Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 65: Trouble with Ye Family, B1 Spirit Race and Corpse Spirit Race!

"Don't worry, let me meet them."

"Our Qianlong Squad also dares to lie.""

"It's really boring.

Rain on the side.

At this time, he took the initiative to speak.

Regarding Ye An's life experience, although she does not know the specific circumstances.

But Ye An didn't like it.

Then this is fake!

Not to mention that this group of people basically came here on purpose to defraud.

"Hello, I'm Luo Yu, the captain of the Qianlong Squad.""

"I don't know what you are doing here? Luo

Luo Yu took the initiative to greet him and said.

"Hello, Captain Luoyu."

"I need to talk about some household stuff with the players behind you."

"I hope..."

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

The former meaning is to tell the rain.

Let's talk about our own affairs, you, an outsider, better not make trouble.

"It's for your own good...

"Go back now, what happened today can be regarded as never happened."


"It's hard for me too. 95

Luo Yu looked at each other.

said with a sigh.

"Captain Rainfall, you are joking.

"What's so difficult about this...

"It's just some household thing.

"And the child is still in the rebellious period, so there are some small problems and misunderstandings are normal."

The middle-aged man still said with a smile.

There is no intention of listening at all.

"To defraud, you have to get on our heads, right?

"You don't know what our Qianlong team does?

Luo Yu suddenly sneered.

next moment.

The members of the Qianlong Squad who are resting around.

They all stood up.

One after another, the master-level powerhouses radiated out.

The middle-aged man's expression changed.

But he kept smiling.

He stretched out his hand to signal to himself not to be nervous.

Then he continued.

"Captain Luoyu, your Qianlong Squad has a good reputation."

"But it's just a group of master diamond disciples.

"There is no one behind you.

"So it's better that you don't get involved in the family's affairs.

"Otherwise your team..."

The middle-aged man hasn't finished speaking yet.

Someone just kicked out.

The middle-aged man was kicked a few meters away.

"Also a master?"

"I don't see it..."

The old fish said with a smile.

Then it looked like he was about to put his feet up.

But the next moment.

Suddenly rushed up again.

All out.

This time, the opponent defended in a panic.

But in the end, it slammed into the wall.

The defensive circle flickered a few times.

It finally calmed down.

"Good rubbish master..."

"Who gave you the courage to threaten us?"5

"Believe it or not, we killed you here."

"Nothing will happen?"

The old fish smiled and threatened.

They were originally sinners.

And a sinner who has accomplished many tasks.

Even kill some people now.

Then they are still sinners, and what they have to do is to complete those high-risk tasks.

There is no difference at all!

" crazy bastards!

"Just wait for the Ye family's revenge!"

The middle-aged man couldn't keep his smile at the moment.

Look at the more than 20 murderous people around.

At this moment is also guilty.

After finally spitting out a mouthful of blood.

stood up hard,

about to leave.

"Wipe off the blood, or it's too dirty for my liking. 35

The rain said when he saw it.

The middle-aged man paused.

Look at the person next to you.

Two of them immediately used their abilities to clean up the blood.

Then the other party glared fiercely at everyone in the room.

chose to leave.


At this time, Ye An said.

"You're new to our team. 55

"It's normal for us to come out and help you solve a problem.

"As a senior, you must have a role as a senior.

Luoyu said with a smile.

But Ye An shook his head slightly.

"There's no need to let him go.

"I mean that.

Ye An said.

Luo Yu immediately showed a stunned expression.


She also thought that Ye An didn't want them to cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, he didn't want to let go of those people at all.

"You're doing this to offend him.

"I peeked into his mental fluctuations.

"In short, his idea is that you must be killed..."

"That is to say, this is a blood feud.

"Furthermore, the Ye family probably won't give up."

"Next time, maybe it will be the king's realm of their family."5

"You... can't stand it!

Ye An explained slowly.

"Don't worry, we are under the jurisdiction of the military.

"The so-called aristocratic family will at most give us a little trouble.

“They can’t be too presumptuous yet. 35

Rain said.

"But the king is the king after all. 39

'At that time, a group of you formed a formation, and it only lasted for a minute.

"It was still Yuan Shan, the deputy commander at the time, who led more grandmasters to fight the damage head-on.

"In short, although the people of the noble family don't dare to touch you, but..."

"It may be necessary to be beaten."

Ye An continued.

He didn't want to see these teammates being bullied because of him.

"What does that have to do with us not letting him go?"

Luoyu said with some doubts.

"Because... I killed people!

"The mere king, don't dare to touch me!"

Ye An said lightly.

The tone was flat though.

But there is an indescribable arrogance.

and confidence.

"Anyway, I'll handle this matter myself.


"It's almost done."

Ye An said.

"What's the meaning?!

Luo Yu suddenly realized something.

teammates around.

They also looked at Ye An.

Faces of difference.

"Just a trash master.

"And still badly wounded. 35

"It's not too troublesome to solve.

"Of course, I still have a good heart."

"Forgive those little followers."

Ye An said with a smile.


"Are you sure you're all right?"

Luo Yu suddenly didn't know what to say.

And there is...

She always thought that Ye An was relying on herself not to die.

So just like to die.

But I didn't expect that Ye An's methods were so cruel.

"I said that.""

"no problem.

"If there is a problem, let Ren Jingsha solve it for me."

"If he can't solve the problem, I can also go to the old dean. 35

Ye An said confidently.

"If it's the vice president, and the old president..."

