
Power and money transactions, trading rankings!

And the other party's background must be not small, he must have stuffed a big red envelope for the three generations of Hokage and the referee team, bought the contract rights of the entire death forest, and directly announced the customs clearance!

It's more shameless than the referee rushing on the court and hitting the basketball out of the basket!

At this time, in the entire venue, the most incomprehensible person was not red beans, but Orochimaru.

At this time, in the entire venue, the most incomprehensible person was not red beans, but Orochimaru.

Armed with proper confidence, he changed his skin to sneak into the candidates, and was about to do a big fight in the forest, but he didn't expect to set off and the scroll was gone!

Orochimaru looked at Dou embarrassedly, Dou also looked at him embarrassedly, a pair of snake eyes and a pair of four eyes, the atmosphere rose to the peak of embarrassment!


As the ace agent of the ninja world and the ashes of Orochimaru, Yao Shidou had no objection to Orochimaru's decision, and directly chose to give up and strategically withdrew from the exam.

The immortals have come in, this is still a test of Mao!

Hurry back and deploy Yin Nin, assassinating Hokage is king!

Red Bean nervously confronted the referee team for a while, and after receiving confirmation from the third Hokage himself, he was very unwilling to announce the continuation of the game.

She also has a thought in her heart now, that is, the next time she encounters the Chutian quartet, she must hide far away, the farther the better!


After wandering around in Konoha Village for three days, Chutian brought a team of villains to eat, drink, and have fun throughout Konoha!

During the period, I also sent some souvenirs to the group to meet the travel needs of Yinshi.

Of course, the money was on Tsunade's hands.

Hokage is a fat poor man. When Hokage even got [-] taels of money in a year, it wasn't a problem, so Chutian didn't feel guilty at all.

"Today's test is an individual competition, but this is not the point. The point is that in the middle of the competition, Orochimaru will stage a coup, so you have to settle your opponents quickly, you know?"


At present, the people of Konoha Village are still a group of rookies, and the people that Chutian brought are basically full-level.

Sakata Gintoki, King Ping A, ten years ago was the invincible ghost Shiroyasha.

Although the [-]-year-old's body is not as good as the peak period, and he often hangs around in nightclubs to waste bullets, he can be regarded as the strongest one in the villain team based on melee combat ability and duel experience alone.

Natsu, the real strength is fascinating, but the physique of the strongest demon is not compromised, even if he is entangled by strange ninjutsu, I believe that the opponent can't kill him.

As for Siro...

Ultraman singled out with someone, the picture was so beautiful that Chutian didn't dare to watch it. ......

1 pm.

In the third round of the Chunin exam, the individual battle started on time.

This is the last game. After passing the written test and the Genin of the Forest of Death, there will be hand-to-hand combat today. The place for the Chunin will be created among the contestants, but it is not entirely the winner. Even if you lose the heads-up, as long as If you maintain a certain level during the battle, you may still be included in the Chunin candidate list.

This kind of assessment method is very reasonable. Chunin is not a shinin. It is enough for one’s own strength to meet a certain standard. Every Chunin cannot be required to be a unique powerhouse. Not to mention the one-on-one duel, the luck of the lottery accounts for a large part. Factors, the phenomenon of confrontation between the strong and the strong is bound to happen, and the strong who lose is naturally more nurturing than the weak who win.

"The first game, Rock Lee vs. Sakata Gintoki!"

In the first game, the villain team appeared, and the activity of the chat group instantly soared to 50!

Almost half of the people from Kabukicho came.

Watch the live broadcast around the downstairs of the Master House.

Kagura: "What's with the super thick eyebrows? Did a weirdo appear at the beginning of the game? Today's game won't be lonely anymore."

Shimura Miao: "Yeah, the clothes are so dirty, and what's the matter with the hairstyle, the head of the pot?"

Father Yuanwai: "A Yin! Don't lose! I've put all the money for breakfast on you this month!"

MADAO: "Yin Sang! You must not win! I put all my deposits on the opponent!"

Yueyong: "Ah, I'm here to see your group leader, call me when you come on stage...".

Chapter 101 The handsome boss [2 more]

Yin Shi scratched his head: "How can it be repaired... People are betting their lives on tomorrow, you bastards are actually betting! That old man! Help me bet 300 yuan, bet I lose!"


Before Yin Shi finished speaking, Chu Tian rewarded him with a flying leg.

"If you dare to play fake games, I will chop you up!"

"Yes, yes, Lord of the group, please rest your anger..."

After rubbing the p-shares, Yinshi took Toya Lake on the field-.

Although it is hand-to-hand combat, there are no restrictions on weapons in the competition regulations. The judges are looking at comprehensive strength. If you have a Gundam, you can drive it.

"Please advise!"

Xiao Li Zi bent forward and stretched out his palm. He was not going to retain his strength from the opponent, because he knew that the people in Chu Tian's group were all terrifying!

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