group of young detectives around me, every time they make trouble for me, it's more than success..."

Sakata Gintoki: "If you look at it this way, this guy's temper is comparable to that of Qiu Mingshan Bike God...it's safe."

Tsunade: "What about the next two? What about elementary school students and junior high school students?"

Chu Tian: "Primary school students and junior high school students, this is a little troublesome... Let me put it simply, these two people have super powers, and their attitudes are very arrogant and domineering. I guess I am the only one in the whole group who can shock them, you, you can only be pressed on the 2.1 ground and rubbed..."

Hearing this, all the members of the group were shocked and trembled all over!


Only the group leader can be shocked?

Is it so arrogant!

Elementary and junior high school students!

Let those of us who are so prosperous in the big world suffer! ?

Sakata Gintoki: "I thought, I thought, I never imagined that the current, current, students are so amazing, ah!"

Natsu: "I have a bad feeling that maybe the group status will be -4..."

Tony Stark: "Friction friction is friction again! I, Tony Stark, built the first 7-cylinder motorcycle at the age of 8, built a market-level AI robot at the age of 12, and graduated from MIT with the best grades at the age of 17. , returned to the president of Stark Industries at the age of 20. His business has reached the world, and he has a trillion-dollar property. The steel suit is even more invincible! But now in the group, he has been beaten on the ground by elementary school students one after another! What is this? reason!".

Chapter 178 I only have the whirlwind charge in my eyes! 【2 more】

Tsunade Hime: "That's right! I lived in my fifties, and I was beaten by elementary school students! I can't figure it out!"

Sakata Gintoki: "What! Tsunade Hime, you are over fifty!?"

Hai Yuanai: "I, me, me! My God! How did you take care of it!"

Conan: "The organization in black is about to cry and faint in the toilet! It's still researching the elixir of life!"

Little Master: "In fact, we can live forever after eating only 8 dishes made from legendary kitchen utensils."

Haibara Ai:"........"

Conan: "......"

Tsunade: "Hundreds of great arts have been learned in vain..."

Chu Tian: "Hey, hey, what are you talking about? It's elementary school students, what about immortality? I'm going to let them in and get ready for the welcome ceremony. This time it's all men and I won't ask for photos. The atmosphere just do it

Haibara Ai: "It's chilly behind..."

Sakata Gintoki: "Trembling..."

Natsu: "Trembling..."

Luffy: "Play a group status -4 first."

Tony Stark: "Can I cry for a while?"

Sakata Gintoki: "I want to cry for a while, but another Conan God is coming in..." 29

Chu Tian: "If you want to cry, you will cry later! Save us adults!"

Tony Stark: "I can't help it..."

Chu Tian: "I'm ready, I'm going to break the seal! 3, 2, 1! Let's invite Xing Ma Hao to appear!"


At the same time, integrating the world...

In the center of Dongdu City, the huge sea track, the third and final competition venue of the National Mini Racing Competition...

"Brother! Something seems to have run into my head!"

Xingmahao is assembling the guide wheel for the whirlwind charge. Today is the last game of the national competition. He must get the first place to win the championship!

It's just that before the game started, he felt that he suddenly had a lot of things in his mind, what chat group, group owner, messed up!

Xingmalie reluctantly wiped his forehead with his hand. Having a younger brother like Xiaohao really made him very troubled!

"What are you talking about, Xiao Hao, hurry up and prepare, the game is about to start, we must defeat the Hijikata Rei and Kondo Gen, and smash the ambitions of Dr. Great God!"

"Got it, brother! I'll show them the real running of mini cars!"

Xiaohao is full of confidence and has high fighting spirit!

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