Today is a rather uncomfortable day for Ye An.

The two women in the family actually rebelled together!

Simply unbearable!

But can't bear it.

Can't beat it!

Can't even resist!

Ye An can only accept the reality sadly.

Wait until the painful memories pass.

Ye An just said his ~ purpose.

"Are you going to abyss hell?"


"I disagree!

"I can take people directly to hell and help you save them!

"But you go in by yourself, I'm not at all reassured!"

Vinina was the first to object.

How much the angels hate the abyss demons.

Needless to say, of course.

Heard Ye An going to that kind of place.

Of course she is not worried!

"Don't worry, it'll be alright."

"And I didn't say go in, do you understand!"5

"Why don't you try, can you recognize me?"

Ye An wiped his face.

Originally handsome and handsome face.

Immediately it became a rather mediocre look.

Immediately after that, a strange smell emanated.

That dark aura made Vinina almost instinctively attack Ye An.

"...I really can't tell the difference!"

Observe carefully for a while.

Vinina nodded and said.

"So don't worry. 35

"I'll go in disguised as a parasite.

"And my ability allows me to disguise as other demons after contacting other demons.

Ye An said with a serious face.


Vinina didn't have time to refute.

It was stopped by Wei Na.

"You go!"

"Bring Avril back early.""

Wei Na looked at Ye An and said.


Ye An smiled and nodded.

Sure enough, the wife is sensible.

Little lover is not enough.

I'll have to teach it well in the future.

"Then I'll go first."


Ye An's figure dissipated directly.

"Why, let him go?"

Seeing Ye An leave.

Vinina looked at Wei Na dissatisfied and said.

"We should help him, not oppose it.

"What he did, after all, was not wrong.

"Isn't it?"

Wei Na asked back.

"But... in case something happens! 55

Vinina worried.

"Don't worry, it won't! 35

"You have to trust him!


"That's what a wife should do. 99

Wei Na gets married.


Wei Na said so.

Vinina had nothing to say.

At the same time she also felt.

You have to get a good understanding of human culture.

Otherwise, Ye An will be troubled all the time.

"Got to go?"

After Ye An teleported away.

I originally planned to go directly to the frontal battlefield of all races.

And then mixed into the demon clan.

Then slowly look for opportunities to enter the abyss.

But not far.

He was stopped by a familiar figure.

"Well, you have to go.

Ye An looked at Dream Butterfly God Venerable.

nodded and said.

"The thing you asked me to make has been completed.

"Bring it with you, you will definitely use it in the future.

Dream Butterfly God Venerable waved his palm.

A pair of armor, a shield, and a chain emerged.

"I wanted to make a long sword for you, but considering your usual fighting style. 95

"So I made it into a chain for you."

"But you have to hide them well. These three are considered divine tools, although in terms of effect, they belong to the worst divine tools."

"But there will still be a lot of people coveting it.

"Especially in the abyss hell, no one will help you.

"As for the remaining materials, they are still being built.

"After all, you can't always build inferior artifacts.

"But that old stubborn blacksmith had to charge a fee... I only negotiated a tenth of the material.

"In the future, when you become a god, you will find him to get the one-tenth of the materials back.

"He's not greedy either, it's just his own so-called rules..."

Speaking of which.

Dream Butterfly God Venerable couldn't help shaking his head.

What a god, and even robbed a junior for materials.

If not for the need for him to make equipment.

There is no way the Dream Butterfly God Venerable will let him succeed!

"It's normal, after all, craftsmen also charge a fee.

Ye An doesn't care.

Such a big dragon scale.

A tenth less is fine.

And it can be seen that the Dream Butterfly God Venerable is not very good at crafting weapons.

You can only ask professional gods to do it.

That being the case, it is normal for a part of it to pass.

"Well, just open it if you can. 35

"It won't be easy for you to go to the abyss.

"Go to Lingxiao Temple on the front line first, someone will contact you."

Dream Butterfly God Venerable said.

Then he glanced at Ye An again.

The figure suddenly disappeared.

"Is Lingxiao Tiangong..."

"However, my itinerary idea was actually mastered by the Dream Butterfly God Venerable.

"...The god named Tianji?"

Ye An muttered.

It seems that it is necessary to speed up the cultivation in the future.

I went to the Zhiling tribe early.

Endless battlefield.

The most positive frontline war zone!

A fortress bigger than a planet stands on it.

A huge attic above the fortress.

It is written in four big characters "Lingxiao Tiangong"!

And in the distance.

Various forces collide with each other.

One fortress after another, continuously shelling towards the distance.

Occasionally defensive.

Ashes, Shining Sky, Magic Dragon Cannon, Shenxiao Dang Magic Cannon...

There are also various powerful means that Ye An has never seen before.

constantly appearing on the battlefield.

"Where is the battlefield, this is the shooting range!

Ye An who came to the front line for the first time.

Looking at this scene, I couldn't help but sigh.

That's it.

Who will send thousands to death.

Depends on who's bombarded.

Whose defense is great.

"The Third Rule - Void Riot!

Right now.

A huge female figure suddenly appeared in the distance.

It was a large-scale attack launched by the Celestial Clan again.

I saw it all over the battlefield.

Various mixed energies began to run wild.

The void begins to collapse.

A mighty force rushes towards the battlefields of various races.

"King to the sky!"

The human race sees it here.

The same huge phantom appeared.

Immediately followed by a palm shot.

A huge golden palm print was pushed into the distance.

Block all enemy attacks from the battle line.


'It's all a battle of gods!

