Chu Tian smiled slightly: "Alright, alright, be quiet, let's announce the idea next. "Twenty-seven"..."

Hundreds of pairs of ears perked up one after another, and the group was silent!

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua and Xiao Hei raced to run. At the beginning of the race, Xiao Hua was first, Xiao Hei was second, and Xiao Ming was third. When Xiao Ming, who was third, started to speed up, he surpassed Xiao Hei, who was second. Now Xiao Hua is still in first place. One, Xiao Ming is second, Xiao Hei is third... Do you understand?"

The group was silent for two seconds, and then a heated discussion broke out!

"My grass! That's how it is!"

"Why didn't I think of it just now!"

"Mistakes, mistakes!"

"Hey, it's interesting!"

"Interesting and interesting, my fighting spirit is all up!"

"Why did I get the wrong answer just now? It shouldn't be..."

"Yes! Such a simple question..."

"Come again!"

"The group leader is back!"

The first question Siro overturned, Chutian didn't know if he could fight again.

Because the question just now was a warm-up question!

"The first question, Conan, Stark, and Little Angel Huiyuan answered correctly. Each of the three will add 3 point. Little Angel Rem, please record it."

Rem: "Okay~"

Chu Tian: "Then let's start with the second question, this time you have to think clearly before answering, don't blurt it out... Question [-]: In the running competition held at school, you are the second to last, there are more than one, may I ask Where are you now?"

"Damn! Why is this kind of question again!"

"Hold on! Think hard, we can win!"

"Wait, let me draw a sketch first!"

"There is something tricky, there must be something tricky!"

With the last lesson of overturning, no one answered this time.

Everyone is drawing crazy pictures in their minds, for the prize of [-] million yuan!

10 seconds later....

Kagura: "First to last!"

Yin Shi: "That's right, if the second-to-last is more than one, it is the last-to-last!"

Natsu: "Idiot Yinshi! Haven't you learned the lesson just now? The ranking will not change, the second-to-last is more than one, or the second-to-last!"

"That's right! Second to last!"

"We won't be fooled again! Second to last!"

"Fart! It's the last one!"

The chattering noise resounded in my heart, and Siro was going crazy!

"Don't make noise! ​​Let me think about it!"

Shiro felt so helpless for the first time!

If only I were still in the Land of Light at this time!

With the help of Mebius, Shikali, and the others, it will definitely be solved in one go!

Ciro shoots a laser from his hand and draws a huge map on the planet.

"If I am the second-to-last, Mobius is behind me, Instructor Taro is in front of me, and there are more than ten Ultramans in front of Taro, then if I surpass Taro, Mobius is still In the last place, Taro became the second-to-last, and I was..."

Suddenly, Siro's pupils shrank, and he came up with the answer!

"Third to last! I choose third to last!"

"Third to last! I choose third to last!"

Chu Tian: "Where are the others?"

Haibara Ai: "The third from the bottom."

Stark: "Third to last."

Conan: "Group leader, is this really a reasoning question? The third to last."

Now comes the tense part.

Hundreds of people's hearts are in their throats!

Of course, this does not include Conan and the others.

"The correct answer is the third from the bottom, congratulations to the players who answered correctly, plus 1 point for you."

As soon as Chu Tian's words came out, he was stunned when he just picked the first and second!

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