Akainu couldn't believe his eyes, but in a flash, he swept the thing in Chu Tian's hand.

That's a knife!

Samurai sword!

"Little devil! What are you holding!"

"Knife, are you blind?"

"Is that the knife that blocked my fist? Don't talk nonsense!"

"It's not nonsense to elaborate, and it's not nonsense to make up. If you don't believe it, try again?"


Akainu gathered his strength and twitched his mouth, ha~~~~ cough!Spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm at Chutian and Huang Yuan!

The splashing magma rolled to the ground, and even steel can easily melt at a high temperature of thousands of degrees!

The ground paved with masonry, thick smoke billowed in an instant, corroded into a large pool of red lava!

"Fuck your mother! Dare to spit on Lao Tzu, you're dead!"

Chu Tian's body flashed thick phlegm, and he was about to chop off Akainu's head with a knife when he suddenly thought that the brothers in the draft hat were still locked on the execution platform, and immediately changed direction and slashed at the ground.

The sword qi was sharp, and the entire execution platform was cut off from the air. Luffy and Ace didn't have time to escape, and both fell to the 4.9 ice surface!

"The dog bites the red lotus!!!"

Akainu shouted loudly, stepped forward, and waved out a thick and hot magma column, the bright red magma tumbled for a while, and the hot magma turned into a giant dog in an instant!

The giant dog opened its fangs and blood, rushed in front of Chu Tian, ​​roared, and was about to bite down on Chu Tian's head.

But Chu Tian just frowned, his feet sank, he raised his arm and swung out with a knife, the molten giant dog was instantly smashed into a paste!

There was no blood flowing from the shattered corpse, only hot lava.

Apparently, before being hit, Akainu had already evaded by elementalization!

"What's going on! It's impossible to have a knife that can block the magma, could it be the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Sword!?"

"Fart!" Chu Tian Dangdang knocked on the blade, "Is this knife I'm holding, can it be compared to the supreme and fast knife? This is Zanpakutō, its name is Liuren Ruohuo!".

Chapter 164 Swastika: The Residual Fire Sword! 【3 more】

The blade is like fire, this is the world of the god of death, the Zanpakutō held by Captain Yamamoto is also an SSS-level item that Chutian spent a full 1 million points to redeem.

This sword is the strongest and oldest Zanpakutō of the Fire Element!

Possessing the most terrifying attack power of all Zanpakutō, even Aizen Soyousuke, who was in a state of collapse, would not dare to confront him!

After the flowing blade is like a fire, the temperature of the flame is like the surface of the sun, and after it is dissolved, the temperature of the flame is like the core of the sun!

The power of Akainu's magma, in front of Liu Jian Ruo Huo, is simply worse than a match!

"Are you ready, Lord Jun, now I'll let you see what a real high temperature is... 卍卍卍詩・卍火大刀!!!!!"

The flowing blade is like a bright fire blade suddenly cracked/opened/slit/sub.

Immediately afterwards, the whole knife seemed to be carbonized, becoming dry and charred.

Not even the word sharp can be seen, as if it will shatter if you touch it!

"It's over, Chutian's magnifying move failed 24 times!"

At this moment, the audience from all over the world in the group, in front of the TV, the five old stars, and the pirate and navy villains watching the fight all uttered such a sigh.

The group owner's pretense failed!

Lucy: "It's over, it's over, the group owner failed to pretend, and that knife was obviously an attempted transformation..."

Haiyuan Ai: "What's the matter? The knife just now was even more handsome! What does this black thing that I took out now look like?"

Nakiri Erina: "I thought Chutian was going to breathe fire!"

The little master: "This thing...why does it look familiar?"

After thinking about it for two seconds, the young master took out a piece of burning wood from the stove and stomped it on the ground to put out the fire: "Everyone, look, that knife is just like this fire stick."

Huiyuan Ai: "The fire stick? Wouldn't that be broken when someone beats it?"

Hubby: "The group owner overturned!"


Everyone who was used to seeing big scenes was very disappointed in Chutian.

Others Madara Uchiha got a costume, Susanoo, and smashed two meteorites down.

And as the dignified group leader, you actually took out a fire stick!

The face of the group leader has made you lose all!

But at this time, Aokiji, who was lying in the ruins, felt something different.

The green pheasant stood up leaning in the deep pit, his face was extremely ugly, the ice layer used to buffer the damage was slowly melting!

Aokiji tried to use the fruit ability, but found that it couldn't be used at all!I can't let go of the ice by myself!

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