"Below the king level, it is estimated that even cannon fodder is not considered here. 35

Ye An muttered.

But what he didn't expect was.

Wait until this wave of powerful attacks has passed.

Instead, the energy in the center of the battlefield completely calmed down.

Immediately after, the recruits of the ten thousand tribes poured into the battlefield and began to fight.

The parties also had a tacit understanding and did not continue the shelling.

Instead, let people kill.

Ye An saw this.

Not in a rush to do your own thing.

Instead, keep watching.

"If you are so interested, why don't you go up and play?"

at this time.

A voice sounded.

Ye An looked up.

Finding the location of Lingxiao Temple, a figure flickered a few times.

appeared in front of him.

"'s you!"

Ye An looked at the demigod who appeared in front of him.

Said somewhat unexpectedly.

"Don't be surprised, we have no grudges.

"You want to know the outcome of the battlefield? 39

the blond female demigod asked.

Ye An did not speak.

Just keep looking at the battlefield.

"It's very simple, after fighting for a while."

"Those who are alive are considered elites."

"Then continue to start the purge, and each ethnic group takes turns to attack people from the enemy camp."

"It's just luck at this point."

"The people who can escape alive in the end are the absolute elite children.

"At that time, it will be sent to other battlefields for training.

"Do you think it's cruel?

The female demigod looked at Ye An and asked.

"No strength is true cruelty.""

"The strong eat the weak is the law of the universe,""

"And it's their choice!""

"After all, they also have the opportunity to spend their lives on the Star of Survival."

"So...I just feel sorry for that.""

Ye An looked at the battlefield calmly and said.

Even he was shocked.

It's just a means of attack that shocks all parties.

rather than the sacrifice of so many people.

"Listen to your words, can you still feel pity?"

The female demigod asked suspiciously.

"For me, it's all nourishment!"

"Unfortunately, I'm not enough, wantonly searching for resources on the frontal battlefield. 99

Ye An sighed.

The female demigod looked at Ye An in surprise.

I originally wanted to tell Ye An something big.

did not expect.

Ye An's mind.

It is no longer the ranks of mortals.

"No wonder she chooses you!

"And to protect you so much!

"The difference between you and God is now the difference in realm."

"Forget it, don't talk about that. 35

"Senior Mengdie told me your purpose.

"So how are you going to get there?"

The blonde female demigod said.

"I'm still going to the battlefield...""

"Then just mix in.

Ye An explained casually.

"It was a random plan."

"Dream Butterfly God Venerable asked you to come to me, mainly for two things. 99

"The first point is that we have a way to enter the abyss."

"It belongs to the secret entry, but there may be an accident. 35

"But you have your own ideas, so I won't say more.

"Second, it's about our human connection."

"The demon clan can lurk to us, and we can naturally lurk in the past."

"You take this thing, it is something like an identity token.

"The secret code is..."

The female demigod opened her mouth.

But no sound came out.

However, a huge amount of information suddenly poured into Ye An's mind.

in a huge flow of information.

But only one password is correct!

And this password is still changing from time to time.

So have to cooperate with the token.

to draw correct conclusions.

And Ye An found out.

This flow of information in the mind.

With a single thought, you can change, or even destroy.

And it seems to be tied to his own life.

When your life is about to end.

This information flow will also change, or disappear altogether.


The female demigod looked at Ye An and asked.


Ye An nodded.

These things are not difficult to understand.

You don't even need to utilize the system.

He himself is now a huge computing machine.

Find the corresponding information.

Play the same!

"It is said that in addition to cultivation, you are also a genius in various fields. 35

"Now I am completely convinced.

"My name is Alice, and I look forward to your return!"

The blonde female demigod said with a friendly deep hand.

"Well, thanks for your support!"

Ye An nodded.

He also held out his hand.

"You're not that hard to deal with.

"It doesn't seem to provoke you, it's still good!

Alice said with a smile.

"I'm now helping people take care of Lingxiao Temple."

"In another year or so, I'll be free to leave."

"When you want to find me, you can go to the temple of the gods!"

Alice smiled at Ye An.

Then waved his hand.

left the place.

"The Temple of the Gods?"

"It seems that there are many things I don't know about the human race..."

Ye An muttered.

Then look at the distant battlefield.

Once again turned into an unfamiliar appearance.

Start rushing into the battlefield.

"Humans of Damn it.""

"Come on! 99

a few days later.

somewhere on the battlefield.

A wounded demon.

Looking at Ye An, he shouted frantically.

"Dude, don't get excited.

"I'm not the enemy.

Ye An said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the body exuded a sinister aura.

After the injured demon noticed this breath.

His expression was slightly stunned.

Then suddenly realized.

"So it's you parasites!

Wounded Demon.

Not only was he no longer nervous, but satirized aloofly.

"Hehe, man, don't you look at your situation?"

"How dare you mock me here?"

Ye An pretended to be angry.

A more sinister aura emerged.

"……Haha. Just kidding!"

"What's your name brother?"

"Heal me now, or bring me back."

"I must be very grateful!

The injured demon also changed his attitude immediately.

He quickly said with a smile.


"It would be better for me to experience the femininity of the Celestials. 35

Ye An first smiled sinisterly.

Then fired his own price tag.

"...Do you know how precious a woman of the Celestial Race is!

"You greedy parasite!"

"I don't believe you dare not do anything to me here!""

The injured demon suddenly said angrily.

"Dude, don't get excited. 99

"I didn't say I wanted one, I just wanted to experience the body."

