"It's immoral, and they don't even send a car to pick us up."

"Don't go too far, we finally walked up the mountain, but you said that it hasn't started yet, but we came over before we even had a meal!"

"The store is bullying customers, this Togetsu Academy is not a good thing at first glance."


The wicked group, you say a word to me, and you don't dare to squeak even when the fleshy charm falls to the ground!

I had to stand still and shiver!

"What, what's the situation, are you all members of the group master!"

"Sir Erina, no, didn't you say, there are only seven or eight people in the group? Why are there so many here!"

Ignoring the meat charm, Chu Tian walked out of the crowd and came to Yinshi and Kagura.

"Okay you guys, stop."

Chu Tian put down Hui Yuanai who was sitting on his right shoulder, "Go check it out."

Huiyuan walked over and looked at the four-eyed frog on the ground that had been beaten to death: "Fractures in the right hand, 3 rib fractures, subcutaneous soft tissue contusion, no damage to vital organs or intracranial injury, no symptoms and signs of shock. , the pulse is small and fast, the heartbeat is steady, and there is nothing serious."

After Hai Yuan finished speaking, he jumped on Chu Tian's shoulder and sat down.

After hearing the judgment of the professionals, Gintoki and Kagura looked proud and proud: "We all avoid the key points and calculate the damage."

Natsu: "Hmm, it's awesome, I thought Ye Bunny would kill someone!"

Tsunade gave a thumbs up: "Haha, that's really good, Kagura, it's yours!"

Rem: "I thought Sister Kagura would not be able to control her strength, so you are also measured?" Uzumaki Naruto: "Hey, so you can fight like a little girl! Do you want to come later? Let's chat?"

Listening to everyone's praise, Kagura's face flushed with blood, and he lowered his head a little embarrassedly: "You guys, stop praising me! It's just, it's just a very ordinary fight~~~"

Lucy: "No no no! I heard from Yin Shi that you have strange powers, and it's really good to be able to control your strength!"

Tsunade: "That's right, to knock people unconscious without killing them, this requires very sophisticated control techniques, and it's a good Kagura!"

Hearing this terrifying exchange, the meat charm on one side was almost scared to pee!

This Nima! ! !

what's the situation?

What are these people talking about?

All the people on the ground have fainted, yet you are still praising the strength of this little girl!

And you're so shy!

Your hands are covered in blood, and you are still shy!

The meat charm was shocked, and the three views were dealt a devastating blow! .

Chapter 131 Are you a killer or a chef? 【2 more】

Is this someone from another world?

So fierce!

One or two vicious people, everyone beat them to the ground, and they are still discussing the strength of the blow!

Are they all life-threatening masters!

Can't afford it!

Meat Mei cowered, and quickly slipped away~!

Stark: "Yinshi, you can teach everyone this style of play just now. If you encounter any situation, you will play according to your standard. The standard set by the group leader is too-ruthless."

Chu Tian: "Hey Stark, don't do anything bad! People in this school are all stinky shit, and they should be taught a lesson."

Conan's brows jumped twice: "You're not a lesson, it's a crime..."

Haiyuan Ai swayed and sat on Chu Tian's shoulders, just like sitting on an arch bridge.

"You think too much about Edogawa. We don't belong to this world. If you really kill someone, just run away."

Conan:  …

Chutian: ......

Kagura: "Little sister, you are so black..."

After dragging the chef Totsuki on the ground to the nearby woods to hide, Gintoki and a few shemales pushed his cart away.

No guns, no cannons, the enemy made it for us!

Not only ingredients, but also fire tools, dinner plates, small tables and benches, and trolleys are all prepared.

As he walked, Chu Tian held his cheeks and muttered to himself: "This stubborn young lady Erina has really screwed Lao Tzu! The second game was obviously a team battle, but she was better. I’m running out of money, and I don’t even have a dining car, ingredients, tools, etc., so I’m just trying to trick me into coming empty-handed…”

"You made a mistake," Hai Yuanai said contemptuously, turning her head and staring, "You never thought that a food festival would be so complicated, right?"

"You can't blame me. Our food festivals don't have such fun. Nothing in our food festivals is freshly made, such as 10 skewers of kebabs for 8 yuan, although there is one The leg of lamb is there, but it's just pretending to be slicing, a leg of lamb can hang for three days, and it's still roasted mouse meat when it's roasted for guests..."

"Chutian!" Hui Yuanai beat his head angrily with a small fist: "Don't say such disgusting things, I've lost my appetite!"

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