Just as Sun Wufan was sitting cross-legged on the ground and meditating, the door to the training room suddenly opened, and a young man with light purple hair walked in.

"Gohan-san, have you finished your training?"

This young man looked thirteen or fourteen years old, and like Bulma, he had light purple hair, and he was the young Trunks.


Son Gohan nodded.

"How's it going"

Trunks' eyes suddenly lit up and asked.

Sun Wufan sighed and shook his head gently: "It still won't work. Although it has reached the original level of my father and Uncle Vegeta, it is still not enough to deal with androids."


A look of disappointment flashed across Trunks' look of anticipation, and then he cheered up and said, "Don't worry, Brother Gohan, I'm sure you can do it!"

Sun Wufan smiled and nodded slightly.

At this time, Trunks lowered his head and said curiously, "By the way, can you tell me something about my father? When I asked my mother, she never told me."

"Uncle Chutian?"

Sun Wufan picked up the wet towel and wiped his face, "I don't have much contact with Uncle Chu Tian, ​​anyway...he is a very personable person, and he is so powerful that even Shenlong has to look at his face. ."

"That's what my mother said."

Trunks nodded.

"Actually, I don't know why your mother is with Uncle Chutian, but after all, it has passed, and we should take care of the affairs of the adults."

Sun Wufan suddenly thought of something, and he didn't say a word.

Because Chutian made Bulma's belly bigger, he went out to wave, and he didn't come back for so many years.

From a child's point of view, this is a scumbag.

Sun Wufan walked out of the training room, picked up a martial arts uniform and put it on.

The style is exactly the same as the martial arts uniform of Guixianliu, and it is also orange-red.

"Keep practicing."


Trunks nodded and followed.

At dinner, Bulma finished her day's research and saw a big "rice" printed on Sun Gohan's body.

The martial arts uniform of the character was surprised, and said: "It is really surprising, the way you wear this martial arts uniform, and the way you eat, is exactly the same as your father, Sun Wukong."

Saying that, Bulma felt a little reminiscent, and her mood dropped a little.

Time has left traces on her face, and with years of hard work, even with the Bulma family's genes that seem to be able to resist the passage of time, they can't resist the traces of time, and they are no longer the youth they used to be.

Hearing this, Sun Wufan pulled his clothes and said with a smile: "I just wanted to become as strong as my father, so I made this dress specially, but unfortunately I couldn't do it all the time."

"Haven't you been single-handedly looking for trouble with those... androids? It's very rare.

Trunks adores you!"

Bulma took a sip from the teacup.

"If it weren't for the fact that the androids never killed people, I wouldn't be able to live to this day!"

Sun Gohan smiled wryly and clenched his fists.

"Well, let's eat first!"


Afterwards, Son Gohan and Trunks ate in big mouthfuls. The Saiyans' appetite has always been amazing, and they look brutal like a starving ghost reincarnated. After a while, half a pot of rice has been eaten.

"Well, it's exactly the same!"

Bulma watched with great interest, and the time of those days could not help but emerge in his mind.

The girl who used to be old is already old, and the youth of that year has passed away. In addition to the doomsday atmosphere of the earth, the past can only be recalled, and everything has changed! The night is deep, and the violent vibration is transmitted from the other side of the distant planet, even in the dark night. , you can also see the rays of light like the dawn, and another large city was destroyed by the hands of the androids.

"No, didn't you say that you won't destroy the city, you won't find such a good clothing store in the future."

No. 1 looked at the fire in the sky not far away, frowned, and turned his beautiful face to his younger brother No. 17 in dissatisfaction.

After seeing No. 1, he waved his hand indifferently, "Hey, No. 18, didn't you already have a lot of clothes, these clothes are enough for you."


No. 1 snorted coldly, suddenly turned his eyes, and said with a smile: "Look, someone is attracted by your movement."

He raised his head and looked in the direction pointed by No. 18. Sure enough, he saw two figures, one big and one small, flying towards them. When they got close, No. 17 suddenly grinned, laughed, and flashed in his eyes. With a cold brilliance like a god looking down, the person who came turned out to be Sun Wukong's son, Sun Wufan.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 699 Sun Wufan's Hard Fight

"Haha, isn't this Sun Wufan, who ran over again, eh, Trunks is there too."

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