"Just a few days. 99

"It won't cost much to return the body at that time. 39

Ye An said with a smile.

This time.

I don't care about parasites.


"You send... the taste of parasitic demons is really unique. 35

The injured demon gritted his teeth and agreed.

By the way, a rant.

Some demons are lecherous, so I won't say much about this kind of thing.

Some devils are delicious...most of them are good.

They regard the people of other tribes, and even their own tribe, as rations.

Even the so-called taste is pursued.

But the parasitic demon...good body!

Parasitic new body.

Then there will be other flavors.

Such as delicious, lustful, etc...

There are even parasitic demons.

Parasitized the body of the enemy.

Then eat yourself...

Or to experience some kind of pleasure.

After all, after being parasitized, they perfectly inherited all the senses of the parasitic body.

"Okay, brother, what you promised me, you are ready to honor it!"

Came to a demon fortress with a wounded demon.

Although the other party is still seriously injured.

But definitely not life-threatening.

"Your parasitic demons are so powerful in hiding themselves!"

"Don't worry, I swear in the name of the devil, I will fulfill our promise!"

The wounded demon swore an oath.

"Good to say, good to say.

Seeing each other make an oath.

Ye An immediately let out a wicked laugh.

The demons around were still a little confused about Ye An's identity.

Hear Ye An's laughter.

All at once knew that this was a parasitic demon.

"Brother, if you have enough fun with this body, how about you give it to me?

"Although men's palate is not as good as women's, this one is young and looks good. 399

At this time.

A passing demon came over and asked.

"Hehe, wait until he finds the female of the Celestial Clan for me.

"Or you can find someone to exchange for me.

Ye An replied with a smile.


"Sure enough, the parasitic demon has a sick brain.""

The demon pouted and walked away.

He wants a woman from the god race.

What do you want to do with Ye An's body!

Not to mention swapping!

And think about it.

If not this is a fortress.

He may teach the other person a lesson himself.

Let this parasitic demon understand that if you are sick, you can't get sick!

"The transaction fails, it depends on you, brother."

"By the way, man, what's your name and where are you from. 35

Ye An asked while looking at the healing demon.

"Kaluru, born in the Breath of Chaos!"

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you!

The demon who called himself Karuru said seriously.

"That's quite a coincidence."

"I'm also from Breath of Chaos!"

"My name is Yanzu, brother, you are going back to raise money to complete the agreement.

"Or fighting on the front lines?"

Ye An asked with a smile.

"You also come from the Breath of Chaos?

"I remember that there are not many parasitic demons there.

Karuru said in surprise.

"Then where do you say there are many parasitic demons?"

"Our family is just wandering around, and I only stayed in Karuru the longest."5

Ye An said with a smile.


Karuru nodded.

The number of parasitic demons was originally poor.

And everyone likes to hide themselves.

It was this time that this parasitic demon named Yanzu parasitized a human body.

So the identity is revealed.

But when it comes to thinking that Ye An was also born in the Breath of Chaos.

Karuru had a headache.

Originally thinking that the place was different, I fooled this parasitic demon.

He can procrastinate when he gets home. Although he swore an oath, he didn't say when he would complete the agreement!

But now it seems...

"Don't worry, we'll go back together when I heal up.

Karuru looked at Ye An and said.

As for going to battle...

He has given up.

With his strength, it is simply difficult to capture the women of the Celestial Clan.

Even if it can be done.

Before returning to the fortress, he was robbed by other demons.

Why don't you go home and spend some money to find one.

Although there is a high probability that this amount of money will make him bankrupt.

But he also had other ideas.

When the agreement is completed, the binding force of the oath disappears.


This mere parasitic demon.

Isn't it easy to kill him?

By then, there will be little to lose.

It has long been commonplace for demons to kill each other.

The only place where you can't kill each other.

Basically a fortress.

After all, they are going to the battlefield and killing each other.

Somewhat wrong.

"That's fine, I'll wait for you to recover from your injury. 99

Ye An saw that the idea of ​​fooling the other party into taking him into the abyss had already been achieved.

So he immediately smiled.

Don't disturb each other's healing.

But quietly began to wait.

a few days later.

Karuru looked at his body.

Such a relief.

However, he looked at Ye An who had been staring at him.

So he frowned again.

This parasite.

It's true Damn it.

Just keep staring at yourself.

Afraid of running away.

"Not bad, man. 35

"Such a serious injury will heal so quickly.

"I thought I had to help you for a few more days to save someone from bothering you.""

Ye An said with a smile.


"The only person who can disturb me is probably you."

Karuru said unceremoniously.


Ye An smiled.

Not much to say.

"Let's go! 35

"Also, you better stop laughing!

Karuru looked at Ye An and said annoyed.

Although there are many demons with weird laughter.

But it's weird like a parasitic demon.

Not really.

Same as the devil.

He was so uncomfortable listening to it!

"It's okay, it's okay!

Ye An said with a smile.

But this time there was no sound.

Karuru's expression softened a little.

Then take the initiative to go somewhere.

Ye An hurriedly followed.

Finally found that Karuru came to a teleportation magic circle.

"I'm going back aboard the Attas. 35

Karuru said to another demon.

"Okay, charge two magic spar."

The other demon looked up at Karuru and said.

"Why do you still charge, I have been to the battlefield!"

Karuru said dissatisfiedly.

"But you came back early."

"For whatever reason, the fortress will not acknowledge your merits.

"And you didn't have much merit originally."

"Pay, or just keep fighting."

The other party said contemptuously.

