Cooking, you can actually do that!

It's too exaggerated!

Not only does it emit light, but it can also form automatically!

Blind dog eyes!

"You all get out of the way! I'm going to try it!"

Erina grabbed a large spoon without saying a word.

Roughly scooping up the tofu, the hot sauce fell on the table, not at all the usual reserved look of the eldest lady!

Erina tasted this tofu dish with a critical mind!

Good-looking, does not mean delicious!

If the appearance can decide the victory or defeat, they have already lost on this side!

However, when she devoured a few pieces of black and white two-color tofu.


The porcelain spoon fell to the ground and shattered.

"It's hot, it's hard to breathe!" Erina fell into a state of embarrassment, as if a fireball was stuffed, her mouth opened suddenly, like a frightened cat, panting heavily!

Sweat dripping from forehead!

But then, there was no pain on her face, but intoxication appeared on her face.

"This, this taste is!"

Just one mouthful, Nakiri Eri felt that her body was a little hot and sweaty, and subconsciously unbuttoned the high collar of her uniform, revealing the snow-white skin on her neck.

"It's so slippery! This tofu is simply the best!"

Chu Tian: "Well... your neck is also of the highest quality..."


The tofu melts in the mouth without even having to bite.

There is no doubt that the little master made full use of Kekedi's bullet-fermented tofu. The tofu in this plate was cooked at the perfect time. The smooth and tender taste is already the ultimate!



When the black tofu cubes melt, the rich sweetness and deliciousness burst out instantly!

Erina was lost in the sea of ​​sweetness. She saw an amusement park, to be precise, an amusement park, surrounded by laughter and laughter tourists, and in front of it was a simple, honest and cute creature - a giant panda!

The ability of the tongue of God is to visualize the 450 tastes in the mind!


The soles of the embodied feet suddenly emptied, and Erina fell into a zigzag slide, wet and sticky!

As soon as it fell, the whole body was dyed with red slurry, the clothes slipped off, and the naked body stood in the soup!

This soup, sweet and spicy, also has the spicy and spicy taste of Mapo, drowning Erina's whole body in a deep slurry!

"Give me a spoon!"

Erina gasped, and there seemed to be flames burning in her mouth!

Not to mention the tongue, it has long been burned and lost consciousness!

"Do you want rice, rice?" Feishazi asked in a low voice.

The eldest lady didn't pay attention at all, she was just eating.

Her eyebrows were wet with sweat.

The eyes were dripping with sweat, as if I was crying happily, and the hardest hit area was near the mouth. The saliva was mixed with the spilled sauce, and it looked sticky/muddy/muddy. Much, it has started to drip down!


The eldest lady's head was churning in her mouth, although she knew that she was very rude at this time, but... Root!Book!stop!Do not!Down!Come!

Spicy, sweet, and magical!

She even wondered if marijuana was added to this tofu!

Looking at the sweaty eldest lady, everyone knew it.

The result of this game is already obvious.

Because the whole plate of tofu was swept away by Nakiri Erina! .

Chapter 124 The Dark Cuisine World Joins the Battle! 【1 more】

Took a full 10 minutes.

Erina's sweat also flowed for ten minutes!

Finally, under the onlookers of the crowd, Nakiri Erina stupefied the whole plate of magic tofu into her stomach.

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