"That's fine, as you like. "Two Nine Seven""5

Rainy nodded and said.

Don't talk about the old dean.

It was just Ren Jingsha alone.

It is enough to suppress most of the aristocratic families.

After all, most aristocratic families.

There is only one king sitting in the throne.

Even if there is a king.

That can't be Ren Jingsha's opponent.

"You... if you really dare to kill me."

"That's a violation of the military's wartime ban."5

"And the family will avenge me too!

at this time.

the other side.

on the edge of the fortress.

Drained by Ye An mycelium.

A middle-aged man with blood oozing from his body.

He looked at Ye An in horror.

"For the first time, I didn't want to kill someone."5

"But you have to come and provoke me.

"By the way, I don't care if your Ye family has anything to do with me."

"Whether it's true or not, you dare to come and provoke me again. 99

"I want to destroy this so-called Ye family.

Ye An looked at the other party lightly and said.

"Also, I hate others threatening me!"

Ye An finished.


A root mycelium directly and forcibly cut off each other's limbs.

"Don't be afraid.

"Today, I'm not too angry to start with you group of migrant workers.

Ye An looked at the bodyguards of the surrounding Ye family and said.

"Take him away."

"By the way, help me bring the words to the person who really wants to find me.

"Don't bother me anymore."

"Otherwise I'd be really angry."

Ye An finished.

The body turned into nothingness and dissipated.

Wait until Ye An leaves.

The bodyguards looked at each other in dismay.

Finally, he hurriedly picked up the limbs of the man in the middle.

At the same time, the middle-aged man was taken away.

"I didn't expect to play like this!

Take back the avatar.

Ye An muttered with a funny look.

His clones are all phantom clones.

When it is used, it is also a phantom state.

But if you use it again, the essence changes.

The avatar of the phantom state.

It will become a clone that is exactly the same as yourself.

Of course it's a little less capable.

But most of his abilities depend on the level of spiritual power consumption.

The more power is consumed, the greater the power.

Although as long as the spiritual power is sufficient.

The strength is not too different.

"Come on, keep playing! 35

"Whoever loses this time will have to fill this glass of wine."5

"How about it?"

At this time, the rain did it again.

Said carelessly.

"I'm a good boy.""

"I don't drink..."

Ye An said with a smile.

provoke contempt from a group of people.

just you.

good boy?

Looking honest, the result is more ruthless than anyone else!

"So, whoever of us loses will lose one thing.

"Like earrings, shoes, clothes, etc..."

Ye An immediately changed his mind and said.

"Bah, scumbag!

"The three of us are playing cards with you, aren't you taking advantage of winning or losing?

The rain shattered.

"Then whoever loses will tell a story about his own dark history.

At this time, Luoyu thought about it and said.


"Come on! 35

Ye An nodded.

A Ming and Wei Na did not refuse either.

The four of them started playing cards happily together.

"Did he really say that?

at this time.

Inside the Ye family's fortress.

The old man looked at the man in the middle whose limbs were cut off and asked.


"Master, you must avenge me! 39

"Master, I don't dare to have an idea, but those people in Qianlong Squad..."

The middle-aged man cried and said.

At the same time.

More full of hatred.


"You go down for treatment. 35

"I'll handle this matter.

The old man waved his hand and said.

"Thank you old..."

The middle-aged man hasn't finished speaking yet.

The body suddenly stiffened.

Then his face changed wildly.

Finally, there was a sudden "bang" sound.

Total explosion!

Blazing flames swept out.

The defensive circle in the room was activated immediately.

Stop the flames of this explosion.

In front of the old man.

There is also an arc shield.

All attacks were easily resisted.


"I didn't expect that this character would be so violent."

"Murder if you don't agree."

"And deliberately murdered at this time."

"Obviously made for me!

The flames dissipated.

The old man said with a sullen face.

"That old man, this Ye An..."

The young man beside him asked.

"We'll stop here, and then we won't have anything to do with him."5

"But... this makes other families look at my Ye family?"

"I'm afraid in the next few hundred years."

"My Ye family will also be ridiculed by others."

"And it's just a rookie who has only been practicing for a few months. 35

"Our Ye family can't deal with him?!

The old man said angrily.

"Sue him in court-martial first!

"Then talk to him again.

"With the pressure from the military, we will negotiate terms with him.

"It's much easier.""

The old man thought about it and said.

"By the way, I also sued the Qianlong team by the way.

"Those people are so protective of him, it must be a good relationship. 99

"I don't think he wants to get his friends into trouble either."

the old man added.

The young man nodded.

Then leave and start working on things.

But it didn't take long.

There is a hurry back.

There was a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?"

The old man asked suspiciously.


"The military dismissed our charges.

The young man explained.


"He was born in Tiangong Academy, and his talent is amazing.""

"It's reasonable that the military doesn't want to touch him..."

"After all, the military has always given face to the academy.

"If the Qianlong originally a group of criminals.

"It was the most dangerous mission.

"The military is too lazy to trouble the Qianlong team because of this."

"After all, Ye An killed people.

The old man analyzed it a little bit.

"It's not good to play emotional cards, and it seems that it's not good to play hard.

"Then lure!"

"You go over in person this time and make out the conditions. 35

"We had some misunderstandings when we met him.""

"In the future, the Ye family will be handed over to him."

"I don't think he will refuse."

"Nominally it's not about recognizing relatives, but recruiting relatives!