"……Give you!

Karuru was silent for a moment.

Or throw out two magic spar.

People don't tell you the truth here.

Neither can he.

"Hehe... what about me?

At this time Ye An pointed to himself.

"You pay for it yourself, I didn't promise these messy things.

Karuru said impatiently.

"It's a pity, I have been changing my body, and I haven't been able to bring the magic spar on my body."

Ye An frowned slightly.

"Hehe, then you can find a way. 55

Heard that Ye An has no magic spar.

Karuru also laughed suddenly.

"Are you a parasitic demon?"

At this moment, the demon asked.


Ye An replied.

"Then you can go, but you have to remember that your parasitic body will be sold to the Demon Sheep Guild in the future! 55

The other party looked at Ye An and asked.

"Ok, Ok!"

"I swear in the name of the Demon God that I will definitely sell the parasitic body to the Demon Sheep Guild. 35

Ye An said with a serious face.

"Well, you can go in too.

The other party nodded in satisfaction.

No demon dares to go against the experiment on the devil.

So he pointed to the teleportation formation and signaled Ye An to go in.

Ye An nodded.

Wait until after entering.

The light of the teleportation array flickered immediately.

In an instant, Ye An and Karuru teleported to a huge airship.

"Hello you two, please receive further checks before logging in!"

At this time.

A female demon walked over with a smile.

"It's not a succubus..."

Although this female demon looks good too.

But compared to the legendary succubus.

Still a lot worse.

Plus, there are parts of the body that have a lot of animal features.

Ye An is not a Freekon either.

So I wasn't interested immediately.

"Please put your hands up."


The female demon brought Ye An and Karuru to a crystal.

Karuru pressed it unceremoniously.

After the crystal changed for a while, it returned to calm.

The female demon nodded and looked at Ye An.

Ye An also stretched out his hand.

At the same time, the information energy fluctuations that imitate the parasitic demons are concentrated in the hands.

The same change.

Although it's been a while.

But it passed successfully.

"This gentleman, are you interested in selling your body to our Demon Wolf Guild?

The female demon smiled and looked at Ye An and asked.

"No, I have sworn to the devil that I will sell it to the Devil Sheep Guild. 35

Ye An shook his head and refused.

"That's a pity!

"But next time you will parasitize a better body, please be sure to consider our guild!""

The female demon said with a smile.

Ye An nodded.

Say no more.

Follow Karuru inside the ship.

"There are still seven days to go.

"Both of you, wait patiently.

Enter the interior of the ship.

Another female demon led the two to sit down at a round table.

After serving two glasses of wine.

Said with a smile.

"Hmm. 35

Karuru nodded slightly.

Ye An looked at each other with a smile.

Slowly drank the wine.

"Although it smells of alcohol, it really isn't alcohol.

"This taste... the blood of a certain race?

Ye An muttered.

But he didn't really feel anything.

This glass of "wine" just arrived in the mouth.

It was immediately absorbed by him.

"Quick, come on!"

"Fight!" 5

"Bite him! 55

Just when Ye An was waiting quietly.

There was a sudden burst of demonic cries in the distance.

Karuru also looked over with interest.

Ye An looked through a kind of demon.

Two captives of ten thousand tribes were found, killing each other there.


"You said that one would win."

At this time, Karuru said with great interest.

"The one being beaten to the ground.""

"And you?"

Ye An said directly.

"Nature is another."

"We'll bet on what we agreed on before. 55

"If I win, our agreement will be voided, and you will win, ten days! 35

"How about I let you experience the women of the Ten Heavenly God Race?

Karuru said.


"If I lose, I only have two days!

"If I win, it's six days! 99

"I won't do the business of losing pants. 35

Ye An Yaoyao said.

"Shout, gambling is not a business!

Seeing that Ye An didn't take the bait completely.

Karuru pouted.

However, he still agreed to Ye An's bet.

At least he felt that he had won.

The less time Ye An asked for, the less he could spend.

After the bet is established.

Neither of them were sitting at the table.

Instead go to the scene.

Watching the existence of two ten thousand races kill each other.

"kill him!"

"I promise not to eat you!""

A demon called out loudly.

The existence standing on the upper hand will kill him immediately after hearing it.

But at this moment.

The other pulled out his weapon directly.

A blow to the heart.

Immediately after, he drew his weapon and stabbed the opponent's brain from the side.


"I won!

see this scene.

Ye An said to Karuru.

"Well, I see!"

Karuru said with a livid face.

Unexpectedly, the one who has been suppressed.

He would fight back at the last minute.

And he actually has a weapon hidden on him... This is something he didn't want to know.

Although the fight started with fists and feet.

But it doesn't say that you can't use weapons.

For demons, no matter what method, it is enough to kill the opponent.

Weapons are not allowed unless specifically stated.

"Humph, trash!"

"Auction now, fresh Celestial Body!"

"You can buy the whole body, or you can buy it all."

"No one wants it, I just enjoy it myself!

At this time.

The demon who shouted the loudest said.

"I want an arm."

At this time, a demon said.

"Three magic spar!

"Yes! 99


Immediately after.

One arm was removed.

sold out.

The rest of the demons saw this.

They have also invested in purchases.

at last.

A Heavenly Spirit Clan who just died.

Sold the price of 20 magic spar.

"You two, aren't you interested?"

At this moment.

The seller looked at Ye An and asked Karuru.

"No money. 39

Karuru answered directly.

"I have it myself!"

Ye An said with a smile.

At the same time, he pointed to his own body.

"The human body?"

