This Monkey King is even more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Haha, it's enough to deal with you!"

Speaking lightly, Sun Wufan tapped on the ground with one foot, and his whole body disappeared with a swish, and then when everyone did not respond, he directly approached Sharu's ten feet, "What a fast speed!"

Sharu felt a sudden ominous feeling in his heart, he quickly turned around to dodge, click, a phantom, another Sun Wufan suddenly appeared behind him.

"Why are there two, afterimage?"

The sudden change made Sharu's nerves tense, and he looked at the figure of Son Gohan to determine which one was the real existence.

Wow, one Sun Wufan jumped up to attack, Sharu reacted very quickly, and his body flexed to avoid, just at this moment, the other Sun Wufan was short, ran a few steps forward, clenched his fists, and slammed towards him. Sharu's stomach smashed.

As if a train was rolling over, a fist full of iron and steel fell on Sharu's abdomen, "Bang"

With a bang, Sharu's abdomen was sunken, his back protruded, and his two eyeballs were also full of bloodshot bulges, and a sense of disgust spread from the abdominal cavity.


Sharu couldn't hold back, and a mouthful of sour water burst out.

"Are you still holding back?"

Son Gohan chuckled lightly, without answering anything, then changed his angle and punched Sharu's stomach again.

Lower your body and extend your arms.

With several blows in a row, Sun Wufan's fist with a crystal clear streamer hit Sharu's stomach, the latter's eyes widened, two eyeballs showed clear bloodshots, and the coldness appeared again, accompanied by "what"

With a scream, No. 18 spat out from Sharu's mouth, and Sharu instantly degenerated into the second form.

"Impossible, how did I degenerate!"

Sharu stared blankly at his hands, and then shouted with a mental breakdown, with a crazy expression on his face.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

"Great, Sharu has degenerated and is no longer a complete body."

Seeing Sharu degenerate, Piccolo felt relieved.

Sharu, who has degenerated into a mature body, is a bit stronger than No. 16. How is it Sun Gohan's opponent, Sun Wufan repeated his old tricks and directly beat Sharu to the growing body, and even No. 17 was spit out.

After rescuing No. 1 and No. 18, Sharu was directly beaten to the initial growth stage.

"not good!"

"Sun Fist!"

Where can Sharu dare to make a mistake and quickly release a special escape tactic to retreat.

He vomited both androids directly, and now he can't even beat Piccolo.

"We must go back to the past! Re-absorb the two people back!"

Sharu didn't struggle for too long, and went back to the past to absorb it again. This is what he is doing now.

Since he failed at this point in time, he had to go back again, back to the time when the android was just released.

Let Sun Fist flash his eyes, and Sun Gohan stopped attacking, directly picked up No. 18, and said to Piccolo and No. 16: "You take No. 17 and Vegeta away, let's get out of here."

"Sun Wufan, no matter what he does with Sharu, he hasn't completely killed him yet."

A cold light flashed in Piccolo's eyes.

"It doesn't matter, he is no longer a complete body and is not a big threat."


Piccolo sighed, showing unwillingness, keeping Sharu on Earth, I really don't know how many... Innocent earthlings died in his hands. Unbearable.

"Those...dead people can be resurrected with Dragon Balls at that time."

Compared with the life and death of the earthlings, Sun Wufan... didn't take it to heart, anyway... Dragon Ball is now taken over by Chutian, no matter...

No matter how many people have died, they can be resurrected with Dragon Balls. If Sharu can cultivate some strong people, it will be beneficial to the earth.

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Chapter 720 Shalu Returns to the Past

In the west city, in Bulma's house, a dark green shadow slipped quietly into the backyard.

When Shalu took the time machine and never came to this world, because the demon reduced consumption, he restored his body to the form of an egg, and then broke out of the shell, causing a hole in the time machine.

Later, during the recovery operation in Trunks, Bulma brought this time machine back to repair, and Sharu aimed at... this machine.

After observing the surroundings and making sure that no one was paying attention, Sharu flew into the time machine, adjusted the time, and began to go back to the past... About three days ago.

On the temple of the gods, Sakata Yinshi poured a basin of water, and the 17th woke up, then jumped up alertly, and made a guarding action against Chutian and the others.

"Where is this place, where is the 18th"

No. took two steps back defensively, staring closely at everyone present.

Chutian, Sun Wukong, Piccolo, and a large group of people with different painting styles who have never met before.

No. 1 was startled, could it be that he arrived at the other party's nest "No. 18, you don't have to worry, there is nothing wrong with No. [-]."

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