The old man thought about it and said.

He doesn't believe it.

such conditions.

That Ye An still doesn't accept it!

"It's endless, isn't it? 39

Look at the group of people who appeared again.

Not just Ye An.

Everyone sighed.

I've never seen such a shameless death.

"Don't be impulsive.

"I'm here to talk about other things."

"It's not about recognizing relatives, but recruiting relatives! 35

The young man felt the murderous aura in the room.

He quickly raised his hand and said.

"Hire a relative?"

The people around were immediately puzzled.

What kind of trick is this going to play?

"This is my eldest miss of the Ye family, and also the respectful face of my niece.

"I promise nothing has been done..."

The man projected a mannequin and said.

Ye An took a look.

Found really good.

Grow well and develop well.

The smell is also good.

"If Mr. Ye An, you are willing to join our Ye family.

"Then the future Ye family will be in charge of you!"

"And my niece's talent looks completely worthy of you..."

The man looked at Ye An and said.

"Anything like this?

"You said this earlier, there may not be so many misunderstandings...

Ye An hasn't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly a bottle of medicine rolled to the ground.

Immediately after that, the surrounding spiritual power ran wildly.

A palpitating feeling instantly appeared in everyone's heart.

"Ah... sorry, my hand slipped!"

Hong Liu, who was standing at the door, blinked and said.

And this time.

Wei Na, who was about to raise her hand.

Suddenly changed to pack up.

Instantly propped up a huge green shield.

Blocked the four of them playing cards.

As for the other members of the Qianlong Squad.

Also the next moment more together.

All means of defense come together.

see this scene.

The man realized something was wrong.

Immediately start the defense.

next moment.

An explosion comparable to the grandmaster's full-strength blow rang out.

The entire room was instantly swept away by the powerful impact.

The formation on the wall also flickers infinitely.

A final "click" sound.

Completely ineffective!


The smoke dissipated.

The man got up in embarrassment.


See the mess around.

The man also cursed in his heart.

But on the surface, he continued to smile.

Then he looked at Ye An.

"Mr. Ye An, I also hope you can consider..."

This time.

The man hasn't finished speaking yet.

Wei Na suddenly raised her hand.

Countless plant vines grow on the surrounding walls.

The man was knocked out in an instant.

the other side.

Hong Liu, who was about to continue throwing potions.

Silently put away the medicine.

"This man is too dangerous! 99

"Assaulted us!"9

"Are you OK?"

Wei Na looked at Ye An and said with a kind smile.

"'s okay. 35

Was watched by Wei Na.

Ye An suddenly felt a nameless pressure.

"It's alright.

Wei Na continued to say with a smile.

this time.

Ye An suddenly felt the pressure dissipated.

Psychologically, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"So embarrassed, failed?"

the other side.

Inside the Ye Family Fortress.

The old man looked at the man in embarrassment.

Said directly.


"It's not that he didn't agree this time.

"It's the woman beside him..."

Speaking of which.

The man also changed his face.

Two women start.

Like a madman, throwing such a dangerous thing directly.

Another direct hands-on.

Although it didn't cause much damage.

But the pressure on him was particularly great.

Think again.

When Wei Na and Ye An joined forces to kill 200 grandmasters.

He couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

Still careless!

People are talented and female.

Go in the past by yourself.

Will definitely be missed!


"It's true... his talent is so high.

"There must be no shortage of people around him who admire him.

"And we didn't look at the woman who fought with him at the time."

"Otherwise, go and investigate, that woman's background..."

"Maybe there is a breakthrough.

The old man then thought about it and said.

Ye An's origin is simple.


With federal subsidies.

Live alone.

Before becoming an extraordinary person, he had no friends.

So he played the emotional card.

But Ye An didn't accept it at all.

Therefore, he has nothing to do.

But the woman beside Ye An.

Maybe it's different.


Another day passed.

After raining out for a while.

Quickly walked towards the lounge.

Look at her current state.

Everyone knew that something was going to happen.

"All right."

"The death order is down."

"We can't keep playing anymore. 35

"Next, we need to destroy a fortress. 35

"Of course the deadline has not changed, but you have to go out and pretend, at least don't stay in the lounge. 99

Luoyu said with a sigh.


Dragon Squad.

among all teams.

After receiving the task, it is still so leisurely.

Other teams are not planning how to execute.

Just on the way.

They are fine.

Eat, drink and have fun in the lounge every day.

And yesterday, Hong Liu lost the medicine.

There was a lot of noise.

So it was decided above that they could not be left idle.

"Okay then... quickly destroy a fortress and come back to continue playing.""

Xiaoju and the other team members yawned and said.

previous words.

face the task.

They won't be so easy either.

But this time, there is Ye An.

This task is simply easy.

The premise is... there is no king in the enemy fortress!

"Weina... you are not a member of our team."

"So this mission, you don't need to participate."

"And with your record, in this battle, you don't need to go to the battlefield.

Luo Yu looked at Wei Na next to Ye An and said.

Then he looked at Ye An again.

"Speak up."

"You can be considered to have completed the target task.

"You can leave at any time now.

Rainy continued.

"What are you leaving for?"

"It doesn't matter if you go back.

"And...I love battlefields!

Ye An said with a smile.


Back to college.

How can there be high profits on the battlefield.

Although there are many resources for students.

But compare the harvest of the battlefield.

That really can't compare.

"Then let's act together!

Luoyu said with a smile.

And this time.