"If you are a male, you can't compare to the Heavenly Spirit Race.

The seller continued.

"I'm more interested in the Celestials."9

"However, I have no money.

Ye An said with a smile.

"If you don't have money, don't tell me sooner..."

The other party scolded and walked away.

But suddenly he turned around.

"If you want, you can use your body for half an arm. 99

"The Celestials are still female!

The other party looked at Ye An and said.

"No, I'll have it anyway."

"And after the change, I'm no longer healthy. 35

Ye An refused.

"That's a pity.

The opponent shook his head.

Take the surviving slave and leave.

This is the end of an entertaining show in the eyes of the demons.

Ye An, together with Karuru, slowly waited for the departure time...the time to start the ship.

Then the next day.

The seller brought in two more slaves.

First a show fight.

The dead one is sold again.

days thereafter.

The other party repeats this operation.

Ye An found out.

Those who watched the devil, most of them after watching.

Even if I wasn't interested.

They all wanted to eat some meat.

Karuru had already thought about it.

But there is no money...

"It's a good marketing tool.

Ye An muttered.

After seven days.

The ship started to launch.

Compared with humans, they move faster when they enter the dream world.

Demons can only fly in the void.

So wait till you go to the abyss hell.

Three more days.

These three days are still the same.

That seller sells a slave out every day.

I don't know where he got so much.

until the third day.

A huge space crack unfolded in front of Ye An.

That long and narrow, but exudes a huge crack of dark red.

Ye An couldn't help but be amazed.

The size of this crack alone is comparable to the Milky Way!

Not to mention the inner world!

After some appreciation.

The ship sailed into the abyss.

Then gradually start to slow down.

The demons on the ship went to different teleportation formations one after another.

Ye An followed Karuru to the teleportation formation of Breath of Chaos.

Then it was discovered that the seller was also with him.

"The two of you are really destined!

The seller said with a smile.

Then he looked at Ye An: "Really don't think about exchange? You can also sell...

"Wait until I find a new body."

Ye An shook his head and refused.

"That's a pity.

"By the way, you should be a human body."

"There are many good things for human beings. If you have extra things, you can exchange them with me."

"Whether it's a slave, a magic spar, or a magic scroll, a weapon, etc...

"Whatever you want, I can provide it!

"this is my name card."

"You can find me anytime you need!"

The other party handed over a card made of spar.

A name was written on it in blood.

"Arrant Kahn!

"Magic Sheep Guild..."

"The address is at..."

Ye An looked at the card and muttered.

Fortunately, there is a system.

Otherwise, he may not recognize the words above.

"I'll find you then."

Ye An accepted the business card.

The other party immediately showed a brighter smile.

Since Ye An is willing to accept it.

That means he really has something good.

Although not trading now.

But he was also looking forward to the day when Ye An approached him for a deal.

"Then, goodbye you two!

The light of the teleportation array flashed.

Ye An and Karuru were teleported to a barren land.

And that demon named Karn.

It should have been sent elsewhere.

"Where do you usually live?

At this time, Karuru looked at Ye An and asked.

"In someone else's body.

Ye An said with a smile.


"Forget it, come with me!"

"I know that your cunning parasitic demons are unwilling to reveal their hiding place!

Karuru said helplessly.

Then fly fast in a certain direction.


"I didn't expect you to be so skilled with the human body.

Karuru flew at full speed all the way.

I thought I could leave Ye An behind.

Unexpectedly, Ye An followed him very plainly.

"It's just a small means of saving lives."

"Can't get on the table.""

Ye An said with a smile.

Karuru thought about it too.

Although there are many parasitic demons.

But they all focus on life-saving, and their innate abilities are also parasitic, so they can better hide themselves.

"Magic Dragon Throat, where do you live?"

"not bad!"

Came to a similar town.

There are similar cities.

But overall it looks pretty desolate.

Ye An said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

For Ye An's words.

Karuru just sneered twice.

Dragon throat...

That's where the dragon breathes fire.

It's also because of this name.

It has always been extremely hot here.

Plants are mostly impossible to grow.

Only a few heat-tolerant plants will grow.


Assets are particularly scarce.

It's a barren land.

It's not bad...

Nice ass!

"You wait, I'll go home and get some things."5

Karuru looked at Ye An and continued.

"Okay, don't worry, you can go.

Ye An said with a smile.

Not afraid of the other party running away.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved.

This Karuru doesn't matter anymore.

But if you can use it.

Better to use it.

Seeing that Ye An did not choose to continue to follow.

Karuru was a little surprised.

But it's fine.

He quickly left Ye An's sight.

And Ye An took the opportunity to look around the local customs.

humanoid animal.

poor children.

Occasionally one or two outrageous presences appear.

simply put.

To be as poor as to be poor.

How messy.

Only the powerful demons are cruel.

Ordinary demons can really just wait to die.

"Who are you?!

"Why have I never seen you!

at this time.

A demon with a dog's head looked at Ye An.

Desperately sniffing the scent.


"Is it a slave who ran away?"

The dog-headed demon said with saliva.

But don't dare to touch it.

Can buy human slaves, or capture them back.

They are all powerful demons.

Start yourself.

When the other party finds him, he will be miserable.

"Open your dog eyes.""

"'s your dog's nose!"

"Good smell."

"Am I a human or a demon!

Ye An said with a smile.

A dodge came to the other side.

Reach out and grab the other person's neck.

"A mere inferior demon dares to come to trouble me."

Ye An said with a wicked smile.

