
Tony Stark spit out hot coffee!

"Hey group leader! You're going too far! You forced me to sponsor the game, and I'll recognize it. What is [group ATM]? I, Tony Stark, are also a person with a head and face, at least respect is still required. Give it!"

Chu Tian: "No."

Tony Stark: "..."

Natsu: "I feel sorry for Stark..."


Lucy: "The group leader is so cruel...Is the group leader such a cruel man..."

Sakata Gintoki: "I don't know why, but I always feel that there is something in the corner of my eye...Is it a flying? Is there a flying in the corner of my eye?"

Chu Tian: "If you want to give it to you, give it to you, don't you know if you are willing to admit defeat? Isn't your Stark losing to Conan in a dignified manner?"

Tony Stark: "I'm not the only one who lost..."

Chu Tian: "But you are rich! Who will you kill if you don't kill you?"

Tony Stark: "I'm speechless..."

[Ding!Stark has sent 1 red envelope! ]

Sakata Gintoki has received it.

Conan: ? ? ? ?

Haibara Ai:? ? ? ?

Natsu: ? ? ? ?

Sakata Yinshi: "Hahahaha! It's impossible to prevent it, right! Hahaha, I, Yin, finally..." Before Yinshi started to be happy, he became miserable, because there was only 0.01 yuan in the red envelope!

Tony Stark: "Hahaha, Ah Yin, do you think I, Tony, didn't count on this step? Sending red envelopes and bonuses or something, it's you Ah Yin who should be guarded the most!"

Chu Tian: "Whoever dares to rob me of Huiyuan's cute red envelope will blow up his dog's head!"

Conan: "????? Isn't it my red envelope!!??"

Chu Tian: "Oh, I was wrong..."

Conan: "That's the truth! You just told the truth all of a sudden, right!"

A rare blush appeared on Hai Yuanai's little face: "Don't, don't say anything, I didn't hear anything..."

Natsu: "Stark hurry up and send red envelopes, the group owner is spreading dog food!"

Sakata Gintoki: "Gou Ri's group owner is really enviable, and he is actually liked by two cute girls at the same time!"

Lucy: "Actually, in fact, I also think the group leader is pretty good..."

Natsu: "Hey Lucy, you're not kidding! What's wrong with that guy!"

Siro: "I don't know you Earthlings very well..."

Tsunade: "Who is that, big shit, send out a red envelope! I'm still waiting to make a fortune at night! Just waiting for your sponsorship fee!"

Chu Tian: "After working for a long time, there is still a person here who didn't wake up?"

Sakata Gintoki: "Although he didn't wake up, Tsunade's Hungry is really big!"

Natsu: "That's right! Bigger than Lucy's!"

Lucy pinched her fingers, and her joints clicked: "Everyone, Natsu is going offline, let's talk tomorrow!"

The picture of Yin Shi also flashed by, and it could be seen that he was kicked away by Kagura.

Kagura: "Everyone, I'm going to beat Silver Sauce! He's going offline too!"

Siro: "No, I don't understand you Earthlings very well...".

Chapter 81 Telling Rem History [1 more]

Because the chat group joined three big coffees, Tsunade Dabomei, cute pet Pikachu, and alien Ciro, and in order to tame Ciro, Chutian also specially held a reasoning competition, and successfully killed millions of group members The relationship between individual brain cells, so the group activity this time has reached an unprecedented height - the total number of points exceeded 1000 million!

After squeezing out the oil and water from Stark, Chutian retreated.

After a busy day, it's time to take a break!

He has to manage several worlds by himself, and he has to fight wits and courage with the group of idiots, which is really a bit tiring.

"Paralyzed, a group of dog members, I wasted another day without knowing it, and the great youth of this group owner will be given to you water group..."

After thinking about it, Chu Tian felt that this was not possible.

You can't be too wronged yourself, yes, find someone to come over and treat yourself!

"Forget about Huiyuan, the "[-]" tool of the case worker is not yet mature, so she can't get in, and according to her personality, she should carry scissors with her..."

"Although Tsunade has an amazing amount of milk, I'm not familiar with her now, so I can't mess around with her. After all, this is not a world of big dating battles. The difficulty of girls' strategy is about 0, and Tsunade... What should I do if I vomit at my house? She hasn't woken up from the bar! I don't want to play a big fight with a woman who smells of alcohol! With Tsunade's physical strength, if you are interested, it is possible to give you the tools to sit down if you are happy. !"

Chu Tian gasped, and it seemed that Tsunade had to get rid of the hangover as soon as possible, otherwise he might take advantage of the drunkenness to take a shower on a live broadcast.

"It seems that tonight, the only way to find Rem is cute."

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