This word is not something that ordinary ninjas will know!

That's Konoha's secret!A forbidden technique that must not be touched!

Who is this guy!

Feeling the murderous aura of Sarutobi Hizan, Tsunade's face was extremely pale!

Is Chutian carrying a powder keg?

See who blows who!

"What, do you want to threaten me?" Chu Tian smiled slightly, tapping his fingers on the teacup.

In terms of melee combat, within a range of 2 meters, it is impossible for a creature to be a substitute opponent, not to mention this is an enhanced version of the substitute, which has the ability to stop when awakened.

"Chutian, don't be impulsive, speak well!"

Tsunade's face was pale, how much strength Sarutobi Hizan has, she, as an apprentice, can't be more clear!

Tsunade's face was pale, how much strength Sarutobi Hizan has, she, as an apprentice, can't be more clear!

Chutian can't win!

You will lose your life!

All the eyes of the people in the store were focused.

Many ninjas are sighing that today another unlucky bear will be repaired by three generations of Hokage.

To deal with people from other villages, Sarutobi (cjef) Rizao will be ruthless!

"Chutian! Don't be impulsive! Don't challenge him!"

Layers of perspiration ooze out from Tsunade's fair forehead, and her slender fingers began to tremble!

next second....

Chu Tian's eyes narrowed, and the fist of the Platinum Star penetrated the breastplate, bones, and muscles of Sarutobi Hiizan at the speed of light, pinching the beating heart of Sarutobi Hiizan!

The essence of a stand-in is soul power, which can be either tangible or intangible!


Before Sarutobi Hizan didn't say anything, he just felt dizzy and lacked energy and blood!

He glanced at his chest vigilantly, and there was nothing abnormal, but he just felt that his heart was squeezed by something!


That's a hand!

Holding his heart!

So that his heart can't beat, blood can't be supplied!

After only 3 seconds, Sarutobi Hiizan's fierce momentum was instantly extinguished!

Even if he is the third generation of Hokage, what about the first generation of Shinobu?

His essence is still a human being!

He was directly holding the heart, stopped beating, and the blood supply to the whole body was cut off, he couldn't be arrogant!

"This, this is..."

Seeing the sharp change on Sarutobi's face, Tsunade was speechless!

My own face... clap clap clap clap!

Not only loud, but fast!

Slap at the speed of light!

After pinching for 10 seconds, the substitute released his fist and returned to Chu Tian's body.

Sarutobi Hiizan's heart stopped for 10 seconds!


The breathless Sarutobi Hijian sounded in his head, his legs softened, and he knelt directly in front of Chu Tian!

Nobody knows what happened.

They only saw the three generations of Hokage-sama who was still arrogant and murderous just a moment ago, and his momentum was extinguished in just an instant!

The ninjas in the store were dumbfounded.

Their beloved three-generation Hokage-sama actually lost to a young man in aura!

And kneeling in front of others!

"Then, who is that guy! Actually, he can actually fight against Hokage-sama!"

"My God! What happened to Hokage-sama! He was actually crushed by a kid!"

"What happened just now! Why did the third generation lose in an instant!"

"what happened!"

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