That sound made the devil feel extremely uncomfortable.

Instead, he proved his identity at this moment.

"My lord... I'm sorry, my lord!"

"I don't know, you are...

"Please forgive me, my lord, I am willing to offer all my wealth!

The dog-headed demon immediately understood Ye An's "identity"


A parasite!

Although the parasitic demon is looked down upon by most demons.

But it doesn't mean that the parasitic demon is really garbage.

on the contrary.

Like this one in front of him.

A parasitic demon that can parasitize humans.

There is definitely a certain strength!

And there is a high probability of going to the front line.

He is definitely not on the same level as a little devil like him who is dominating in the back!


Just when Ye An was about to move on.

Karuru's voice suddenly sounded.

"Yo, dude so fast?

Ye An said with a smile.

"Of course, I keep my word!

"And you let go of my subordinates.""

Karuru looked at Ye An and said.

"That's it, return your subordinates?"

"Such an inferior demon, it's better to kill it!"

Ye An snorted coldly.

"Lord Karuru... save me!""

The dog-headed devil also sees hope.

Quickly ask Karuru for help.

"Stop, I'll give you one more day!

"And if you kill him, I will have no one to use in the future!

"Although he is inferior, he is indeed the strongest demon here besides me!"

Karuru said seriously.

"That's didn't say it sooner!

Hear the plus day.

Ye An pretended to be content and threw the dog-headed demon out.

But he also understood.

How poor is this place.

A silver-level demon turned out to be the second strongest demon.

This Karuru.

After all, it is a diamond-level existence.

"So, you are the lord here?"

Ye An looked at Karuru and asked.


Karuru nodded.

But not proud of it.

Lord, at least you need a grandmaster to be a master.

In this place, he doesn't want to give it to anyone.

Then it was his turn, the diamond-level demon, to become the lord.

And he also has a name.

...begging for flowers. I don't dare to say that I am a lord in front of other lords.

"That's not bad, I used to dream of being a lord. 35

"Until I went to the front."

Ye An said with a smile.

"Hmph... let's go!" Hearing Ye An say these inexplicable words. Karuru felt that Ye An was deliberately mocking himself. But held back. Now. He just needs to fulfill his oath. Then he attacked and killed Ye An. Then the wealth on Ye An belongs to it! He is not stupid! Knowing that Ye An accepted the other party's business card.

So know that Ye An must have good things about human beings. He took it and sold it himself, maybe he would have the opportunity to be promoted to Grandmaster. Then he will have a fertile territory!

"Then are you planning to go to the guild to buy it, or are you planning to go elsewhere? Ye An looked at Karuru and asked.

"Let's go to the big city first," Karuru said. Then he stopped talking. He started flying in a certain direction. Ye An saw this. He followed closely. Finally. After two days of flying. The two came A big city that looks very splendid. The city wall alone is hundreds of meters high. Although it is not the same as a few hundred meters for high-level demons. But it looks magnificent. It is also a symbol of the city owner's strength!

"There is no entry fee. 35

"I didn't expect it." After entering the city smoothly. Ye An started muttering.

"I said, I am also a lord. 35

"You are also the one I brought, so you don't charge me!" Karuru explained.

"That's still useful, you lord."

Ye An said with a smile.

66...99 Karuru was speechless for a while. He also swears in his heart that next time he talks more, he will be an idiot! This parasitic demon. It's so irritating!

No wonder Parasitic Demon has such a bad reputation!

So Karuru ignored Ye An.

Just start walking away.

Ye An followed closely behind him.

Finally came to a slave shop.

"Boss, are there any Celestial women?

After Karuru entered, he asked directly.


As soon as I heard it was business.

The owner of the slave shop immediately smiled.

"I'm going to rent one for days!

Karuru said.

"Rent one?"

The owner of the slave shop was stunned.

It is normal for male labor to be rented out.

But women are still the gods!

Who rents this stuff, isn't it usually bought directly!

"This customer, if you have a need, you can go to the store next door and choose a female from the Celestial Race.

"Come and rent one from me, I'm afraid it's not suitable!

The owner of the slave shop refused.

"It's not me, and it's not that kind of thing."

"It's him... he wants to parasitize the women of the Celestial Clan for seven days.

"It will be returned when you bring it!

Karuru pointed to Ye An who followed up and said.

"This... a parasitic demon?"

The owner of the slave shop frowned.

Parasites have a bad reputation.

But he does business, and naturally he can't refuse customers casually.

Moreover, parasitic demons generally have no other needs.

Most of it is to experience the parasitic species of various creatures.


"But it is not allowed to obliterate consciousness!"

"If it is found that the body is no longer whole, then compensation is required!

"You understand!"

The owner of the slave shop said seriously.

"Don't worry, my mind is male.""

"Some things are impossible to do...

Ye An opened his mouth to explain.

"Then pay the money and make a contract.

said the store owner.

Ye An nodded.

Upon seeing this, Carew also paid a sufficient amount.

After receiving the money, the other party took out a contract scroll.

Ye An took a look and made sure there was no problem.

Signed his name - Yan Zu.

Immediately after, a ray of light poured into Ye An's body.

This is the binding force of the contract.

If the contract is broken, Ye An has to make corresponding compensation.

If you can't make amends, or run away.

Then the power of the contract will always expose Ye An's position.

Ye An can't hide if he wants to!

Of course... this is normal.

This power just entered Ye An's body.

It was directly isolated by Ye An.

"The contract is established, and I have a total of thirteen women from the Celestial Clan here.

"Guest, choose one.

