The appearance of the lunar man is believed to be known to anyone who has been to the empty island. The appearance is no different from that of ordinary humans, except that there are a pair of wings behind him. "

"More than a thousand years ago, when the country of D still existed, the moon people immigrated to the Qinghai Sea because of the lack of resources on their own planet, and a huge ocean current was triggered, which attracted part of Gaya Island to the clouds. up, and then build an immigration area, you all know this, right?"

"Bullshit! What lunar man is not lunar man! He is talking nonsense!"

In the navy warship, Sengoku, who had sobered up, yelled at the TV.

On the side of the Whitebeard Haize regiment, there are also many people who maintain unbelievable eyes.

Because there are so many people, they don't even know if the sky island really exists.

Not to mention it was built by lunar men!

Chutian ignored them and continued the live broadcast:

"The inhabitants of the sky island are the original inhabitants of the moon, and the comprehensive technology of the moon is 500 years ahead of the entire Qinghai. If you don't believe this, you can ask Dr. Bergapunk of the Navy. The technology he uses is the technology of the moon."

At this moment, the atmosphere on the naval warship froze.

Hearing Chutian's words, the navy still didn't believe it at first, and felt that the sky island, the king of heaven, and the moon were all nonsense.

But after the name Vegapunk came out, Sengoku, Karp...everyone became dumb.

Vegapunk, the No. 500 scientist of the world government, claims to have technological capabilities beyond [-] years of modern times, proficient in everything from devil fruit to mechanical manufacturing.

It was him who solved the three transmission conditions of the Devil Fruit's ability: only the person who took the first bite of the Devil Fruit can obtain the ability; a person can only have one kind of fruit ability, except for the dark fruit; after the person with the ability dies, the distance ability The nearest fruit will become a Devil Fruit.

And yes, he has also developed technology that allows objects to have Devil Fruit abilities.

A few years ago, a method of using sea tower stones to allow naval warships to pass through the windless zone was invented, allowing the navy to freely travel to other four seas.

A few years ago, a method of using sea tower stones to allow naval warships to pass through the windless zone was invented, allowing the navy to freely travel to other four seas.

At the same time, it also made human weapons known as "pacifists" for the Navy.

The tyrant in the Qiwu Sea, Bartholomew Bear, was used as a body template to make a semi-finished "living human weapon" in the early stage, and later evolved into a complete body.

It can be said that the existence of Dr. Bergapunk is an impossible event in itself.

"Science and technology" is formed through accumulation and gradual development in countless huge experiments.

A technology, from 0 to mature, requires at least several generations of continuous research, gradually breaking through technical difficulties, and finally coming out.

Taking the communication technology of the world where Chutian lives, the earliest communication was simply voice transmission, which is commonly known as a phone call.

Later, the text module was added, which was able to send and receive text messages.

Later, send pictures and send videos.

2G-3G-4G-5G... This is the success that millions of high-end experts from dozens of countries around the world have jointly developed for decades.

There is absolutely no way for one person to be 500 years ahead of the times.

Even if he was born in technology, has an extremely advanced vision and rich resources, when he released a cross-generation product, the iPhone generation, what he said was only: our mobile phone system is five years ahead of other mobile phone systems.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

With the power of one person, it is possible to lead the entire world in technology for 500 years. There are only two possibilities: either that person is an alien, or he is a local person and uses alien technology.

Now Chutian has confirmed this fact on the side.

Vegapunk uses the technology of the moon man, and the technology of the moon man is really five hundred years ahead of the earth.

"The sky island on the surface is a peaceful and beautiful floating island full of peace. But don't you have any doubts about its existence? Why can the entire sky island float in the air? Why can the clouds of the sky island be fixed? By devil fruit ? Domineering? No, the sky island can float in the sky, relying on the science and technology of the lunar people, if you have watched "City in the Sky", it is easy to understand what I mean."

.. 0

Although no one here has seen City in the Sky, Chu Tian's explanation is straightforward enough that even Luffy's simple mind can understand it.

"Then, why do you say that Kongdao is the king of ancient weapons? What is the ability of the king of heaven?"

"Yes! There are no weapons on the empty island! How could it be the King of Heaven..."

Doubts arise again, and the curiosity of people in the whole world has been raised at this moment!

Chu Tian: "First of all, please think about the names of the three ancient weapons and their meanings.

Pluto: A symbol of death, a gunboat, one shot kills countless lives.

Neptune: Controlling the sea, is the master who can lead the undersea creatures.

Uranus: The ruler of the sky is the sky-related things.

So what in the whole world has something to do with the sky?Sky Island! "

"Lapda, the city in the sky, is very similar in structure to an empty island. On the surface, it is a peaceful and beautiful utopia, but as long as it is opened by a key, it will become a powerful floating weapon, and its ability, and The key to open the island..."


ps: This section of the historical text is believed to be able to guess the children's shoes who have carefully studied One Piece.And "empty island is the king of heaven" is the author's reasoning, but the author can post as proof, if the sky island is not the king of heaven, the author will eat three catties live. .

Chapter 168 Nami's True Identity! 【3 more】

"The key to open the empty island is now on the Straw Hat Pirates."

A word, like Huang Zhong Dalu blasting his ears, the reverberation lingered around the beam for three days!

The entire Wanli Sunshine was so shocked that it almost capsized!

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