Wei Na also stood up.

"I'll go too."

"No, I'm not worried

Future said.

At the same time staring at Ye An.

Don't worry about anything.

Nature speaks for itself.

"That's alright!

Will think of Wei Na's powerful ability.

Luo Yu thought for a while.

Finally nod.

Together, these two can kill 200 grandmasters.

speak up.

Their Qianlong Squad is not worthy of such two geniuses!

"It's only been over a month."

"It always feels like years have passed."

Falling Rain not only complains.

I thought.

She felt that Ye An had to follow them carefully on missions for several years.

even ten years.

grow to this point.

It turned out to be just over a month.

It's outrageous!

"Captain. 35

"Which race's fortress are we targeting this time?""

At this time, a team member asked.

"A small race, what is it called the Bone Spirit Race."

"It's just a bunch of bone scum..."

"However, because of their racial characteristics, they are also troublesome to deal with. 35

"And also allied with the devil."

"Now their king has left the fortress."

"That's why we found the reason above and let us act.

"Otherwise the king will sit in the fortress.

"We can't destroy the fort either."9

Rainy explained.

"Bone Spirit Race?"

Hear what Luo Yu said.

Ye An also began to think about some characteristics of this race.

Remember this race, it looks like bones.

But it is essentially a spiritual race.

Their spirit, or...the soul is the body.

Does not destroy the body.

Even the bones are broken into scum.

It can also be easily restored.

Although it belongs to the race of the spirit body.

But their spiritual power is not that strong.

It just has some special features.

Such as no physical attachment.

Ordinary spiritual bodies will dissipate little by little.

They are restrained.

Move around for a short time, and it will not dissipate.

If it is a long sleep.

It can also be unaffected for thousands of years.

"But bone scum can recover.

"But burning it to ashes won't work.

"And the spirit body is also afraid of flames..."

Ye An seemed to have figured out how to deal with the Bone Spirit Race.


The point is to destroy the fortress.

Killing the enemy is the next thing.

"If you're ready, let's go!

"This time the target is in the other direction.

"It's going to take us a while to travel."

Luo Yu looked at everyone and said.

Everyone nodded.

Indicates ready.

Of's the same as before.

After all, everything is in the storage space.

They are mentally prepared.

Even if it is ready.

left the fortress.

Crowd pilots the airship.

Begin to follow the fortress of the human race all the way.

Although the power of the fortress of the human race is connected together.

But the interval between dozens of fortresses.

Actually quite big.

Even in an airship.

They are going to fly to the edge of the fortress.

It also takes three days.

Immediately afterward, we have to hurry and cross a battle line.

About two days.

in order to reach the place where the Bone Spirit Race is.

"There shouldn't be any danger in this war zone.

"But with so many of us, the possibility of being discovered is not small.

"Once discovered, it is easy to be targeted."

three days later.

On the most marginal fortress of the human race.

Luo Yu observed the battlefield ahead and said.

"It's simple.

"I'll go first."

"It's time to send you to your destination.

Ye An thought for a while and said.

"Did you go?

"I'm afraid you are more conspicuous than our group...

Luo Yu looked at Ye An.

Couldn't help but complain.

"Then you put this on.

"It can change your breath and appearance."

"Then you better not expose those special abilities of yours. 35

"Just find a way to cross the war zone directly!

At this time.

A female player took out a mask and said.

The female player Ye An was very impressed.

Just went there.

It's her who is insane.


Ever since Falling Rain introduced her particularity.

Ye An never got close to her.

It wasn't that Ye An was afraid of her.

But for her good.

She came here in order not to cause trouble to others.

But still patiently.

In case he has been dangling in front of her.

She couldn't resist...

Although Ye An himself will not die.

But the other party will not feel well.

And once there is the first time.

There will probably be countless times.

Ye An, doesn't want to be because of his handsomeness.

hurt her.


"Three days at the latest...'

"If I don't have news, I'm stuck with something else."

Ye An took the mask.

He didn't say anything polite.

In the team, help each other.

This is a normal thing.

"Weina, you should stay here too.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!

Ye An looked at Wei Na again and said softly.


"I'm waiting for you here!"

Wei Na nodded.

Ye An said with serious eyes on Ye An.

that's it.

Farewell to everyone.

Ye An put on a mask.

left the fortress.

Go straight to the battlefield.

on the battlefield.

A huge skeleton.

It is frantically attacking a short-statured woman.

And albeit a skeleton.

But it has a variety of attack methods.


It can be on its own bones.

Many tiny spikes grow rapidly.

These spikes also have a tracking function.

After hitting someone.

It will explode instantly.

Numerous tiny bone spurs are embedded in the human body.

The damage caused is great!

And the short girls on the human side.

Although the fighting ability is the same.

But the cultivation base is on the level.

But it is a lot worse than the other party.

lead to oppression everywhere.

This will be forced to resist the attack.

There was no chance of victory in sight.


"Your bones are mine!


at a certain moment.

Short girls who are restricted everywhere.

A huge flaw was revealed.

The enemies of the Bone Spirit Race will naturally not be spared.

Directly launched the attack with full force.

"Hmph, it's you who died!"

The short girl snorted suddenly.

Directly abandon the defense.

A full counterattack was launched.

A huge wolf spirit phantom was summoned by her.

Violently bit the skull of the Bone Spirit Race.

"Hope to kill!"

After launching the attack.

The short girl looked at the countless bone spurs that were coming.