The shop owner takes out a crystal.

Immediately after, the projections of thirteen slaves were displayed.

"this is not bad!

"It's her!

Ye An chose a woman with a big heart and said.

The store owner nodded.

Hand on crystal.

The next second, a blank-eyed female from the Celestial Clan was teleported over.

"Parasitic... transfer!

Ye An's hand was on the place closest to him.

Then let his own consciousness invade the other's body.

"Ah ah ah..."

"not bad!"

"This body helps me look good. 99

"After seven days, I still have to go back.

The female of the Celestial Clan said.

"Don't worry!"

The shop owner nodded reassuringly.

"Now that I have fulfilled my oath, you and I don't owe each other! 35

"But I think we can play together as friends next?"

Karuru looked at Ye An who had changed his body and asked.


"Where do you recommend?"

Ye An deliberately pretended to observe his body and limbs.

At the same time, he glanced at Karuru and asked.

"Of course it's the arena!"

"I've spent so much money and I have to make it back."

Karuru said seriously.

"Also, but before that.

"I have to exchange some assets.

Ye An said.

At the same time, the merchant's card was taken out.

address stated above.

That is, in this city.



Karuru nodded.

He looked at Ye An with covetous eyes.

But he held back immediately.

"Welcome to the Demon Sheep Guild!

Come to a splendid hall.

A female demon personally received Ye An and Karuru.

What makes Ye An regret is.

This isn't a succubus yet.

But now I'm also pretty...cough.

Wait until you change back to your body!

"I'm looking for Karn.

Ye An directly handed the female demon the business card.

After the other party took a look.

It was returned to Ye An immediately.

Then hurriedly trot away.


Kahn walked out with a smile.

"My friend, you are indeed rich!

"It actually changed the body of a Celestial woman! 35

Kahn glanced at Karuru.

Then he looked at Ye An.

It was immediately clear Ye An's identity.

"Hello, Your Excellency Kahn."

"This time let me introduce myself.

"My name is Yanzu, and I am a parasitic demon!

Ye An said politely.

"Hello, Your Excellency Yanzu!"

"How about we go in and communicate?"

Kahn pointed to a room and said.


Ye An nodded.

Leave with Kahn.

Karuru saw this.

Also curious to follow up.

Know that the two are together.

Kahn also expressed no opinion on Karuru.

"Your Excellency Yanzu, I don't know if you have something to exchange?""

Come to the room.

Kahn looked at Ye An and asked.

"A lot of stuff!"

"You can have a look!"

Ye An took out a bunch of items directly from the storage space.

There are many things in it that were obtained from the ancient sanctuary.

There are also some other items that he has accumulated since the beginning of cultivation and cannot improve his cultivation.

Although it is rubbish in Ye An's eyes.

But after Kahn saw it.

Eyes suddenly straightened!

So did Karuru on the side of the package.

He didn't expect that Ye An was so rich!

"Your Excellency Yanzu, forgive my rudeness!""

"I need to see the quality for myself. 99

Kahn looked at Ye An and said excitedly.

This is big business!


Ye An said without mind.

Kahn immediately picked up an item and examined it carefully.

After confirming that it is correct.

Start checking other items again.

In the end, more than ten were randomly selected.

After making sure it's all right.

The excitement in his eyes became more intense.

"Your Excellency Yanzu, I can now confirm that your items are genuine!""

"No need to worry about quality!

"And there are so many more!"

"I'm willing to offer five... no, eight hundred magic spar!

"What do you think?

Kahn said excitedly.

Hear this number.

Karuru couldn't sit still.

His continuation was only a few dozen magic spar.

For Ye An, almost everything was spent.

did not expect.

Ye An, these things are actually worth 800 magic spar!


"so be it!"

Ye An pretended to be calm and said.

It doesn't seem to matter at all.

This also made Kahn even more impressed by this "parasitic demon".

"Please wait!"

After seeing Ye An agree.

Kahn also immediately began to communicate with the service staff.


A female demon walked in with a ring.

"Your Excellency Yanzu.

"There are a total of 800 magic spar, you can count it yourself!"

Kahn said seriously.

Ye An probed a little, and after confirming that it was correct, he directly subordinated.

And on the surface.

Ye An really looks like a direct subordinate.

It seems that they are too lazy to investigate.

This made Kahn more interested in Ye An.

Eight hundred magic spar didn't care.

Either stupid or really awesome!

And the race of parasitic demons, one is smarter than the other.

Some idiots are dead.

So he took it for granted that Ye An didn't care much about the eight hundred magic spar.

Don't be afraid of his secret manipulation.

"Then now that the deal is done, I'll take the arena to play.

"See you next time, Mr. Kahn. 99

Ye An stood up at this time.

Get up and leave.

"I'll send it to you!

Kahn quickly stood up and said.

"no need!"

Ye An shook his head.

Just walk away quickly.

Karuru saw this.

Also follow closely.

Originally he planned to do it afterwards.

Now Ye An's wealth is so powerful.

He couldn't let Ye An out of his sight.

"Help me bet on that Celestial victory. 39

"100 magic spar!


inside the arena.

Look at both sides on the field.

Ye An was in a high-end private room.

Looking at a female demon said.

"Okay, Your Excellency!

A shot is 100 magic spar.

Definitely a big shot.

Female demons also dare not neglect.

Start betting for Ye An immediately.

"Dude, how about you?"

Ye An looked at Karuru and asked.

"I'll bet five dollars too!"

Karuru thought about it and said.

This is the only thing he has left.

