Tsunade was ashamed, "My dignified treasure of Konoha Village, the proud symbol of the Uchiha clan, has been likened to a fish bubble by you..."

"Ordinary Sharinyan is a fish bubble! Do you want to know what I just put in the eye socket of Danzang?"


"W-what's the matter!!!??々〃?"

Danzo, who returned to Anbu, untied the bandage, but with a ber sound, a fish ball fell out!

"W-what's the matter! How did it turn into a fish ball!"

"Where's my Shaker!? Where's Zhishui's Shaker!"

"I was transferred by someone!?"

Danzo was stunned for a few seconds, and then he had an expression on his face that made him feel distressed!

Everyone is going crazy!

This writing wheel eye is the treasure of his treasures, and it took a lot of effort to get it!

I was reluctant to use it at ordinary times, but now it has been transferred!

Don't bring people like this!

"Who is it!"

Danzo's brain was buzzing with anger, and his teeth were about to shatter!

"I felt that there was an abnormality in Sharonyan when I was in a ramen shop, and at that time I was in contact with myself...it was the guy who was eating noodles!"

"That guy? No, it's impossible, it's impossible for someone to take the eyes away under my Tuanzang's nose..."

"But...that's when I felt something was wrong!"

"Could it be ninjutsu? Take things from the air?"

"Yes! It's possible! That guy should have used some kind of weird ninjutsu, and then changed the package for me!"

"Damn bastard! Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Danzo gritted his teeth, and threw the fish ball to the ground and stomped it hard, until it was smashed!

However, after knowing that the person who took away his writing wheel was an unknown junior from another village, his mood was a little more complicated.

There is guilt, unwillingness, and fear.

If Chu Tian can really take the writing wheel from under his blindfold without knowing it, and put a fish ball on it, then can he easily take out his heart and put a stone in it?

It's very possible!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Danzo is like a mute eating a yellow lotus, there is no way to tell the pain!

The story of Shaanyan was originally a secret. He persecuted the Uchiha family and did it through illegal means.

And the person who stole his eyes has a very terrifying ability!

If you openly send a root organization to snatch it, if things get worse, your official position in Konoha may not be guaranteed.

And if you ask for it in private, you might even lose your life!

Only choked!

Swallow it in your stomach!

Danzo felt that in his fifty or sixty years of life, he had never felt so aggrieved.

In the past, he was the only one who harmed others and stole things from others.

But now, he is being played around by a little devil!

suffocated!Really frustrating!


"You city people really know how to play..."

After learning about Chutian Yuwan's eye-changing operation, Tsunade and a few people in the group had to give their group owner a thumbs up.

Sao year!Your operation is very dangerous!

Conan: "¨"Have you just started to bully people when you arrive at Konoha Village?"

Haibara Ai: "Didn't you say you want to take the exam? When will the exam? I can't wait to do the exam."

Tony Stark: "Is this the legendary Xueba? Do you miss the ninja exam?"

Haihara Ai: "White eyes~~~ Also as a scientist, you should have the desire to know the unknown, otherwise the brain will rust."

Hubby: "Miss Huiyuan is so scary..."

Natsu: "Hey Lucy! Why do you have pictures there? Didn't I already leave?"

Hubby: "Hahaha, Natsu, are you stupid, you left, the camera is still there! Don't you see that the group family function has been opened in the group, as long as it is a family member, you can use the camera... "

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