Subconsciously make defensive actions.

Cover your vitals as much as possible.

But right now.

A series of explosive shocks were produced.

The girl opens her eyes.

Find all the bone spurs.

It has now turned to ashes.

"...Thank you!"

The short girl looked at the male figure who suddenly appeared beside her.

Thank you.

This blow, although she felt it was not fatal.

But it would definitely hurt her badly.

it's here.

If seriously injured.

Want a safe retreat.

That's almost impossible.

"you are welcome.

"It should all be.

Ye An looked at the short girl and said.

He didn't expect it.

You can also meet acquaintances here.

This short girl, the moment he met in the official assessment.

What is the name of the leaf?

Ye An subconsciously touched the back of his head.


no way.

this girl.

Except for being short and small.

There are no features.

So he can't remember.

Just when Ye An was thinking about the other party's name.

the other side.

The phantom of the wolf spirit has split the bones very cleanly.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom of the wolf spirit disappeared.

those broken bones.

They came together again quickly.

"It's all right!"

"I thought that breaking its skull should be enough..."

Ye Wenqiu saw this scene.

Said weakly.

"You came to the wrong battlefield!"

Ye An looked away and she said.

"Although dogs are pretty good at chewing on bones. 35

"But these bones must be broken into slag and then ground into ashes!

"Otherwise you will attack its soul body."

"Other than that, there is no other way to kill the Bone Spirit Race.

Ye An explained very seriously.


"It's a wolf, not a dog..."

Ye Wenqiu said speechlessly.

" doesn't matter, it's not all the same!

"Anyway, I suggest you go to other battlefields.

"You can't kill this kind of enemy at all.""

Ye An continued to propose.

Ye Wenqiu was speechless for a while.

If it wasn't for the other party to save her.

She wants to lose her temper now.

"Anyway, look at it..."

Ye An pulled out an iron knife.

Cut directly at the Bone Spirit Race.

"Serial flame knives!

Of course there is no such ability.

Didn't learn this martial art.

It was just a slogan that Ye An shouted at will.

The knife was also picked up just after passing the battlefield.


He attaches his fire ability to the knife.

The effect is very good.

Go down with a knife.

Break the opponent's skull directly.

Immediately afterwards, the fire was raging.

The skull was completely turned to ashes.



Although there is no skull.

But the big skeleton is not dead.

Even make a sound with your mind.

Attack Ye An.

"Magic flame!

Ye An continued to casually talk about a non-existent ability.

next moment.

A flaming cannonball flew out.

He slammed into the opponent's body heavily.

Immediately after the explosion!

The fiery flames quickly devoured all the broken bones.

"Not dead yet?"


Another fireball.

The opponent's body has not been reorganized yet.

It was completely wiped out by Ye An.

"Aren't you... an ability?

Ye Wenqiu blinked.

She suspected that she was wrong.

But Ye An's ability to release twice.

Exactly the same!

Why have to change the name?

"That's not the point..."

"The point is, the enemy isn't actually dead right now.

"Their souls can survive for a long time without their bodies.

"So their souls have to be captured.

"This can be completely wiped out!"

"Of course it can't be done."

"Solid body completely.""

"It's useless for the other party to have only his soul."5

"Wait until there is a new body, it will take a long time.

Ye An explained.

Ye Wenqiu nodded.

Then he saw Ye An stretch out his hand forward.

caught what.

But then waved his hand.

It seems that nothing happened.

"Anyway, the enemy is settled.""

"You, too, leave quickly. 39

"By the way, go back and learn more theoretical knowledge. 99

"Otherwise, if you go to the battlefield, you will easily suffer losses. 35

Ye An continued to remind.


Ye Wenqiu nodded.

Watching Ye An's leaving back.

She suddenly felt quite familiar again.

" can't be him!

"That person is not so rude!

"And he's much stronger than this man!"

Ye Wenqiu shook his head and said.

Then turn around and leave.

As Ye An said.

She also knew that she was no longer suitable for this place.

Although her rank is the lowest on the battlefield.

But elsewhere, it still works.

However, facing the Bone Spirit Race.

Her dog... ugh, the wolf spirit symbiote won't work.

"Speaking of which, why are there so few bone spirit races?

"Theoretically speaking, there should be quite a lot of its race.

Farewell to Ye Wenqiu.

Keep going all the way.

Watch the dwindling enemies on the battlefield.

Ye An couldn't help but wonder.

Although for humans.

The Bone Spirit Race is actually not worth mentioning.

But now the pressure of the human race mainly comes from other big races.

It will never kill a large number of Bone Spirit Race with heavy troops.

"Any other race?"


"After all, the king of that bone spirit clan fortress has left.

Ye An thought.

But there are few enemies for him.

Rather a good thing.

These bone dregs don't have much nutrition at all.

He can't reveal his other special abilities yet.

so as not to be identified.

But flames are common.

And it is very effective against the Bone Spirit Race.

So no one will doubt anything.

"Human... get out!"

Move on for a while.

Ye An suddenly saw a Bone Spirit Race running towards him.

But look at his hurried appearance.

Obviously not for Ye An.

but avoiding something.

"Sorry, don't go!"

Confront the enemy who is sent to your door.

Ye An had no reason to get out of the way.

He directly pulled out the big knife and slashed it.

The people of the Bone Spirit Race can only choose to dodge.

But Ye An immediately threw out a heavy flame bomb.


After a violent explosion.

The countless broken bones around him began to heal quickly.