Seeing that Ye An dared to bet 100 directly, he thought of Ye An's victory in the last gamble.

So the same choice was made.

ten minutes later.

The victory of the giants.

The one from the Celestial Clan was directly torn in half.

It was auctioned on the spot and became a snack for the audience.


Ye An looked at Karuru and said with a smile.

Karuru's face was ashen.

I thought I could make some money, but I didn't expect to lose it completely!

"Or the Celestials?"

"This time I'm betting on... the Celestials!""

"It's still a hundred!"

Ye An said with a smile.

Look at Karuru and ask why you don't press money.

Karuru directly shook his head in denial.

Ye An smiled.

Looks like Karuru is really out of money!


Not surprisingly.

This time Ye An won.

Bet 100 magic spar, directly change to 300!

Not only did I get the first money back.

Also made an extra 100.

"Good luck!"

Ye An said with a smile.

Then the next few games.

Ye An made bets.


A total of ten.

Except for the first one.

Ye An all wins!

"You did it on purpose? 35

Karuru looked at Ye An and asked angrily.

"What on purpose?"

Ye An, who made a lot of money, asked with a smile.

I'm stupid, and I've been fooled directly, who can blame this?

Ye An didn't say that, you can make money with yourself!

"I've made a lot of money, and I bought a few slaves to play with.""

"Well... it's not bad for me to buy this body directly.

Ye An muttered.

Karuru on the side also became angrier the more she listened.

But tried hard to stop it.

Just wait until it's over... no, no need to wait!

Ye An's assets are enough to buy ten women from the Celestial Clan.

As long as you can kill this parasitic demon.

Even if it damages the body of this god race.

Then he won't have any money to pay the owner of the slave shop!

"Brother Yanzu, I know there is a good hotel.

"Go and see?"9

thought here.

Karuru took the initiative to invite.


Ye An nodded.

Leave with Karuru.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rush of the streets.

Ended up in a remote bar.

"Haha, this intention is too obvious!"

Ye An is not only speechless.

Not to mention parasites are generally smart.

Even if you are a fool, you know that you have to think about yourself!

"Boss, two bloody roses!

After entering.

Karuru said directly.

The boss glanced at Karuru and looked at Ye An suspiciously.

Then understand what.

Start preparing drinks.

"Two, please use! 99


Two glasses of bright red wine were presented.

Ye An picked up the wine glass and shook it.

Drink directly.

"This poison tastes good."

Ye An smacked his lips and said.

Originally kept drinking.

But not actually drinking.

But Karuru, who was observing secretly, was stunned.

"Next, according to the rules, are you going to divide me up?"

Ye An continued to tease and said.

"The mere parasitic demon is still so arrogant! 55

"Drink my poison and your soul will dissolve completely in just one minute!"5

"I don't believe it, what else can you do!"

The owner of the hotel snorted coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, I can do it!

Ye An directly hooked his fingers.

The owner of the hotel was instantly out of control.

Fly to Ye An.


At this time, Karuru said in shock.

When Ye An helped him before.

It is nothing but a diamond-level power.

How could he be a master!

And you are a grand master-level parasitic demon.

Come back with me for what.

Are you kidding me?

Karuru didn't understand.

But you don't need to think about it.

His body levitated and finally fell into Ye An's hands.

"Taste it, long death!

Ye An smiled lightly.

The vitality of the two demon bodies quickly began to dissipate.

After three seconds.

Totally dead.

But in the senses of both of them.

Three seconds is as long as three months!

The reason for this is that Ye An exerts the ability to speed up his thoughts.

This is something that most people can do after they are familiar with their mental abilities.

It's nothing but the speed of acceleration.

"It would be nice to take this opportunity to make my name known. 35

"After all, if you want to get close to Avril, it's definitely not possible to be sneaky."

After solving the two demons.

Ye An muttered.

Then use the blood of the two.

The word "Yanzu" was written in the characters of the demon tribe.

Then left calmly.

Go to the slave shop.

"Guest, are you back so soon?"

"what's the matter?

The owner of the slave shop.

Watching Ye An come back.

immediately asked.

"Make some money and buy some slaves.""

"And my body. 35

Ye An directly took out a large pile of magic spar.

There are thousands of them.

Put it on the counter!


"Guest, you said, my slave here, whatever you want, I promise to have it!

"Even if you don't have it, you will definitely have it in two days!"

The store owner said excitedly.

"By the way, let me take a look at the warehouse.

Ye An said.


"Come with me! 9

The shop owner immediately put away all the magic spar.

Go to the slave warehouse with your eyes in person.

"These are all angels, and there is an angel here, but angels are not easy to manage! 35

"That adult is not allowed to sell, and the angel commits suicide whenever he has a chance, it's hard to do it!""

The owner of the slave shop said mysteriously.

"That lord?"

Ye An was a little puzzled.

"Of course... Lucifer!"

"You also know that although she is a demigod, she is a fallen angel!"

"So be on an equal footing with all the demon gods!""

The shop owner said in a low voice.

"Oh, I remember!

"However, the lord expressly forbids it, and you dare to sell it."

"It's also great.

"Say, how much?"

Ye An said directly.

"five hundred."

"I want it! 35

Ye An said without hesitation.


"By the way, Your Excellency Yanzu, I still have two new human races here.

"And it's all clean young women.

"Guaranteed no one has touched it!"

The store owner pointed to another place and said.

Ye An looked over.

Suddenly a little surprised.

did not expect.

You can also meet acquaintances here!

Still two! Come on.

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