These people are basically martial arts masters and martial arts masters, part-time chefs!

What kind of leopard-headed Asian publication, the bones are amazed, fire fists with bare hands, melt the chains!

Is that still human?

The one who can hear the strength by listening to the ear, I sing while cooking, will it affect the result?

Not only Yuanyue's people were scared to pee, but Chutian's people were also scared to pee.

Sakata Gintoki: "Is this, this, everyone in the dark cooking world so fierce?"

Natsu: "I feel like I've invited a bunch of incredible guys in!"

Naruto Uzumaki looked serious: "Sasuke, you have to pay special attention to the blue-eyed tiger, that guy must have stolen the writing wheel of your Uchiha clan!"

Sasuke: "The one called Leopard Head Asia is also very suspicious. The kind of technology he said... Is it fire escape?"

There was a lot of noise at the scene, and the chef under the eldest lady was undoubtedly not terrified and confused.

Nakiri Erina gritted her teeth and said loudly: "Don't be afraid! I have already told you about the advantages of this game! What the emperor uses are paper tigers! Our customers are ordinary people! We are different from all over the world. The style of cuisine can meet the needs of diners in all aspects! This is the key point we should grasp!"


Silence, long silence.

When Xingping saw the truth, he immediately helped cheer up: "Cheer up everyone! Don't be intimidated by the name of the other party! The nature of the Moon Festival is a food festival, and the consumers are ordinary diners! Their fancy dishes. There is no way to sell in large quantities!"

When Xingping saw the truth, he immediately helped cheer up: "Cheer up everyone! Don't be intimidated by the name of the other party! The nature of the Moon Festival is a food festival, and the consumers are ordinary diners! Their fancy dishes. There is no way to sell in large quantities!"

Kurokiba Ryo followed closely: "That's right! This cooking showdown is about speed and quantity! Cooking that is too contrived can't win!"

Ye Shanliang: "We have a local advantage! Japanese food, French food, seafood, baking, desserts, drinks... We have food from all over the world, but the other party only has Chinese food!"

Tian Suohui: "I believe, I believe Miss~~~ We can win!"

I have to say that Erina's eldest buff really worked.

The team of chefs, who were still dead just now, was inspired by several people in turn, and immediately became full of vigor!

Erina: "Get ready! We can win!"

"Okay! Lord Erina!"

After the chefs finished speaking, they left in a hurry and returned to their booths, dancing with their powerful bodies, and roaring and chopping vegetables and hot pots.

aggressive!High ambition!

Seeing this scene, Erina couldn't help showing a relieved smile.

"How is it, Lord Group Leader? You should know where your weaknesses are, right?"

"Oh, your dishes are rich."

"That's right! The ten chefs on my side have everything from drinks, to main meals, to desserts! And you only cook big dishes!" Erina said proudly: "The diners here are not emperors, If you cook all those delicate and shiny dishes, your booth will not be able to make ends meet! High-priced things are a big disadvantage at food festivals!"

"Is that so?" Chu Tian patted the little boss on the shoulder, "My Chinese cuisine has been seen all over the place, little boss..."

Little Master: "Those who underestimate Chinese cuisine will suffer a great loss!"

Kaiyu: "Hey, although I'm not happy to work with guys in the Guangming cuisine world, but someone dares to look down on Chinese cuisine, then I'll show you what a real hell is!"

Not much to say, Wuhuxing and the young master also went to the front of the dining car to start preparations. When it's time to say ruthless words, they still have to face the opponent seriously. This is called professionalism.

With big eyes and small eyes, Chu Tian and Erina faced each other across the air, hating each other, and they could smell the smell of gunpowder from far away.

"I can't wait to transform you into a maid and serve me well in my kitchen."

"When I win, I'll put this silk wa that I'm wearing now into your mouth."

"Wait and see."




11 o'clock came quietly.

The people in the villain group were growling with hunger, and they all waited impatiently.

They don't care who the group leader is compared with, the purpose of their coming here is to let go of eating!

"Gin-chan! Let's go to that redhead! He seems to have cooked something!"

Kagura pulled Yinshi, and Yinshi pulled the whole family bucket of Wanshiwu, and it tasted in front of Kohei Sozhen's booth.

Although it was the diners brought by the enemy, Soma Yukira couldn't drive them away.

A few plates were brought to the table, "Try it! This is my own special soufflé omelette!"

Souffle omelette?

Outside the booth, the people from the Master's House nodded in unison.

Yin Shi: "Hey redhead, will your food burst your clothes?"

Xingping Chuangzhen was stunned for a moment: "How do you know?"

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