"not bad."

"Good quality."

"It's not a big deal. 35

Look at this Bone Spirit Race.

Ye An not only praised.

"Human, you are courting death!

The Bone Spirit Race was also furious.

Attack Ye An directly.

But the attack is half way through.

Suddenly noticed something.

Immediately started running again.


"Stop for me!"

Ye An swung a knife again.

A fiery wall of flames quickly extended into the distance with the knife light.

"Humans of Damn it!

The people of the Bone Spirit Race saw this.

said angrily.

Just as he was about to turn his head and continue to attack Ye An.

next moment.

A black energy bomb struck.

It directly hit the body of the Bone Spirit Race.

Black flames were burning.

The bones of the Bone Spirit race quickly began to melt.

And Ye An can see it.

Its soul is also rapidly dissolving.

"Human? 99

at this time.

A nice, but a little weird sound rang out.

Ye An looked up.

Found to be a human-like female.

It's just that her skin is blue-black.

Eyes dark red.

There was an aura that didn't belong to the living.

"...The corpse!?"

Ye An thought for a while and said.

that's it.

The two observed each other for a while.

Nobody moved.

Finally, the girl from the corpse clan took the initiative and said:

"It turns out that living humans are like this!"9

"Although the body is good, I don't need a man's body.

Hear what the other person has to say.

Ye An was also confirmed.

This is the ghoul!

Just like the Bone Spirit Race.

The soul of the corpse is the body.

But they parasitize the flesh, not the bones.

To them, bones are not the most important thing.

It can even be replaced with other materials.

In this way, it seems that the Corpse Spirit Race and the Bone Spirit Race complement each other.

There is a corpse.

The Bone Spirit Race wants bones, and the Corpse Spirit Race wants flesh.

But in fact.

These are two incompatible races.

Specifically why.

Ye An doesn't know anymore.

Two different races anyway.

It is normal to have hatred for each other.

"By the way, why are you here, human. 35

"This is already the battlefield between my Corpse Spirit Race and Bone Spirit Race.

Seeing Ye An kept silent.

The corpse girl asked again.

"To deal with the Bone Spirit Race.

Ye An replied.

"Dealing with the Bone Spirit Race?"

"Oh, I remember."

"The Bone Spirit Race has also opened up a front.

"I got into a fight with you.

"So...human, I have a suggestion, do you want to listen?

"I think your ability is not bad, why don't we work together to kill the Bone Spirit Race?"5

"Don't worry, I'm a woman, and I won't covet your body.

"And we have no direct conflict with you humans."

"Would you like to think about it?"

The girl of the corpse clan invited and said.


Look at this corpse girl.

Although pretty.

But the thought of it being a corpse...

No, why am I more interested?

Ye An looked puzzled.

Looking at Ye An's silent appearance.

The other party thought Ye An was worried about something.

"Don't worry, my corpse spirits have no conflict with humans.

"I don't want to conflict with humans."

"And I can help you deal with the Bone Spirit Race. 35

"That's a good thing."

The corpse girl continued.

"It's not that I disagree. 35

"It's just that I have other tasks.

Ye An said.

"It has something to do with the Bone Spirit Race?"

The corpse girl asked curiously.


Ye An nodded.

"Convenient to reveal?"

The other party asked.

"I want to tear down the opponent's fortress.

"I heard that their king left the fortress.

"I was sent over to sneak in..."

Ye An said directly.

These two races have an inexorable hatred.

So he wasn't worried about being exposed at all.

"You have a way? 35

"By the way, I remembered that your human race has special items for dealing with fortresses. 99

"How about you take me with you?"

"We will overthrow their fortress together."

"You can go back to receive the reward, and I can also go back to receive the reward!

"And helping each other, the success rate is also higher!""

The corpse girl suddenly proposed.

Ye An thought about it and it was indeed a good proposal.

But he doesn't need to.


If you are alone, you can take her with you.

Not his own anyway.

If something goes wrong, you can't be held responsible like a scumbag...

"Yes, yes."

"But can you hide yourself?"

"If not, I'd better go alone."

Ye An deliberately pretended to be innocent and said.

"It's easy!"

"I have the special ability to temporarily hide my whereabouts. 39

"Even at the Grandmaster level, it's hard to find!

"Now the king of their fortress is fighting against the king of our corpse.

"So absolutely safe!""

The corpse girl said.

Ye An nodded: "Then let's go together.

"By the way, where is the fortress of the Bone Spirit Race, do you know? 99

"I only know it's nearby, but it's hard to find..."

Ye An continued to ask.

"Don't worry, just come with me!

The corpse girl nodded.

"You still trust me!"

"Or, you don't care about being attacked?"

Looking at the opponent's back defense, it was completely exposed.

Ye An suddenly muttered.

Although he did not have the idea of ​​attacking it.


Under the leadership of the corpse girl.

Ye An soon saw the fortress of the Bone Spirit Race.

This fortress is different from the fortresses of other races.

The entire fortress is made of countless bones.

The gray-white fortress also revealed an indescribable aura.

"This alive!"

Ye An glanced at the corpse girl.



"This is the most important fortress of the Bone Spirit Race, and it is the only fortress built with the bones of the strong.

"The last time, it is also a master-level skeleton!

"As long as it is destroyed, the Bone Spirit Race will definitely be severely damaged."

"It won't give you any trouble, and us!

The corpse girl said.


"I guess it shouldn't be my goal.

"My device is only useful for the fortress. 35

"This fortress is obviously the body of a huge bone spirit race.

"It doesn't work!"

Ye An complained.

Such a big fortress.

There's really nothing he can do.

Even if all the Qianlong Squad arrives.

Can't be removed at all.

Or change one...


He has a way!

Ye An suddenly thought of something.

own original ability.


Maybe it works!

"no way?

"Then let's change it."

Hear Ye An say that.

The corpse girl also sighed.

I thought humans were so powerful.

Should be able to deal with this fortress.

Unexpectedly, it won't work.

"No...there should be a way!""

"But it takes time to wait!

"wait for me a while."

Ye An said.

Then go into hiding.

Start diving into the past.

The corpse girl discovered Ye An and disappeared immediately.

Looking around for a long time.

I couldn't see Ye An's existence either.

"Humans are amazing!"

The corpse girl sighed.

This means of stealth.

Really invincible!

So she continued to wait for a while.

About an hour later.

Ye An turned back.


The corpse girl asked curiously.

But look at the fortress in the distance.

It seems that nothing has changed.

"Need to wait."

"Let's go to another fortress now!

Ye An said.

The corpse girl nodded.

Leave with Ye An.

"That's right. 35

"My name is Liliana, what's your name? 95

on the way.

The corpse girl suddenly turned her head.

Looking at Ye An and asking.

"Ye... Yanzu!""

"Ye Yanzu?"

"It's Yanzu...pronunciation problem.


Liliana nodded.

Then his eyes turned to the distance.

"Yanzu pay attention.

"There is an army of the Bone Spirit Race over there!"

Liliana said suddenly.

"Can you feel it?"

Ye An asked curiously.

"Well... our family has studied countless methods for the Bone Spirit Race."

"Sensing the position in advance is the most basic."

Liliana explained.

"I see.

Ye An nodded.

"However, those large armies are all bone spirit races from the lower regions."

"The highest level is just a grandmaster.

"With our strength, Lai said, it is enough to deal with.

"Do you want……"

The girl from the corpse clan was eager to try.


Ye An shook his head.

Liliana frowned slightly.

Obviously dissatisfied with Ye An's decision.

"I know you have a big hatred with the Bone Spirit Race.

"But . . . we're going to do something greater. 35

"Destroying their fortress is more important than killing a group of low-level bone spirits."5

"If you shoot now, your position will be exposed.

"They're on guard."

"Our mission will be difficult to succeed!"

Ye An explained.

"you're right!

Liliana heard Ye An's explanation.

Suddenly nodded.

You should restrain yourself.

Don't lose the big because of the small!

"This is it!"

"This time the fortress should be fine, right? 95'

Keep going all the way.

Liliana led Ye An to the second fortress.

Look at this ordinary fortress.

Ye An nodded immediately.


"Let's go right in!"

Ye An said.

Liliana can hear it.

Also showing an excited expression.

Directly hide the figure.

Prepare to sneak in.

"Why do I smell the death of the corpse?

"Brother, you are a bone not a dog. 99

"Although it uses dog bones, don't think of yourself as a dog...'

at the entrance.

The two skeleton guards talked.

Look at the closed door.

Liliana was also worried.

How does this get in?

"follow me!"

Just when Liliana didn't know what to do.

Suddenly he noticed that his wrist was being grabbed.

next moment.

Vision flickers.

When you look around again.

Already found himself in the fortress.

"Awesome, how did you do it? 99

Although I didn't see Ye An's existence.

But the girl of the corpse clan.


It must have been Ye An who brought her here.

"Stop talking.

"Come with me!"

Ye An tugged at the corner of the other party's shirt.

Although the corpse girl did not know the exact location of Ye An.

But I feel the direction of the east.

It is also to move forward cautiously in this direction immediately.

"The location is good."

"And there are no enemies around."

"It's set up here.


One person and one corpse came to an empty room.

Ye An sacrificed his body and said.

"Hurry up and take it out.

"I'm going to see what it is!"

The girl from the corpse clan also said expectantly.


Ye An took out the fortress bomb.

The huge size made the other party show a surprised expression.

"It's so big!

"I thought it would be small and secretive!

Liliana said unexpectedly.

"That's almost impossible!"

"So, infiltrate the enemy and place this kind of thing."

"It's a very dangerous thing.

"Because it's easy to be discovered."

"Of course it's okay to be discovered now."

"The entire fortress doesn't seem to have many enemies.

Ye An said.

"We have a direct battle over there. 99

"Of course not much!

Liliana explained.


"But want to destroy this fortress."5

"One is not enough!

"You're here looking at this.

"I'll place other devices!"

Ye An explained.

Then choose to leave after the time is up.

"I watch it myself?"

Liliana didn't expect this to be the case.

"Don't worry, it's okay to fight. 99

"This thing is not so easy to destroy.""

"Furthermore, you are not afraid of this fortress' top grandmaster!

Ye An explained.

Then he mercilessly chose to leave.


"Should I not be used?""

Look at the huge fortress bomb.

The corpse girl Liliana pondered for a long time.

Suddenly thought of something.

"Probably not..."

"If something happens to me, the corpse will go to war with humans.

"Although it can't beat humans

"But Daddy he..."

"No. 35

"Think about it.

"Although we are a small race.

"But humans can't afford to provoke us.

Liliana thought wildly.


at this time.

A familiar voice rang out.

Lilian 3.7 Na suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was not abandoned.

Ye An doesn't come again.

She started thinking about running away.


Ye An grabbed Liliana's body,

Directly teleported to a large distance outside the fortress.

And here.

He also happened to meet a Bone Spirit Race passing by.


Ye An hasn't started yet.

Liliana subconsciously threw a black fireball.

After the explosion.

Melt all the flesh directly.

turned into a puddle of black substance.

"The hatred is deep enough!"

Ye An sighed secretly.

He may also be watching the situation and thinking about making a move.

And Liliana...

Killed by instinct!

"All right."

"Watch the big fireworks next!"

Ye An said to Liliana.

Liliana nodded, confirming that the Bone Spirit clan could no longer die.

Looking at the fortress.

Immediately after.

the next moment.

The fortress suddenly burst into waves.

All the energy dissipated in an instant.

Although it doesn't seem to be the same as before.

But Liliana could feel that the fortress instantly became lifeless.

the next moment.

in a certain direction.

A white beam flashed by.

The fortress of the Bone Spirit.

It was still for a few seconds.

Then it started to collapse like crazy.

It finally collapsed to a certain extent.

A strong explosion erupted in an instant.

Everything turned to ashes and shards.

"What a powerful attack!"

"Even if the Bone Spirit Race has no protection."

"It will take several rounds for our corpse to completely destroy a fortress.

Liliana said in surprise.

And what about humans?

A white light flashed.

Destroyed a fort directly.


As three human races.

every aspect.

They completely crushed her small race.

"The standard fortress attack of the human race, one line of the sky!

"The energy is compressed to the extreme, the range is extremely long, and the power is extremely great!

"Attack a few more times, you can even shoot the king!"

Ye An explained with a smile.

"This is the first line of heaven..."

"I've heard of it, but never thought it would be like this!"

Liliana said in surprise.

"There are actually many other similar means."

"Like, Ashes!"

"This attack is like an ocean wave, turning everything into ashes wherever it passes!"5

"Even if it is a master-level existence, it is hard to escape!

"I have also seen the dragon cannon of the abyss demon."

"The attack method is similar to the attack you just did."5

"But the power is not the same as yours!

"Even stronger!

"But the range and speed are not as fast as one day."

"But that's still a super attack that can destroy a fortress in one go!"

Ye An talked eloquently.

The girl of the corpse clan.

Listen to Ye An tell stories.

Also a look of fascination.

"It feels so good to be human.""

"Not like our little race.

"It's only because you don't want to attack us. 39

"Otherwise we may be exterminated at any time.

Liliana couldn't help sighing.

"Humans aren't much better either.""

"Among the tribes.

"At least half of them are hostile to humans.

"Of course, there is no need to care if there are less than 100 people.

"More than a hundred, aside from the 99 races of human beings.

"More than seventy, not dealing with humans.

"And the two races of gods and demons also put pressure on humans.

"So humans are just looking at the huge amount of questions, and the situation they are facing is no better than yours.

Ye An thought for a while and explained.

"Forget it... it's useless to talk about these things.

"Let's leave now.

"The fortress here is destroyed."

"The enemy must have come back to check the situation.

Ye An said.

Liliana nodded.

Follow Ye An and leave quickly.

"Ye An, this mission is not for you to complete alone!

Just left not long ago.

Ye An received a letter from Luo Yu.

"It's alright, those who can do more work. 35

"I'll keep destroying the next one.

Ye An said indifferently.

"you really!"

"Anyway, you can come back safely.

Falling Rain thought about it.

Too lazy to say anything more.


She suddenly felt.

Your own Dragon Squad.

is not it.

About to become Ye An's backup force?

"That's fine."

"The rest of the province is risking their lives all day long."

"Anyway, he's not!"

Rain falls here.

said angrily.

"That's how he is."

"If you have the ability, you can carry it yourself. 99

"Of course... I think he dislikes us getting in the way.

At this time.

Wei Na smiled and said.

Luoyu saw Wei Na's smile.

Immediately no longer angry.

Although Wei Na seems to be complaining about Ye An.

But she always felt.

She was warning herself not to speak ill of Ye An!

"It's outrageous."

"I would be afraid of a platinum..."

Luo Yu murmured in his heart.

In terms of combat power.

In fact, she felt that she was not necessarily much weaker than Wei Na.

After all, she is also a genius.

Although unable to leapfrog to beat the king.

But in the same realm, he killed more than ten masters in seconds.

Still not too difficult.

Wei Na's performance was great.

But more needs Ye An's cooperation.

Otherwise, even if there are only fifty enemies.

She probably couldn't solve it either.

But even so.

She was just a little afraid of Wei Na...

"The reason for the aura?"

"But...I'm a battle-hardened veteran."5

"The aura can't be compared, a newcomer?

Rain is a little suspicious.

But speaking of atmosphere.

She really admires Wei Na.

The relationship with Ye An has never been confirmed.

But that belongs to the aura of the main palace.

It's really invincible!

Plus she comes with her own.

A mother-like temperament blessing.

It's exactly like the feeling of a princess in the palace.

"It is estimated that there are only such outrageous women."

"It's worthy, Ye An's outrageous man! 35

Luo Yu murmured in his heart.

at this time.

the other side.

Ye An led Liliana to the bone fortress again.


Look at the fortress.

Ye An said with a smile.

"You want to destroy this fortress?"

Liliana asked curiously.


"Just in a few days."

"This fortress is mine!"

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